
Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

author:Stroll through Chongqing

There are many delicacies in Chongqing, spicy chicken, spring water chicken, spicy chicken, boiled fish, spicy fish... Today we are going to talk about a few fish in Chongqing, let's see which fish is your favorite...

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Chongqing people have a long history of eating fish, the taste is mostly spicy, but in the practice of hundreds of flowers: frying, roasting, boiling, stir-frying... Revealing the wisdom of the Ba people, coupled with the unique local spices, the fresh and fat fish is created into a variety of delicacies in the bold and unexpected imagination of the chefs.

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

1. Qijiang North Crossing Fish

Qijiang Beidu fish is a major specialty of the Qijiang River and even Chongqing, and many people go to taste its unique taste because of its unique method...

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Qijiang North Crossing Fish, the live fish quick knife nails and scales down into the pot of boiling water, the pot sprinkled with pepper, a large scoop with peppercorns, and garlic and some unique spices, burn the earth stove, with a coarse bowl, beat a few rolling pots and pour boiling oil, large pots of fish, spicy and fragrant.

2. Crucian carp in the Dazu Post Pavilion

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Although dazu jun carp is not as famous as the Qijiang Beidu fish, it is also a very famous dish in the local area...

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Dazu Stamp Pavilion crucian carp is spicy and tender, supplemented by small spices. The crispy aroma of peanuts, squeezed vegetables, and the aroma of shallots burst out of the mouth, and the taste is superb.

3. Bishan to anchovies

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Bishan Lai anchovy is the originator of chongqing's "jianghu cuisine" in recent years, the color of the dish is bright red, the taste is strong and tender, salty and spicy, and the aftertaste is long after eating.

4. Fuling Wujiang fish

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Fuling Wujiang fish, smooth skin and sticky flesh, no fish scales, a main bone throughout the body, no small spines, the head and tail taste more delicious.

5. Boiled fish in Yubei

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Yubei boiled fish select fresh and fierce live fish, and give full play to the cold of pepper, qi and blood nourishment effect, cooked meat will not become tough at all, the taste is smooth and tender, oily but not greasy.

6. Liang Ping'an Anyu

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Liang Ping'an Fish is quite popular in the local area! Fish to eat, smooth, tender, absolutely comfortable, eat once and want to a second time!

7. Tongnan Tai'an fish

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Tongnan Tai'an fish is commonly known as lump fish, and everyone often eats "boiled fish", "Tai'an fish" is not spicy, but the taste is more layered, every time you chew, there is a different taste, cream tender and smooth, endless aftertaste.

8. Longevity Lake tamale fish

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Longevity Lake tamales are delicate, rich in fat, fat and tender, delicious, all kinds of beautiful, steamed with rice flour, so that the original taste is maintained.

9. Yongchuan over the water fish

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Yongchuan water fish, with freshness, tenderness and aroma as the main characteristics, the strong fish aroma is a bit of Thai cuisine flavor in it. The two aromas of celery granules and fish leaves collide with each other to create a strong spark of taste, and the taste cells on the tongue are instantly ignited.

10. Beibei Sanxikou tofu fish

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Beibei Sanxikou tofu fish, the delicate flesh of the fish and the smoothness of the tofu complement each other. The intense flavor stimulates your taste buds while allowing the delicacy to slide into your stomach.

11. Wanzhou grilled fish

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Chongqing Wanzhou grilled fish is a local traditional dish, with a strong aroma, red soup, spicy but not dry, crispy skin, tender meat and other characteristics, the unique caramel flavor and rich flavor of the material and become a major local feature.

12. Wushan paper wrapped fish

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Another fish to be said is the Wushan paper wrapped fish, there are garlic flavor, there are spicy, unique ingredients make Wushan paper wrapped fish become more and more popular fish.

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

13. Wulong estuary fish

From the material to the ingredients and methods, the taste and taste of Wulong Jiangkou fish are completely different from other places, and its flavor types are diverse, including spicy, sour soup, pickled pepper, tomato and so on.

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Jiangkou fish is a wild fish caught in the Wujiang River, so that the fish can make a delicate and tender flesh, and the soup has a delicious texture.

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

14. Ezu sauerkraut fish

Sauerkraut fish is a classic Sichuan dish originating from the mountain city of Chongqing, known for its unique seasoning and unique cooking techniques, and is also called "sour soup fish" everywhere.

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

It is mainly made of fresh grass carp and cooked with kimchi, which is sour and spicy. Sauerkraut fish was popular in the 1990s and was one of the pioneers of Chongqing's jianghu cuisine.

Chongqing's 12 most famous fish, which one do you like the most?

Have you ever eaten all of the above fish? What delicious fish do you think there are in Chongqing, welcome to leave a message