
What is the truth? Why have so many people in history resented the rejection of Jews?

author:Yu Vano said
What is the truth? Why have so many people in history resented the rejection of Jews?

Text/Yu fanno

There is a problem that has attracted the attention and contemplation of many people around the world to this day.

That is, why have so many people in history resented exclusion, discriminated against and hated Jews?

There are even scholars who have created a term specifically to describe it, that is, "anti-Semitism".

In fact, since the fall of the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judea, the states established by the Israelites themselves, the Jews have been expelled from Jerusalem and throughout Palestine and exiled throughout the world. For more than two thousand years, Jews have been discriminated against, isolated, and persecuted by almost the entire European society, and wave after wave of anti-Semitism has occurred in different countries in Europe, and even one great expulsion and massacre after another.

There have even been anti-Semitics who have openly advocated that Jews should be completely exterminated, sending their women to brothels and selling their children to the British in the West Indies as slaves. This is by no means alarmist, because the worst targeting of Jews in history is not far from now, and more than 6 million Jews have died in this genocidal massacre.


First and foremost, the most important are religious reasons.

Jews migrated from Egypt to Palestine at the end of the 13th century BC and founded Judaism. Christianity was separated from Judaism, and Jesus himself was a Jew. Later Christian churches began to curse Jews and Judaism for the needs of The expansion of Christianity in order to bring out the greatness of Christianity. That's what they did.

First, the Church recounts in the newly written Bible, the New Testament, that jewish elders conspired with The Roman governor Pilate to kill Jesus. The Jewish elders bought jesus' disciple Judas with 30 silver coins, captured Jesus with the help of the traitor Judas (the Jews were descendants of Judas), and crucified Jesus;

The church then accused the Jews of being driven by demons to hate God in the Four Gospels of the New Testament, namely Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Jews who killed the prophet without repentance should be punished as God's chosen people.

As Christianity spread and expanded, the words and ideas of the New Testament became a value concept implanted in the minds of Christians. The Jews, forever burdened with the murder of the Son of God (Jesus) and complicity with the devil, became a "naturally sinful" people, a people with original sin. This has also become the oldest source of "anti-Semitism", the so-called Sin of the Jews. This crime consists of two main circumstances:

One was Judas' betrayal of Jesus Christ.

One is the judgment that crucifies Jesus Christ.

The former was the sin of Judah personally, while the latter was the sin of the Jewish nation as a whole.

So far, generations of believers have used the Bible as a basis for judging the Jewish people as historical facts, and "the Jews are the murderers of Jesus" has not only become a religious pretext for depriving Jews of their rights. It has also become a cursed demon in the Bible.

In Christendom, "Jews" are gradually equated with "evil", symbols of "evil", they are considered to have a foul smell, blasphemy against the Eucharist, kill the innocent, are unproductive parasites, are the embodiment of evil, the moths of Christian society, and so on, and everyone can get it.

What is the truth? Why have so many people in history resented the rejection of Jews?

Reason two: the transfer of contradictions between secular regimes

Even as Jews were being regarded as religious heretics by the people of Christendom, the Jews became the economic cash cows and political scapegoats of secular regimes.

In many countries, as soon as there is a problem with governance, social contradictions are prominent, or when they encounter any difficulties, threats, or incomprehensible phenomena, the people in power immediately grab the Jews and hang them, at this time, the Jews become their universal plaster for healing all kinds of problems, and for a long time, they have successfully diverted the attention of society and tried again and again.

Reason three: literary scholars, thinkers, and religious reformers

Early church priests such as Gregory of Nyssa or St. In the works of John Chrysostom and others, the Jews are already depicted as the embodiment of Satan.

In fact, more Christian writers are spreading and spreading such rumors, describing the connection of Jews to the devil, the embodiment of the devil.

One consequence of these works is that Christians project their fears and hatreds onto the Jews.

In addition to the denigration and vilification of Christian writers, European writers were almost inevitably influenced and influenced by this traditional anti-Semitism that swept around Europe. It is generally difficult to rule out the threshold of potential vilification of Jews, the text exudes a more obvious anti-Semitic tendency, and the Jews portrayed are mostly negative images of usurers.

