
The world is beautiful, it's just that you lack discovery

author:The little emotions of the little people
The world is beautiful, it's just that you lack discovery

The world is beautiful, everywhere can be enchanted by the beauty of the soul, open your heart, watch with your heart, beauty is everywhere.

For example, the morning dew, a drop of condensation on the turquoise blade of grass, like a pearl, but also like a drop of tears, it seems to be the night does not want to leave this beautiful world of tears.

For example, the morning glow, as the sun rises, slowly sprinkles all over the earth, bright but not hot, warm and full of tenderness.

Like a breeze, it quietly flows around the world, caressing the earth like a stream of water, bringing the seeds of hope to the distant fields.

For example, trees, one by one, stand tall on the earth, silently creating the needs for the world to survive.

For example, the noonday sun is enthusiastic and unrestrained, and it sprinkles light and heat to the world without scruples.

For example, the sunset, although dim and dull, has a gentle beauty at the end of the bustling curtain.

The world is beautiful, it's just that you lack discovery

For example, the cleaner, who gets up early every day to clean up the garbage everywhere in the city, let you get up and see a clean and tidy environment, and the good mood of the day is born.

For example, busy office workers, nine to five, create all the wealth for this society without complaint.

For example, the teacher, in the chalk powder in the sky, wields youth and vitality, with a small flower of the motherland blooming.

For example, farmers, regardless of the cold and heat, plant and harvest pieces of food on fertile land.

For example, traffic police, even if it rains heavily, still stands in the wind and rain, just for the smooth and safe traffic.

The world is beautiful, it's just that you lack discovery

For example, the leaders, for the sake of the stability of the country and the happiness of the people, have spared no effort to withstand the pressure and danger from the outside world for the people at the forefront of the silent war.

For example, public servants, for the sake of the long-term stability of society and the stability of the people's lives, bow down to the best of their ability and give full play to their abilities.

For example, soldiers, wherever there are difficulties, there are them, charging in the front line of danger, whether it is to defend the country, or to fight floods and disaster relief, the people's children and soldiers, the turbulent water, the hot fire, the battlefield full of gun smoke, everywhere is their figure.

For example, volunteers, under the scorching sun, in the cold wind, in the face of disasters, although they came voluntarily, they were not afraid of death, how much time they bought for the country, and how many difficulties were eliminated.

The world is beautiful, it's just that you lack discovery

For example, you and I, although we are a negligible part of this world, we are also working hard, struggling, and doing our part for the country, for the society, and for the family.

In this land full of enthusiasm, every person, every place, every grain of sand, every handful of soil, every drop of water, is a magnificent picture, is a beauty that can shock people's hearts.

Can you find out?

Small emotions of small people are originally produced

Welcome to light up and start your wonderful encounter!

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