
Urea waters orchids, and the experience accumulated by many orchid lovers

author:Orchid bar

Old He replied:

I think urea can be used in orchid cultivation. I think the first use of urea in a year should be after the opening of the new shoots of orchid, that is, after the new roots have grown. One is foliar spraying, because the new shoots have just opened the leaves, the leaf tissue is not full enough, and it is very susceptible to external damage, so the concentration must be low, it is recommended not to be less than 1500 times; the other is to irrigate the roots, the same because there are new shoots with new roots, so the concentration should also be controlled at more than 1500 times. If there is no fertilizer damage after two days, it means that the concentration is appropriate. After about a week to about 10 days, you can carry out the second topdressing, when the new shoots and new roots are much longer than the first topdressing, and the concentration can be adjusted to 1000 to 1200 times. In about 10 days, you can start the third topdressing, this time you will apply a little potassium dihydrogen phosphate to promote the fullness of roots and the maturity of leaves, and the concentration should not be less than 1000 times. The ratio of urea to potassium dihydrogen phosphate is not higher than 2 to 1, . Each topdressing time is after the afternoon of the same day, and it is best to return the water the next morning. After the germination of autumn buds, you can carry out another round of topdressing, because at this time most of the spring ferns have begun to gestation buds, and this time the topdressing will adjust the ratio of urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate according to the growth trend. Even without urea, only potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used to promote flowers. Throw bricks and lead jade, welcome to shoot bricks

Yang Jin answered:

Urea can be poured. There are two ways: 1, root irrigation, the specific principle to grasp the principle is thin fertilizer and diligent application. 2. Apply foliar fertilizer, about 10 grams of urea mixed with about two kilograms of water for foliar spraying.

Urea waters orchids, and the experience accumulated by many orchid lovers

Wu Zihua answered:

It can be used because I have personally practiced it, the effect is superb, and the effect can be seen a week after the use of the orchid seedlings, and the original yellowed leaves have turned green. But pay attention to the multiple (concentration), in order to insurance period, the proportion of allocation can not be 1000 times lower, urea is Cui Miao's, the effective period is fast, but if used improperly, it is easy to cause fertilizer damage.

Zhao Yongsheng answered:

The growing medium of my orchid is regolith, bark, humus soil, about 30% of the three planting materials, nitrogen fertilizer can be directly supplemented from the growing medium, generally I will not use urea, I think urea is not suitable for watering orchids. Because it cannot be directly absorbed by the soil, because the roots of orchids are different from the roots of ordinary plants, they cannot be directly absorbed by the fleshy pallets of orchids. If the concentration is too high, it will also destroy the plant commonly known as burning seedlings, affecting the seedlings to grow roots. However, foliar sprays can be applied with %0.2 solution to correct nitrogen deficiency. Generally with urea time is the new shoots grow to 3 to 5 cm high when the foliar fertilization, interval of about 10 days, fertilization 2 times can be, usually can be used potassium dihydrogen phosphate watering, supplement fertility, orchid fertilization to thin fertilizer diligent application, in June to August is the time to flower buds, to avoid spraying foliar fertilizer with urea, otherwise it may not come to the buds, this is for spring ferns. Another case in which foliar fertilizer can be sprayed with urea, that is, when the leaves are dull and dull, 0.1% urea can be sprayed 1-----3 times. The foliage will have a glossy personal experience and is for reference only

Urea waters orchids, and the experience accumulated by many orchid lovers

I was mad for the secretary and replied:

When I was a child, I often saw in the crop field, white translucent particle crystals, I didn't know what it was at that time, and then asked the farmer to say that fertilizer is also called urea, which is also the first time I learned that urea is even a fertilizer... The nitrogen content of urea is very high, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is an important part of orchid growth, nitrogen fertilizer can make orchid new shoots germinate and grow rapidly, phosphorus and potassium can promote the enlargement of orchid false bulbs, the leaves are wide and thick, and provide sufficient nutrients for flower bud differentiation. But how to use urea, or make good use of it, this is the point, first of all, when using urea for orchids, we must dilute urea to a certain proportion scientifically and reasonably, the concentration must not be too high, it will burn leaves. It feels that there is no need for family farming to use urea for orchids, after all, the proportion is not well adjusted, which is counterproductive. Home farming is constrained by space and environment, and has certain limitations, so I can't have too many orchids like the orchid shed, if the resources are limited, you have to use urea and you can't irrigate roots, only suitable for spraying and controlling the concentration! Breeding greenhouses are different, because considering the cost of lan owners may use urea to reduce costs, I have not really seen what the orchid shed looks like, all seen on the Internet, not comparable to family farming. So the blue shed should use this nitrogen fertilizer, but the controlled concentration must be very scientific and just right... People with a little bit of breeding experience know that raising orchids for fertilization must be light. And orchids like clean fertilizers, so home-grown orchids try to avoid the use of fertilizers such as urea, there are many fertilizers for orchids on the market today. For example, Huabao, Hao Kangduo, and Green Australia, etc., which are more common. Now it is winter, watering time and fertilization need to pay attention to, not dry no watering, not dry thoroughly, fertilization winter is not recommended to use fertilizer, autumn has been completed... Watering In winter, try to water at noon.

