
Star Trek protagonist Nimoy died due to COPD

author:39 HealthNet

According to foreign media reports, Leonard Nimoy, a famous actor who played the first mate of the "Star Trek" series Spock, died at his home in Los Angeles on Friday morning us time at the age of 83 due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. His wife, Susan Beni Moy, confirmed the news to The New York Times.

The old Star Trek series premiered on September 8, 1966, when Nimoy quickly became a new icon in American science fiction, making live long and prosper and Vulcan gestures a universal language. There is no doubt that spock he portrayed is one of the greatest sci-fi characters in human history. In addition to playing Spock, Nimoy has also made achievements in stage plays, writing, and is also an excellent photographer.

COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the world

What is COPD? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is often referred to as chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and the main symptoms are prolonged cough, sputum production and shortness of breath. It is progressive and irreversible. Each episode impairs lung function, which over time will evolve into pulmonary heart disease, which may eventually affect all systems of the body.

Why did COPD take Leonard Nimoy's life? Not surprisingly. According to the World Health Organization, COPD has become the world's fourth most common cause of death, and may rise to the world's third largest cause of death by 2020. It is reported that the total number of COPD patients in China is as high as 43 million people, mainly smoking men over 40 years old, and the prevalence of COPD is 8.2% in people over 40 years old. World COPD Day is established annually to enhance understanding of COPD and to enhance the prevention and management of the disease among patients and the general public.

Patients with COPD remember that standardized treatment is paramount

In the early stage of COPD, symptoms such as cough and sputum are not obvious, and many patients have moderate and severe impairment of lung function when the diagnosis is confirmed. Experts suggest that four groups of people should check lung function regularly: one is long-term smokers; the other is those with chronic cough, sputum cough, wheezing symptoms; the third is often exposed to polluting gases and dust; and the fourth is patients who have been diagnosed with chronic respiratory diseases.

COPD patients must adhere to treatment, control is health. China's "COPD Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines" divide the condition of COPD patients into two stages: acute exacerbation and stability. Patients in the acute exacerbation period have more coughs, sputum cough, and dyspnea is aggravated, at this time, patients should go to the hospital or hospital in time. Doctors will do comprehensive treatment according to the patient's specific situation, such as bronchodilators or glucocorticoids, antibiotics, oxygen, etc. When the condition is controlled and the patient's condition tends to be stable in all aspects, the patient who immediately enters the stable stage of the disease cannot stop treatment on his own, and the condition is likely to be acute again and have to be admitted to the hospital again.

The first priority in preventing COPD is to quit smoking

COPD is divided into "stable phase" and "acute exacerbation phase". In addition to the inhalation treatment standardized by Western medicine, health education management, exercise therapy, traditional Chinese medicine conditioning and other methods are very effective. For example, during the winter season, patients with stable COPD can undergo cream treatment; in terms of exercise, patients who are not suitable for strenuous exercise, respiratory exercises are the most suitable exercises for them, doing abdominal breathing, 2 times a day in the morning and evening, 10 minutes each time.

There is currently no way to reverse and cure COPD. Prevention and effective alleviation are particularly important. Quitting smoking is the first step, from the perspective of admission, more than 90% of COPD patients are smokers, and the larger the amount of smoking, the longer the smoking age, the earlier the age of smoking, the higher the risk of COPD. According to statistics, the prevalence of COPD in the smoking population is 19.3%, and 25% of heavy smokers will eventually develop COPD. The prevalence of COPD was 75.3% of those who smoked more than 40 cigarettes per day. In addition, exposure to occupational dust and compounds, indoor oil smoke, indoor air pollution, outdoor air pollution, passive smoking of second-hand smoke, third-hand smoke, respiratory tract infections in early childhood, etc. can also lead to COPD.

Although smoking can be cool, it brings certain hidden dangers to respiratory health. Patients with COPD should pay special attention to smoking cessation to avoid the gradual aggravation of COPD and even death.

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