
What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

author:Aqua friends

Where there are aquarists 丨 there will be aquarists

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Although large ducks such as Satan have become affordable breeds for ordinary aquarists, due to their huge size, Xiaobian still does not recommend raising them in ordinary family aquariums. Take a Satan as an example, perhaps in the fish tank it grew to 60cm tall, which is already very large for the average fish, but for an adult three-meter giant beast, 60cm is still the level of a child, and in the ordinary family aquarium, it may only be able to maintain the level of a child until death, which is inevitably a bit of fish abuse. In view of this, if you still want to polyculture large fish, Xiaobian recommends raising some adult duck beaks at 30-70cm, such as the zebra duck mouth introduced earlier, which is a fish species that is very suitable for family aquariums.

This issue will continue to introduce some medium-sized duck-billeds, ranked by popularity, as follows:


What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

There is only one species in the genus Calophysus macropterus, the Eastern Sandsuckerus.

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Dongsha duck beak is a medium-sized duck beak, adult in about 60cm, this fish is distributed in the Amazon River Basin, Olinoco River Basin, the distribution is quite extensive, in the aquarium trade is also a common species, there are a large number of imports every year, can fully guarantee the supply of sufficient.

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6
What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Because the distribution of dongsha duck mouth is quite extensive, so the performance of each river basin is not the same, there are plum blossom spots, there are fine points of performance, there are sparse spots on the body, fine dots of dongsha duck mouth known as small silver leopard, which also shows its recognition among aquarists.

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Dongsha duck mouth in the wild is a kind of scavenging catfish, so especially like the fishy heavy bait, but in the fish tank, they are not picky eaters, live fish, dead fish, feed, red worms, they are like a garbage can to come to the people do not refuse, the skin is good to raise the characteristics also make their smooth promotion possible. It should be said that although the amount of Dongsha is very large and the price is relatively cheap, the imports are all wild juvenile fish, which are pressed and sold after the pressure of the fishery, and there is no artificial wild distinction as some aquarists say. If you want to say that you have to distinguish, it is only the difference in the performance of the point, and the editor personally prefers the fine Point Dongsha.

Genus Leiarius:

There are four species of oil catfish, Leiarius arekaima, Leiarius longibarbis, Leiarius marmoratus and leiarius pictus. The first has no pictures and has never appeared in the aquarium trade, the second and third are called plum blossom duck mouths, and the fourth is called large sail duck mouths.

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6
What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

The upper long-whiskered slippery catfish (Leiariuslongibarbis) and the lower cloud-striped slippery catfish (Leiarius marmoratus) are both called plum ducks

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Leiarius pictus is the large sail duck's beak

Species of the genus Koala are often used as aquarium ornamental fish, and these fish prefer to inhabit riverbeds, deep pools and lakes in the wild, and they are typical nocturnal fish, especially at sunrise, sunset and night. In aquariums, these fish can get along well with other large fish and are a very good benthic fish choice. The plum blossom duck beak and the big sail duck beak do not require high conditions for breeding, but the color and pattern of these fish are not attractive, which is why they are not popular enough. (In the end, it still depends on the value of the face!) )

Genus Aguarunichthys:

There are three species of catfish in the genus Aguarunichthysinpai, Aguarunichthys tocantinsensis, and Peruvian catfish (Aguarunichthystorosus). There is no definitive picture of the Ing's catfish, but all three can be called golden leopard-print duck-billed.

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Aguarunichthys inpai)

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Brazilian catfish (Aguarunichthystocantinsensis)

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Peruvian catfish (Aguarunichthys torosus)

Golden leopard pattern duck beak is occasionally seen in the aquarium trade, the source is generally Peru, the golden leopard print duck beak produced in Brazil is distributed in the Toukentins River, in the case of the existence of Peruvian goods with little difference in appearance, it is unlikely to import Brazilian gold leopard print duck beak in China. The color of the golden leopard duck's beak has many manifestations from dark to light, and the best looking one is the yellowish individual, which is also the origin of the name golden leopard duck's beak.

