
There are 3 major diseases that commonly cause bee belly disease, the necessary skills for the treatment of bee diarrhea I, the relationship between bee belly disease and bee diarrhea II, the reasons for bee crawling bees are three, the characteristics of the bacteria are four, the strong honey foot prevention of the disease five, the late spring in cold areas six, timely promotion of bee excretion seven, the cultivation of high-quality queen bee eight, the treatment of bee diarrhea

author:Bee tribe

Introduction: Many netizens often ask a question on the Internet, that is, how to treat my bees with rotten disease? In fact, strictly speaking, there are many bee diseases that can cause bee rot disease, which is why many experienced beekeepers are difficult to give a reply to this problem. Similar to this, there is also a bee diarrhea, which is also the favorite question asked by many friends, that is, what to do with bee diarrhea? It can be said that there are many reasons for bee diarrhea, let's first look at what bee disease can cause bee diarrhea.

There are 3 major diseases that commonly cause bee belly disease, the necessary skills for the treatment of bee diarrhea I, the relationship between bee belly disease and bee diarrhea II, the reasons for bee crawling bees are three, the characteristics of the bacteria are four, the strong honey foot prevention of the disease five, the late spring in cold areas six, timely promotion of bee excretion seven, the cultivation of high-quality queen bee eight, the treatment of bee diarrhea

In the process of beekeeping we often hear about bee belly disease, in fact, many bee belly disease is often closely related to bee diarrhea, it can be said that almost all bee belly disease has bee diarrhea phenomenon, but the causes of bee belly disease are diverse, of which the bee caused by bee belly disease is more than the bee, the disease phenomenon is also more serious than the bee, but generally caused by germs or environmental triggers, common are the following three.

First: bee microsporidiosis

Bees with microsporidium disease generally show that the bee abdomen becomes larger, darker in color, slower in movement, and dies at the door of the hive.

Second: chronic paralysis of bees

Bees infected with the chronic paralytic virus of bees tend to have larger abdomen, slower movements and trembling, and finally their feet are extended, their wings are spread out, and they are paralyzed and die.

There are 3 major diseases that commonly cause bee belly disease, the necessary skills for the treatment of bee diarrhea I, the relationship between bee belly disease and bee diarrhea II, the reasons for bee crawling bees are three, the characteristics of the bacteria are four, the strong honey foot prevention of the disease five, the late spring in cold areas six, timely promotion of bee excretion seven, the cultivation of high-quality queen bee eight, the treatment of bee diarrhea

Third: bee snail disease

The diseased worker bee of the bee snail protoplasma appears to have spread its wings, want to fly but cannot fly, and finally die in groups of three or five in low-lying areas of the bee farm. On the whole, as long as the bee belly disease is found, there will be changes in the bee's midgut or hindgut, causing diarrhea, and the most obvious from the performance of bees is the phenomenon of crawling bees.

In general, when bees appear reptile bee disease, most of them are one of the above three diseases or appear at the same time, and the cause is often related to the long-term continuous rain causing the hive to bee inside the humidity, bee pollen mildew and feeding too bright and thin syrup, worker bees collect contaminated water sources, etc., so the treatment of bee crawling disease is often from two aspects, one is from sterilization, the other is to improve the environment.

For germs, most of the bacteria have the characteristics of strong resistance to the environment, such as the bad environment in the stinky ditch, but the bacteria can survive, so the bacteria often have a long incubation period, and it is difficult to kill, generally even if it is cured in the case of suitable conditions, it will recur, so for us to start the spring when we must do a good job of disinfection of the site, beehive and bee tool, as far as possible to control the onset of bees.

There are 3 major diseases that commonly cause bee belly disease, the necessary skills for the treatment of bee diarrhea I, the relationship between bee belly disease and bee diarrhea II, the reasons for bee crawling bees are three, the characteristics of the bacteria are four, the strong honey foot prevention of the disease five, the late spring in cold areas six, timely promotion of bee excretion seven, the cultivation of high-quality queen bee eight, the treatment of bee diarrhea

For beekeeping, it is generally advocated to raise strong groups, which makes some sense, and it is a fact that strong swarms develop rapidly, and it is also a fact that strong swarms have strong resistance to germs. Another condition for ensuring a strong flock is adequate feed, so in the long-term rainy season, not only should the bee colony be fed rewarded, but also should be fed high-quality honey, rather than simply replaced with syrup. The reason is simple, high-quality honey is highly nutritious and can reduce the accumulation of feces in bees.

In order to be able to seize the source of spring honey, some friends often promote the spawning of queen bees by rewarding breeding in large quantities before the opening of spring, which is feasible in the eyes of the bee tribe, but if the local area is in a low temperature stage for a long time, that is, in the case of a relatively long winter, early spring reproduction is not recommended. Because the temperature is not yet constant, it is easy to cause a large number of bees to fly in the air, and it is also easy to cause reptile bee disease.

There are 3 major diseases that commonly cause bee belly disease, the necessary skills for the treatment of bee diarrhea I, the relationship between bee belly disease and bee diarrhea II, the reasons for bee crawling bees are three, the characteristics of the bacteria are four, the strong honey foot prevention of the disease five, the late spring in cold areas six, timely promotion of bee excretion seven, the cultivation of high-quality queen bee eight, the treatment of bee diarrhea

We all know that healthy bees will not be excreted in the hive, so in the long-term bad weather, if you encounter good weather, you can open the hive, due to the high external temperature, you can increase the temperature inside the hive, reduce the bee's regulatory burden on the temperature in the nest, and then promote bee excretion, to avoid the occurrence of bee crawling bee disease.

No matter what kind of cause of bee diarrhea, a high-quality queen often has a strong resistance to many diseases, and we can continue to use strong resistance swarms to cultivate queen bees in actual breeding, thereby improving the possibility of bees becoming ill.

There are 3 major diseases that commonly cause bee belly disease, the necessary skills for the treatment of bee diarrhea I, the relationship between bee belly disease and bee diarrhea II, the reasons for bee crawling bees are three, the characteristics of the bacteria are four, the strong honey foot prevention of the disease five, the late spring in cold areas six, timely promotion of bee excretion seven, the cultivation of high-quality queen bee eight, the treatment of bee diarrhea

Regarding the treatment of bee diarrhea, in fact, the above several diseases caused by the treatment of bee diarrhea have certain similarities, but there are also differences, mainly these diseases that cause bee diarrhea are often fungal diseases, viral diseases, bacterial diseases may cause bee diarrhea, so in the view of the bee tribe, the treatment of bee diarrhea, or should find the cause, and then targeted treatment, at the same time should pay attention to the use of drugs, try to use pollution-free drugs, Adding a small amount of citric acid to the bees' feed during the spring breeding time has a certain effect on preventing bee diarrhea, and at the same time, bee nutrition should be supplemented to improve the disease resistance of bees.

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