
Eating grapefruit causes hypotension to risk death? Although yuzu is healthy, don't do it when you eat it

author:Doctors say health

In late autumn and early winter, the most representative fruit is grapefruit.

There are many varieties of grapefruit, common ones are Zhenxi grapefruit, Shatian grapefruit, three red grapefruit, golden grapefruit and so on, which is dazzling to see.

However, in recent years, there is also a new variety of grapefruit --- grapefruit, which has become a pursuit of urban young people, this grapefruit and orange natural hybrid background, both grapefruit and orange characteristics.

However, the bitter taste of grapefruit is more obvious, so it may be difficult to accept the taste of grapefruit when you are used to eating native grapefruit, of course, if you want to feel some "exotic style", you can occasionally try it.

However, if you eat it with medication, something may happen!

Eating grapefruit causes hypotension to risk death? Although yuzu is healthy, don't do it when you eat it

The woman ate grapefruit, which resulted in low blood pressure and almost died

Ms. Wang, 60, of Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, has always had low blood pressure and needs medication to control it. However, just a few days ago, Ms. Wang ate two grapefruits that had just been bought from the market, which caused hypotension shock and almost died.

The family rushed Ms. Wang to the hospital for medical treatment, and after rescue, she smoothly turned the crisis into safety.

Eat a grapefruit in a good manner, why is there an accident?

Grapefruit, also known as grapefruit, itself has no effect on blood pressure, but grapefruit has an ingredient called furancoumarin, which will interact with some antihypertensive drugs, resulting in an increase in the concentration of the drug in the body and an enhanced efficacy.

Therefore, Ms. Wang herself took antihypertensive drugs, and then ate grapefruit, resulting in antihypertensive drugs entering the bloodstream in 2 to 10 times the amount, which is equivalent to excessive use of drugs, which triggered this thrill.

Eating grapefruit causes hypotension to risk death? Although yuzu is healthy, don't do it when you eat it

According to current studies, there are more than 85 kinds of drugs that interact with grapefruit, of which 43 also produce serious side effects, such as atorvastatin, felodipine, amiodarone, etc., as well as some anti-tumor drugs.

Therefore, do not eat with grapefruit or foods containing grapefruit ingredients during the medication, if you want to eat grapefruit, it is recommended to eat it 72 hours after taking the medicine.

Eating grapefruit causes hypotension to risk death? Although yuzu is healthy, don't do it when you eat it

Different antihypertensive drugs, the time of taking is also different

It is understood that there are mainly 6 kinds of antihypertensive drugs sold on the market today, including diuretics and a receptor blockers, etc., and the time of taking different drugs will be different.

Take a receptor blocker as an example, since this drug may cause problems with low blood pressure during the process of taking it, it is best for patients to schedule the medication before going to bed.

However, if the patient usually takes a diuretic, then try not to use it before going to bed, so as not to have too much urine at night and affect normal sleep.

In addition, drugs such as vascular inhibitors are best arranged to be used half an hour before meals or on an empty stomach, after all, such drugs are easily affected by food, thereby reducing the efficacy of the drug.

Eating grapefruit causes hypotension to risk death? Although yuzu is healthy, don't do it when you eat it

Different antihypertensive drugs, the specific time of efficacy is also different

According to the different efficacy, the current mainstream antihypertensive drugs can be divided into short-acting, medium-acting and long-acting three main types. Different antihypertensive drugs, the specific efficacy time is different, so the optimal time to take the drug also has certain differences.

1. Short-acting antihypertensive drugs

Short-acting antihypertensive drugs have a relatively fast onset of action, with a duration of about 5-8 hours, so they are often used as emergency drugs.

This type of antihypertensive drug, most patients should take it three times a day, so as to effectively maintain the stability of blood pressure. Specifically, the best time of the day can be arranged at 6 o'clock, 12 o'clock and 17 o'clock.

Eating grapefruit causes hypotension to risk death? Although yuzu is healthy, don't do it when you eat it

2. Medium-acting antihypertensive drugs

Moderate-acting antihypertensive drugs usually take effect within 6 hours and are maintained in the body for 10-12 hours, so it is best for patients to take them twice a day, and the specific time can be arranged in the morning as well as in the evening.

3. Long-acting antihypertensive drugs

As for long-acting antihypertensive drugs, they can maintain blood pressure for a day with one dose, so patients only need to take it at 6-7 o'clock in the morning.

Eating grapefruit causes hypotension to risk death? Although yuzu is healthy, don't do it when you eat it

The choice of drug is not the more expensive the better

For clinical antihypertensive drugs, they can be divided into 5 categories: calcium channel blockers (ccb), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (acei), angiotensin receptor antagonists (arb), diuretics, and receptor blockers.

These antihypertensive drugs have their own advantages, and there is no advantage or disadvantage, so for patients, they can lower blood pressure to the normal range, and there are no obvious side effects for long-term use, then for patients, this drug is a good drug.

Therefore, I would like to advise all friends not to think that "if you use a good medicine at the beginning, you will not have any medicine to use later."

This logic is fundamentally nonsense, if you really do not choose the most appropriate drug at the beginning, resulting in aggravation of the disease, myocardial infarction, kidney failure and other consequences and then use good medicine?

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