
Ultra-generation all-round music hipster Xiaoyu Song Nianyu launched "Face", calling for caring for the earth

author:Warner Music China

"If this is the person you care about, are you willing to hurt him?" By Xiaoyu

The tighter the eyes are closed, the clearer you can see

We have nowhere to run away, and none of us are spared

The clean soil buried by the hands

have become

The desolation that your feet trampled on

Even a small thought

Will do my best

Revive this face

Ultra-generation all-round music hipster Xiaoyu Song Nianyu launched "Face", calling for caring for the earth

Following the end of 2019"Silent You", let the fans feast their ears, 2020 does not let the fans be lonely, especially on the eve of World Earth Day, Xiaoyu - Song Nianyu launched a new single "Face", in this common difficulty around the world, calling on everyone to care more about the beloved people around them, but also to care more about the beloved earth.

Super Generation All-Round Music Hipster Xiaoyu - Song Nianyu

2020 Heartache Single "Face"

Are you willing for him to continue to hurt for you?

This is known to all, but are they all selectively sideways, or simply pretend not to see? Maybe the power of one person cannot directly change the status quo, but if it is the person you care about, can you bear to turn a blind eye?

Living together on this earth, running with the earth together, no need to preach, no need to teach anyone how to do it, simply put forward ideas and questions, and look forward to causing the listener to think.

The angle conveyed by the song "Face" has a very clear idea in mind as early as when Xiaoyu was composing, facing the current natural environment, Xiaoyu proposed the concept of "anthropomorphism", trying to remind everyone of the way of treating the earth from another angle. In addition to maintaining the unique arrangement of electronic instruments, Xiaoyu blends American country rock and once again shows another level of Yu-style r&b. An electric guitar is used as a lead, and in the arrangement, animal sounds and flute sounds are added to create a sense of vastness in the song, instantly transforming time and space, as if seeing the most beautiful scenery of the earth through music. And Xiaoyu's singing voice is sometimes delicate, sometimes screaming, embracing the scars that are always not faced, and the heartache and urgent emotions continue to spread with the music.

Ultra-generation all-round music hipster Xiaoyu Song Nianyu launched "Face", calling for caring for the earth

After "SilentLy Remembering You", the lyrics once again collaborated with the well-known lyricist Wu Yiwei, who cleverly compared the earth to a beautiful face, and the destruction on the earth today is like a wounded face. Let "Face" not only be a classic U-style r&b, but also deepen the close integration of the song and the lyrics.

Ultra-generation all-round music hipster Xiaoyu Song Nianyu launched "Face", calling for caring for the earth

The mv of "Face" cooperated with Hu Ruicai, a director who is good at conveying ideas through pictures, to continue the visual technique of "anthropomorphism", to execute the concept more realistically, and to deepen the idea that the song wants to convey. In the story, the little girl is used as a symbol of the earth, and the cute face of the little girl is used and the clear eyes are used to contrast the heart-wrenching damage and dirtiness after the destruction. Xiaoyu in the mv represents an observer and human beings, who has been and is facing the face of the earth, and looks forward to letting the audience face the current situation of constant escape with the empathy of Xiao Yu in the picture, and arouse everyone's heart to love the environment. This mv also cooperates with discovery in particular, with the same concept of protecting the earth, providing the environmental materials used in the mv, and through the director's perspective and narrative method, not only enrich the texture of the work, but also make the concept of the work more complete.