
Exclusive Curatorial (Issue 6): Marzan Brooks, the CBA role model in one's heart

author:Sports critic Lu Jun
Exclusive Curatorial (Issue 6): Marzan Brooks, the CBA role model in one's heart


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Exclusive Curatorial (Issue 6): Marzan Brooks, the CBA role model in one's heart

Although there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand hearts, Lu Jun wants to talk about what kind of CBA role model he has set so far in his mind about this season:

》Exclusive Planner:

A CBA role model in one's heart

○ Wen / Lu Jun

As the 6th issue, this time we will continue to share with you the players of Lu Jun's role model, welcome to the wisdom of each other!

Exclusive Curatorial (Issue 6): Marzan Brooks, the CBA role model in one's heart

Winner: Marzan Brooks

Honored: CBA Role Model Player

Award Reasons:

Marzanne Brooks, when the editor listed you as a role model, it was unfortunate that the season that belonged to you was reimbursed because of the rupture of the Achilles tendon, which really made too many fans who love you sigh! But we all know that you're the CBA's best foreign aid this season, not one of them. You not only have a good professionalism, but also a detached team spirit, as well as a tough and flowing style... More importantly, you have a heart of a champion, a heart that wants to build a dynasty for Guangdong through your own efforts to achieve three consecutive championships, a heart to crown the king for your CBA career... To this end, we have seen you as a "sweeping monk", you who have taken the initiative to propose a salary cut, you who have given "special training" to local players, and you who have constantly "challenged" Liaoning... In particular, as soon as you have finished your Achilles tendon surgery, the first thing you wake up after anesthesia is, "Who won the game between Xinjiang and Liaoning?" At this time, who else is not moved by you? Thank you, Marzan Brooks! Clear-eyed people understand, in fact, you have been playing in the regular season, your goal is aimed at the stage of the finals, and the combat strength you have blessed for Guangdong is known to everyone! It's a pity that injuries can once again be wrong in God's will, but that doesn't stop you from being a role model for the CBA!

Exclusive Curatorial (Issue 6): Marzan Brooks, the CBA role model in one's heart

Awards Speech:

Marzanne Brooks, we all know, what you want – CBA championship, FMVP, right? And you want to play it all out with your own strength through battle, right? Unfortunately, at your most brilliant time, the injury once again mercilessly "arrived as scheduled", making you a tragic firework again, how cruel, this may be "life"... Yes, you don't want to see Weems dangling in front of your eyes with an fmvp trophy, you hate and envy the way he gets to be; yes, you "fight" for the challenge, for which you join Guangdong, you "challenge" Liaoning, you use toughness and elegance to make any opponent remember your name... Yes, when you drop the basketball and jump straight to the locker room on one foot, there is something in your heart that shatters like glass in an instant, it must be so, at that moment! Hopefully, this is just a runaway joke between God and you again, not your ultimate "fate" in basketball, or the "ending" that fans see about you. Anyway, Marzan Brooks, one of the "honors" that belongs to you this season has arrived first, congratulations on not living up to the reputation of the CBA "Little Kobe", and perhaps, for the fans who love you, it is enough!

Exclusive Curatorial (Issue 6): Marzan Brooks, the CBA role model in one's heart

" Write poems for you:


You like to nibble your fingers

No one knows

The secret to this

If I guessed correctly

This is where you want to hold on to "destiny"

of the throat

Can't let that one go again

Engraved with "Sanskrit"

The ring slipped away

And when your Achilles tendon breaks

Throw the basketball helplessly to the opponent

At this moment, like a warrior

He threw away the gun in his hand

Tragic and unprepared

But it's just fate, just

A manuscript to be rewritten

Come on, Marzan Brooks

This is not the end

Exclusive Curatorial (Issue 6): Marzan Brooks, the CBA role model in one's heart

Warm tips: This plan will launch model clubs, general managers, head coaches, players, referees, etc. in stages, welcome to recommend their own CBA role models in the message area, dug deep by Lu Jun, you know the drops! Come, let's do something for our CBA together, promote positive energy, and let the sun illuminate those shaded places as much as possible... We must be convinced that the power of example is infinite!

Exclusive Curatorial (Issue 6): Marzan Brooks, the CBA role model in one's heart
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