
Cheers for "Yongzhou Portions"

author:Yongzhou News Network

Chen Xiaojun

The sixth party congress of the city was full of confidence throughout the whole process, and the report of the party congress was full of morale, especially the heroic and ambitious "goal of anchoring the weight of Yongzhou in the territory of the province", which made the people of the city rejoice.

There is weight to be weight

The process of increasing the weight of Yongzhou in the province's territory is the process of increasing yongzhou's influence in the province. From the perspective of the weight of Yongzhou in the whole province, we must soberly see that in many aspects, the weight of Yongzhou is not enough, and there is a gap with other prefectures and cities. The proportion in the province is not enough, and in which aspects the gap is large, it shows that in which aspects the role is small and the contribution is small. The whole city must make it clear that this goal proposed by the municipal party committee is not to increase the proportion of the province's total economic output in the general sense, but to fully and accurately implement the new development concept, comprehensively promote economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction and ecological civilization construction, comprehensively enhance Yongzhou's comprehensive energy level and core competitiveness, and promote higher quality, more efficient, fairer and more sustainable development. It can be seen that the goal of increasing the weight of Yongzhou proposed by the municipal party committee is to encourage everyone to work tirelessly around the above goals and directions, continuously narrow the gap, and make greater Contributions to Yongzhou.

Let the components guide the variables

What is a variable? It refers to the amount that can change the value in a certain process, not a constant value. Increasing the Yongzhou component is to do the variable, what kind of variable to make? Mainly refers to the process of Yongzhou in the next five years, which must be incremental, which must be subtracted, that is, which are added and which are subtracted. The directions in the report are clear and the data is detailed. Where is the addition? That is, stronger strength, more beautiful ecology, more prosperous culture, happier people, and clearer politics. There are specific target data, such as fiscal revenue of more than 26 billion yuan, the excellent air quality rate remains above 90%, and the average annual growth rate of per capita disposable income of residents is about 8%. There are feasible ways to achieve this, and the "six requirements" to be firmly grasped are put forward. How does subtraction work? What to do? The report faces the problems head-on and dares to show the short: the industrial capacity is not strong, the ability to support development is insufficient; the ability of scientific and technological innovation is weak, the conversion of new and old kinetic energy is not fast; the traffic bottleneck has not been broken, the internal circulation is not smooth; the level of governance modernization is not high, and the task of preventing and resolving risks is still arduous. Do addition or subtraction, can not be completely separated, they are dialectical unity of the relationship, need to grasp with both hands, need two-way simultaneous force, their goal direction is consistent, is to let this variable in accordance with the city's increase in the weight of the goal and change, through the variable to achieve the goal of increasing the Yongzhou component.

Rejuvenate with portions

General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out at the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China that over the past hundred years, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to carry out all the struggles, all sacrifices, and all creations, which boil down to one theme: to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Only with a goal can we stimulate the fighting spirit of advancing in spite of difficulties, and only with a goal can we stimulate the strength of entrepreneurial officers, which is the infinite charm of the goal. Therefore, the proposal of a goal must be tailored to local conditions, not followed by others and painted according to gourds; it must be practical, not high and far-reaching, mirage; it must be able to be judged and evaluated, not vague and ambiguous. Today's China, the government is connected with people and one heart and one mind, showing the world a thriving atmosphere; today's Yongzhou, the development stage is unprecedented, the development opportunities are unprecedented, and the foundation for development is unprecedented. The goal of increasing the weight of Yongzhou is based on this and stems from this. The specific deployment of the city's efforts to build "three districts and two cities" and build a regional economic pattern of "one core, two axes and three circles" conforms to the new expectations of the people of the city for a better life, and makes us surging with enthusiasm and high morale. The goal of increasing the weight of Yongzhou will surely radiate the infinite strength of the people of the whole city to unite and work together to build a socialist modern new Yongzhou in an all-round way.

(The author is the director of the Teaching and Research Office of the Basic Theory of Marxism at the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee)