
Han Seok-gyu Kim Lai-won starred in "Prison" Before the Release Of Fire The copyright has been sold to 62 countries around the world

author:Interface News

On March 13, according to the film distribution company showbox, at the Berlin International Film Festival held from February 9 to 17, "Prison" has sold the copyright to 62 countries and regions around the world, including North America, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

The crime action film "Prison" tells the story of inmates who cross the prison every night and return to prison after going out to commit crimes. The film was directed by director Luo Xian, who wrote the screenplay for Mokpo Port (2004) and Gorgeous Holiday (2007).

Showbox personnel said, "The film has received high praise for its action theme and the unique setting of perfect crime in prison, and is currently concerned in Europe, Asia, south America and so on." The Upcoming Hong Kong Film Festival on the 13th and 16th will also have good news. ”

Prison was also officially invited to participate in the competition sections of the 35th Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (April 4-16) and the 19th Udianis Far Eastern International Film Festival (April 21-29) held in April.

The Brussels International Fantasy Film Festival commented on Prison, "The film seems to compress the entire episode of the American TV series 'Prison Break' together, and it is a realistic crime action film." ”

The film will be released in South Korea on the 23rd and in North America on the 31st.

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