For example, the earliest depictions of Jews in English literature are the Siege of Jerusalem and Mandeville's Travels. But in The Siege of Jerusalem, there is a malicious appreciation for the suffering of the Jews. And "Mandeville Travels", as soon as you open it, you can see that the Jews appeared as the enemies of Christians.

In English literature, the Merchant of Venice, Ivanhe, and the Jews of Malta are three of the most famous Judeological classics. Specifically, they all show the national nature of Jewish merchants who were miserly and greedy for money, religious conflicts and economic entanglements with Christians, and so on. Among them, Marlowe's Barabas is a demon, rich and vengeful, killing his daughter; Shakespeare's Sherlock is miserly and hateful, and the six relatives do not recognize; Scott's Isaac is so miserly and greedy. Wandering the anti-Semitic specter inherent in European countries.

What is the truth? Why have so many people in history resented the rejection of Jews?

The fact that literary classics are so anti-Semitic shows how serious racial prejudice is.

In fact, in addition to literary scholars, some thinkers have set out to establish various theoretical doctrines, the most inconceivable of which is the absurd doctrine of race, as shown in the following reasons VII.

Reason four: the denigration of the reformers

Here we have to say Martin Luther.

This is a prominent figure in Germany, who was the founder of the European Reformation, the founder of Protestant Christianity, and the German reformer. Many of the hymns he wrote are still famous today.

However, it was such a figure of great historical importance who wrote a controversial pamphlet in later generations, "On the Jews and Their Lies", which is said to be the root of anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany.

The anti-Semitic essay " About the Jews and Their Lies , published in 1542 , is divided into two parts.

In the first part, Martin Luther accuses the Jews of being masters of the world and generates the delusion of Jewish Masonic domination of the world around the world!

In the second part, Luther accuses the Jews of usury, greed, dishonesty, and parasites. They confine us Christians to our own land, they make us sweat and work, and they get money and benefits, they take our money and our welfare, they become the masters of our own country, so we must expel them.

Then Luther went so far as to make eight specific suggestions for the persecution of the Jews, which were:

1. Burning Jewish synagogues and schools and razing unburned buildings to the ground so that no tiles remain;

2. Destroy the houses of the Jews, leave them with nowhere to hide, expel them, let them live in corrals like Gypsies, and let them know that they are not the masters of our country, as they boast;

3. Confiscate all Jewish scriptures and leave them in prison for bookstore staff and Jewish Bible evangelists (Talmudist) to lie, curse, and blaspheme;

4. The rabbi of Jews is forbidden to teach the people under the threat of death;

5. Completely deprive Jews of their right to protection and leave them living on the streets;

(6) The prohibition of usury by the Jews and the confiscation of their cash and treasures of gold and silver were a warning to them;

7. Let every young and strong Jewish man and woman possess flails, axes, shovels, spinning wheels, spindles, and spindles in their hands, and let them fend for themselves through the sweat of their faces (meaning hard work);

8. Expulsion of Jews in the provinces where Christians live.

What is the truth? Why have so many people in history resented the rejection of Jews?

Luther's book, even today, is humiliating.

Thus Luther was responsible for the massacre of Jews in later Germany. The German philosopher Karl Jaspers once said: "The whole plan of the Jews of Hitler's time has been included in this pamphlet, and Hitler has fulfilled Luther's proposal, except for the massacre of Jews in gas chambers." ”

Reason five: framing and planting stolen goods

Of all the framing of the Jews in history, three of the most famous things have been done.

1. The Zion Elder Protocol.

First published in Tsarist Russia in 1903, the book contains a specific plan for a conspiracy by the "Jews" to conquer the world.

The Protocol consists of 80 pages and 24 parts, written with advice and guidance, and in order to establish a new empire ruled by a super-dictatorship ruled by Jews, it is necessary to incite class hatred, provoke war, launch revolutions, make the national government lose the hearts of the people, promote liberalism, and further Bolshevism, and eventually the state will die. Finally, the Jewish-organized Super World Government maintains order throughout the world with the help of Freemasonry.