Urea waters orchids, and the experience accumulated by many orchid lovers

Zengfg replied:

Urea watered orchids, I used. And tissue culture has been used down the mountain. Hanging orchids are also used. Water the orchid with urea, and the orchid leaves will appear dark green. It can be clearly seen when poured and when not watered. Especially Meran. That green is indescribable. I use not only urea, all flower seedlings, compound fertilizer, tao rice water, organic fertilizer, enzyme liquid. All used. Use whatever you have at hand. To this day I am too lazy to use any fat. Anyway, the potted soil is changed once a year, and the lantu soil is changed every two years. Carry a bucket up the hill once all the soil can be brought back. After tossing for a long time, I am too lazy to toss. The use of fertilizer for orchids is a dilution problem. About five hundred to a thousand times. Five hundred times this is a concept that many people blur. There were no cups at home. Didn't weigh it again. What to do? Quite simply, there are disposable cups at home. Three urea capsules in the medium granules are then poured with water. Probability is like that. With such a probability of watering the orchid, the orchid is safe. But how often is it showered with urea? half-moon? Preferably once a month. It can also be drizzled once a month. But the drench is yellow-black. There is no such white root that is naturally raised by the stone. Raising orchids or flowers is a process of constant exploration. Hundreds of pots of orchids at home, in fact, there is no need to grow old to toss. Stone foam orchid is afraid of not fat and not long. Use tao rice water. You have to eat every day. Pour the rice water into an empty vegetable oil bucket and cover the bucket when it is full. Don't tighten the lid. Throw it into the kitchen or balcony corner. After a month, it is mixed with water five hundred times to drizzle the orchid and drizzle the flowers. The flowers also grow luxuriantly. Let's eat oil at home. So vegetable oil barrels are definitely more. You go out to buy urea and find a farm store. Or buy online. It is better to have that kung fu than to save a few more buckets. Generally a large amount of watering of course with chemical fertilizer. That's the scale of the orchid. Large blue field, automatic spray device. There are hundreds of pots in the house that are completely unnecessary to toss these things.

Urea waters orchids, and the experience accumulated by many orchid lovers

Lan Zhi answered:

Hello friends! Urea is widely used fertilizer in agriculture, urea is nitrogen, oxygen, ammonia composed of organic compounds, is a white particle crystal, is the most widely used fertilizer in agriculture, is also the highest nitrogen containing fertilizer, as a neutral fertilizer, urea is suitable for plants of various soils, it is easy to preserve, easy to use, small damage to the soil, suitable for use in acidic soil, ammonization speed in acidic soil is faster, hydrolysis into ammonia nitrogen, in order to be absorbed by plants. So urea can water orchids, but be sure to pay attention to proportions. Usually used for orchids per gram 800-1000 times liquid, can also be buried directly under the orchid growing medium two centimeters, each pot of orchids to six inch pot as an example, buried 15-20 grains, pay attention not to get close to the head of the reed. Because it is nitrogen fertilizer, mainly suitable for use after the new leaves of orchids open their mouths, the general temperature is more appropriate at 18-26 degrees, mainly in the spring and summer for topdressing, other seasons are not applicable, must be used in strict accordance with the principle of rather than thick, intervals every 10 days or so, mainly root fertilization, not sprayed, up to three times. Weak seedlings, sick seedlings can not be used. The new pot can not be used within half a year, usually it is still based on slow-release fertilizer, novices should use it with caution! If there is any impropriety, please correct Lan You!

