
The Ambassador to Burundi met with President Bu's wife, Anjie Lina

author:Direct access to Africa
The Ambassador to Burundi met with President Bu's wife, Anjie Lina
The Ambassador to Burundi met with President Bu's wife, Anjie Lina

On November 4, Ambassador to Burundi Zhao Jiangping met with President Bu's wife, Anjie Lina, and the two sides exchanged views on project cooperation under the framework of "Burundi opdad".

Ms. Anjie Lina said that she sincerely thanked the Chinese side for its strong support to the Burundian side in the field of medical and health care. "Unity is strength", China has supported the "Burundi opdad" organization to carry out anti-malaria and AIDS actions for many years, as well as supported the Burundian side in fighting the new crown pneumonia epidemic, interpreting the deep friendship and sincere solidarity between Burundi and China with practical actions, and making important contributions to the cause of public health in Burundi and the health and well-being of the people in Burundi.

Ambassador Zhao Jiangping said that deepening cooperation in health and health action between China and Burundi is an important aspect of implementing the outcomes of the "Eight Actions" of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. China is pleased to see that in recent years, under the leadership of the President's wife, "Burundi opdad" has achieved positive results in malaria prevention and control, AIDS prevention and control, and improvement of children's nutritional status. China is willing to support The Burundian efforts to realize the "Framework for Accelerating the Elimination of AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Africa by 2030" plan and jointly build a community of human health. (Source: Embassy in Burundi)

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