This book has long been proven to be plagiarized and fabricated, and the evil lies in the construction of another inextricable "sin within a crime", the so-called sin of the Jews' secret rule over the world, based on the premise that the nature of the Jews is evil.

2. Child killing and sacrifice

Christians have rumors that Jews need to periodically inject Christian blood to maintain health, and the most potent of them is the blood of Christian children. So children were sacrificed and their blood was drunk.

Originally, this rumor had a fictional and fanciful nature.

However, in 1144, England reported the first child murder. On the night of good friday, the body of a young apprentice was found in the woods near Norwich. Rumors then spread that the local Jews had committed this crime as instructed by the rabbinic teachings in order to ridicule the suffering of the Messiah.

In fact, blaming the Jews for this is a completely false rumor.

However, the incident sparked a spate of child sacrifices throughout Europe, each of which resulted in false accusations, riots, and massacres of innocent Jews.

Obviously, this is yet another legitimate justification for the mass extermination of Jews.

3. Poisoning in the well

In the summer of 1321, in the duchy of Aquitaine in southern France, a leper was reportedly arrested in the territory of the Lord of Parthenai. As a result, he confessed that a Jew had given him a poisonous package containing human blood, urine, and three mysterious herbs, as well as powder from the Holy Lord, and instructed him to throw the bag into a well.

This accusation was subsequently reinforced in the subsequent Events of the Black Death (1347-1353).

From 1347 to 1353, the "Black Death" that swept across Europe took the lives of 25 million Europeans, accounting for 1/3 of the total population of Europe at that time.

In fact, this is nothing more than a plague of plague. However, the plague-causing bacillus was not discovered until 1894, when the Jews were once again scapegoated for the incident. The false accusation of "poisoning in the well" also equated the Jews with a ubiquitous, mysterious and evil force.

Once again, the Jews were slaughtered and burned.

What is the truth? Why have so many people in history resented the rejection of Jews?

Reason Six: The Choice of the Jewish Nation in the Midst of the Wave of Anti-Semitism

Because of repeated exclusion and oppression, for a long time the Jews were not only expelled from the handicraft sector, but also lost the opportunity to engage in agriculture, and finally only two roads were left, business and usury. Many feudal dynasties even repeatedly forced Jews to choose between converting to Christianity or exile.

Various limitations of real life,

The Jews, faced with religious persecution and the suffering of survival, had difficulty finding a way out, believing that God could save themselves from the sea of suffering, after this wish was not fulfilled in a series of disasters. Believing in the stability that money would bring them stability, they tried to accumulate wealth.

The difficult life forced them to value money above everything else, and in order to accumulate wealth, they were frugal and bitter, and even miserly, and many Jews also had huge wealth, but this became the economic motivation of anti-Semitism in Europe.

Loan sharking, in particular, has almost become a Jewish label sin.

Reason Seven: Inferior Nations Say

1. Jewish blood is inferior

This claim, first of all, came from the Spaniards, who, after 1391, created many stereotypes about the ugliness and novelty of the Jews. One of them is the inferior theory of Jewish blood, which holds that Jewish blood produces a bad character and is immutable and will be passed on from generation to generation.

It is this doctrine that, for the first time in history, biological racism, though only a rudimentary one, was an extremely bad beginning.

2. Inferior nationalities say

In modern times, anti-Semitism has emerged in a new form, and its basis is the doctrine of race.

For example, the Englishman Chamberlain published in 1899 the book "The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century", in which he pointed out: "The Germanic race is excellent, and at the same time he believes that the Jews are a worthless race whose task is to destroy the purity of the Germanic race and to reproduce a group of pseudo-Hebrew hybrids, a people who have undoubtedly degenerated physically, spiritually, and morally."

German racism holds that the Aryan race (of which all true Germans belong) is a race that God has given "dominance," and that the Jews are the most evil and despicable people. The Jews not only had different religious cultures, but also belonged to different races. The Jews are non-God, non-human, and the embodiment of all sin. The culprit responsible for the contamination of Aryan blood was the Jews.

Many Germans also saw the Jews as an inferior people, believing that the Jews were the cause of their "misfortune."

And this is probably the root cause of the later German Nazi clamor for the elimination and extermination of the Jews.

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