The color and pattern of the golden leopard duck's beak are also relatively ornamental, and the import volume has not been large, if you want to mix a benthic duck's mouth, the golden leopard pattern duck's beak is a good choice.


There is only one species of half-mound catfish, hemisorubim platyrhynchos, or black-star duck-billed duck-billed.

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6
What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6
What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Distributed in the vast watersheds of the Amazon River, the Olinoco River and the Paraná River, the seven-star duck's beak is about 50 cm long, and it is mainly used as a food fish and ornamental fish. This fish belongs to the more characteristic fish species in the oil catfish family, and the seven-star duck's beak jaw is longer than the upper jaw in some watersheds, which looks very interesting. The import volume of Seven Star Duck Mouth is quite limited, and there may be only a few pieces per year, but because the popularity is not high, the price is not very expensive. For enthusiasts, the cold is also a good thing in a sense, and if you occasionally encounter this kind of duck mouth, you can also take it into your pocket.

Genus Pimelodina:

There is only one species in the genus, Pimelodina flavipinnis.

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6
What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6
What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

This fish is distributed in the Amazon Basin and the Orinoco River Basin, with a body length of up to 60 cm and a body surface of two species, both spotted and spotless. From the outside, this fish is very similar to Dongsha, but the fish as a whole is more slender. This fish has not been imported separately, but the speckled pictorial type will be carried back together in the mouth of the Dongsha duck, and the general importer does not understand the fish after the return, resulting in this fish can be directly mixed in the Dongsha to enter the market. If a lover can pick one of these fish in the eastern sand, it is also a small leak, and it can be said that it is very rare today when the information is so transparent.


There is only one species of flat-mouthed catfish, Platystomatichthys sturio, or Fox Duckbill I.

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6
What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Fox duck-billed type I is distributed in the Amazon River Basin and can reach a length of more than 40 cm. This kind of fish appeared more in the early aquarium trade, but in recent years it has become less common, and sometimes you will see photos of the big fox and duck's beak where the fish merchants originate, but it is only a hair map, for such unpopular fish species, no one cares after importation, so that the interest of fish merchants is almost zero.

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6
What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

In fact, this is a very distinctive fish species, the upper jaw is pointed and thin, the mouth is basically in the middle of the head, this shape is somewhat like a domestic god fish - white sturgeon. However, when this fish was a child, its upper jaw was very brittle, and its guts were relatively small, so it was generally seen that the upper jaws were bent individuals, and the ornamentality was greatly reduced.


There are three species in the genus Platysilurus malarmo, Platysilurus mucosus and platysilurus olallae. Among them, the fragrant flat catfish has no picture and has not been imported, and the other two commodities are called fox duck-bill II.

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Platysilurus mucosus

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Platysilurus malarmo

Up to 70 cm long, the long-bearded catfish is a medium-sized catfish found in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela; the sticky flat catfish is only 20 cm long and is a small catfish found in the Amazon Basin. The two are not much different in terms of body color pattern, the difference is the body length, the market is a small sticky catfish, and in recent years there have been few imports.

There are also two genera that have almost or never appeared in the aquarium trade, and they are listed here for the sake of completeness, but will not be described in detail.


What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

There is only one species of Perron catfish, Perrunichthys perruno. This fish is somewhat similar to the plum blossom duck's beak, distributed in Lake Maracaibo, and should not have been imported at present.


There are six species under the Shi's oil catfish, Steindachneridion amblyurum, Steindachneridion doceanum, black-bodied Shi's oil catfish (Steindachneridionmelanodermatum), Steindachneridionmelanodermatum, Steindachneridion parahybae), Steindachneridion punctatum and Steindachneridion scriptum. The following are the pictures with living bodies:

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Brazilian catfish (Steindachneridiondoceanum)

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6


What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Steindachneridion parahybae

What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6


None of the members of this genus have ever appeared in the mainland's aquarium trade, so it's good to take a look...

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What are the best big fish for tank culture? | DuckBill Serial 6

Today's editor: Zhang prawns

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