Dongzhu Answer:

Urea can be fertilized to orchids. When applying urea, pay attention to the application time, when I apply fertilizer every year, the first and second fertilization is only applied urea. The application time is once at the end of March and once in early April, at an interval of ten days, and the concentration of application is 700 to 1000 times. I usually fertilize the orchids, water them the first day, and fertilize the next day. At the end of March, the temperature rises, the orchids begin to germinate, especially the orchid buds begin to grow, then the application of all nitrogen fertilizer will promote the enlargement of the orchid buds and more germination. However, the number of applications should not be too much, up to 1 to 2 times a year, otherwise, the orchid leaves grow large and long, weak and weak, and the long leaves do not flower. I got it after many years of trial, so after applying urea twice, I transferred to full-effect fertilizer, which can not only produce more seedlings and strong seedlings, but also do not affect the flowering of orchids, and the orchids grow very well. However, when applying small seedlings and old seedlings, it is necessary to reduce the amount or not to apply, otherwise it is easy to pour seedlings.

Fishing Tree Plough Reading Answer:

Urea can water orchids. However, the ratio of urea to water must be according to the instructions or the knowledge of yanglan that is usually mastered. Urea is generally watered when the growth of orchid leaves is poor, for example: the leaf color is light, the leaves are thin, and the whole plant is not energetic, let alone dense. The ratio of urea to water should be 1 to 1500 to 3000, and it should be poured along the basin wall. Urea is chemical fertilizer, watering orchid grass, the effect is good, the effect is fast, but with normal growth or the application of base fertilizer, the difference is still very large, the most important thing is that the old seedlings go grass and fall seedlings fast, two years, normal orchid seedlings three years to pour seedlings. At the invitation of Teacher Mei on WeChat, idle a few words, and even delay everyone's time, inappropriate, hope to criticize and correct!

Urea waters orchids, and the experience accumulated by many orchid lovers

Yun Fan Answer:

Urea, also known as carbonamide, is an organic compound composed of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen, which is a white crystal. One of the simplest organic compounds is the main nitrogen-containing end product of the metabolic breakdown of proteins in mammals and certain fish. It is also the nitrogen fertilizer with the highest nitrogen content at present.

Urea promotes cell division and growth, allowing branches and leaves to flourish. Application precautions: Urea is molecular before conversion, can not be adsorbed by the soil, should prevent loss with water; the ammonia formed after conversion is also volatile, so urea should also be deeply applied to the soil.

Urea has clearly stated that it is not recommended to use, but if it is recommended to dilute the urea particles in the ratio of 1:2000, it is prudent to apply, the application interval is about 10 days, and it must not be used as a foliar fertilizer (why can't it be clear in the previous application precautions of urea).

After answering the question, I think it is time to talk about why I smiled as soon as I saw the question of the Lord today? As a Yanglan enthusiast, experienced players will laugh when they see this question. I think first of all this problem involves the problem of raising orchids, what kind of plant orchids are I will not say more, dare to use urea to fertilize to show that the mentality is really wrong, this mentality is nothing more than the following: 1. Quick success, eager to succeed. 2. The brain hole is wide open, and the sword is biased. But I can be very responsible for predicting that people who fertilize orchids with urea will be disappointed and even frustrated. The most important thing in raising orchids is to be normal, to comply with orchids, and to manage orchids according to local conditions in order to make orchids grow smoothly.

The growing medium I use to raise orchids is the classic formula of the old three (plant gold stone, fairy soil, granular bark), this formula does not need to deliberately apply fertilizer within two years, if you really want to toss the recommended pot fertilizer: Good Kangduo and Magic Fertilizer (these two are orchid-specific slow-release fertilizers, long fertilizer cycle and full fertilizer effect), foliar fertilizer using Xishuo and dipotassium phosphate (diluted according to the instructions for use of packaging instructions).

Why urea can not do foliar fertilizer: there are mainly three reasons, one is that urea when the foliar fertilizer is not well mastered if the concentration and timing of application are not easy to cause leaf burning, and the other is that there is a medium substance in urea called diurea that has a harmful and inhibitory effect on the leaf buds of orchids. Third, if you want the orchid leaves to be beautiful, you should start from raising good roots to solve the problem is the king, relying on the foliage fertilizer to beat out the orchid is "fat" orchid, so that the orchid white to send me I do not want.

Urea waters orchids, and the experience accumulated by many orchid lovers

Mianyang Sanquan Guolan Technology Co., Ltd. ~ Hu Bing Answer:

Why not use slow-release fertilizer! Orchids are fleshy rooting plants that do not like to be fattened. Urea is not well mastered, burn roots and shoots and slow-release fertilizer is exactly what orchids need and slow-release fertilizer is based on temperature and humidity to release nutrients 3 times in two years

Lin Answer:

Use urea-watered orchids with caution! But it can partially replace kh2po4 as a foliar fertilizer application! Generally use a concentration of 800_1000 times the liquid!