
Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

author:Bright Net
Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

In September 2011, local time, in the South Agusan province of the Philippines, four men used their arm lengths to estimate the length of saltwater crocodiles. According to the Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center, the 6.4-meter-long saltwater crocodile weighs 1,075 kilograms, making it the largest crocodile caught in the Philippines to date.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

Mrs. Sharplin, who lives in Illinois, has a Great Dane called NOVA, which will reach a height of 1.8 meters if it stands on its hind legs. It eats a full 140 pounds of dog food alone every week. In September 2011, this application was submitted to the Guinness Book of World Records for final certification.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

I found a strange fish, thin lips, a large mouth and two rows of sharp teeth, full of fish scales and spines, many people see and do not know what kind of fish, please come and see. In December 2010, the reporter received a call from Mr. Chen, a fisherman, and immediately rushed to the interview and inspection.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

In August 2011, an African man showed off a large frog he had caught in a river. This large frog lives in hot, humid virgin forests and large rivers in southern Cameroon and northern Equatorial Guinea. Generally known as the African giant frog, this giant frog lives in a very special environment, only in the forests of this area can survive, the average annual temperature is between 25 degrees Celsius and 29 degrees Celsius.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

Researchers say that due to human overfishing and other human activities, huge jellyfish have emerged in some parts of the earth's seas, and they are becoming the dominant sea areas in some areas. In December 2009, researchers even discovered a very large jellyfish about the size of a Japanese sumo wrestler.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

In October 2011, a seafood restaurant in Houjie, Dongguan City, had a 509-kilogram giant grouper. The fish was purchased by the owner of the restaurant and transported by air, with a body length of about 2 meters and a weight of 509 kilograms, and if sold to the museum as a specimen worth 100,000 yuan. According to the owner, Mr. Lin, the fish was caught from the deep sea area of the Indian Ocean, and the whole process was stored with ice cubes and airlifted to Dongguan, and the freight alone cost more than 10,000 yuan.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

In September 2011, a British team of biologists captured a 5.5-meter-long, 100-kilogram python in the tropical jungles of Guyana, and four people used all their strength to lift it off the ground.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

In October 2010, British angler Jeremy Wade caught a giant piranha in Africa's Congo River Basin. Jeremy, 52, was himself startled by the large, fierce-looking piranha. He went to great lengths to get his prey to show off its creepy sharp teeth in front of the camera.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

In November 2010, foreign media took a photo of a giant African bullfrog, when the frog covered with acne-like frogs and wrinkled skin was enjoying its delicacies triumphantly in front of the camera, completely ignoring the rats in its mouth and desperately struggling to survive. These carnivorous amphibians tend to be grumpy, jumping up to 12 feet tall and with sharp teeth

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

In December 2010, residents of the Malibu area of California, U.S.A., found the carcass of a rare giant kingfish over 4 meters long on a beach. The wild large striped fish, which lives in the tropical deep sea far from land, is the longest known teleost fish in the world, according to local wildlife conservation agencies.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

In April 2010, Fox News published a set of photographs showing a rare, rare giant deep-sea lice (also known as king pods). Giant deep-sea lice are important scavengers in the deep sea, and they are found in the deep sea, from 560 feet (about 170 meters) deep to 7,020 feet (2.1 km) and the dark deep zone below

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

A Fisherman in New Zealand caught a strange shrimp when he went out to sea, which looked like scales and tough, like jelly. Except for a small orange ball in the body, it looks completely transparent. Experts explain that the creature, called the bottle sea squirt, is a marine invertebrate. Their bodies are gelatinous and move through the water by absorbing water, feeding on plankton. Its transparent form protects itself from predators, after all, transparency in the water is a good camouflage. #p# subtitle #e #

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

Remember the cookie monster in Sesame Street, which was loved by kids? It turns out that it has a prototype in the real world! According to the British "Daily Mail", a photographer had the privilege of photographing this sea creature called a furnace tube sponge in the Caribbean.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

Bulging eyes, wide mouth, blue appearance This eccentric creature resembles a cookie monster, but it doesn't like to eat cookies, but instead makes a living from plankton. #p# subtitle #e #

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

Local residents have found some rare marine life off the coast of the U.S. state of Washington, which resembles a jellyfish but has green antennae and contractible limbs at one end.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

This rare creature is reported to be gelatinous, translucent, with antennae and constrictive bent limbs at one end side by side. Local experts also said that the strange marine creature was first discovered, and its name is not known. #p# subtitle #e #

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

Also known as King Herring or Giant Kingfish, it is found in a small fishing village about 140 miles (about 225 kilometers) off the norwegian border on the west coast of Sweden. Marine experts say it is the first time in 130 years that such a large fish has been found in a Scandinavian country. It is reported that the world's longest teleost fish, the kingfish, can reach a length of up to 40 feet (about 12 meters).

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

The king squid is one of the largest invertebrates in the world, living in the deep sea and feeding on fish. It often has to fight to the death with sperm whales that dive into the deep sea to feed, and sperm whales are often scarred, but the remnants of the king squid that have been found in the stomach of the sperm whale can only learn some information about such animals through the death or injury of the king squid who floated to the surface of the sea or were washed to the shore by the sea.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

In April 2012, Andy Logan, 38, set a new record for an ocean fishing in which he caught a ray weighing 222 pounds, about 8 feet long and about 6 feet wide.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

The waters of the Indonesian island of Bari are home to this lesser-known creature, the mantis shrimp. The shrimp of this species is brownish green in color, covered with white stripes, and the large chelation hook on the chest has a large ejection force, which can swing its stick-like front claws at the prey in an instant. The latest research shows that the vision of the mantis shrimp is unique: it is able to see another world that other animals can't. The mantis shrimp has a fourth type of visual system, which has the ability to detect circularly polarized light, through which communication can be carried out secretly. #p# subtitle #e #

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

Spaghetti worm Spaghetti worms, also known as flat stings and jellyfish worms, are known as the worms that extend their tentacles around to catch food.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

It is found in the western Atlantic Ocean – from Canada and massachusetts to Brazil. It is black on the body and tail stalk, and it is dotted with many small white spots. They prefer to live alone or form small schools of fish, eating a wide variety of invertebrates on the seafloor such as software animals, crustaceans, sponges and worms, and they blow water out of their mouths to reveal these delicious prey. #p# subtitle #e #

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

Sea slugs are sea slugs that bend their bodies to swim and can reach a length of up to 15 centimeters. They don't have shells, but their fresh color can warn other animals that they're dangerous. This is because they often feed on coelenterates, thus storing many spine cells from prey in the skin. When they are eaten by other animals, the stinging cells enter their bodies and cause tingling.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

Okinawa ground goby goby goby feed on zooplankton, and its feeding behavior is to rush out of the perching point and swim back to the origin immediately after predation. They are continuously transgender animals that can move back and forth between males and females. They inhabit clear coastal coral reefs and can be distributed up to 30 metres deep.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

Cufflinks Sea Hare Snail A cufflink sea hare snail is eating on a sea fan in the waters of Big Turk Island. These carnivorous mollusks leave a striking trail of dead coral tissue behind them. Its shells are medium-sized, thick, spindle-shaped to spherical, and feed on coelenterates.

Super rare! There are such monsters in this world

Douding Seahorse Douding Seahorse (Pygmy Hippocampus) got its name for its miniature body shape. They generally have a fresh body color and can be well hidden in corals. Most of the bean-diced hippocampus grows in coral areas along the western Pacific Ocean, and the adult fish do not exceed 2.5 cm. Due to its extremely small size and strong camouflage instinct, it is difficult for the average diver to detect its presence. #p# subtitle #e #