
Euclid Mathematics Competition at the University of Waterloo, Canada

author:Jin Gillette studied in Jinan
Euclid Mathematics Competition at the University of Waterloo, Canada

The Euclid Mathematics Competition, abbreviated as Euclidean Mathematics, is a difficult mathematical competition organized by the School of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Waterloo in Canada for students of the global school age, and it is also the most gold-containing and recognized competition in the secondary school stage in Canada, known as the "Math TOEFL". World-renowned universities, such as the University of Toronto and the University of Waterloo, use the results of the Euclid competition as one of the evaluation criteria for students to apply for admission. The Euclid Math Competition runs in April each year and is suitable for high school students and is attended by about 20,000 people each year. Exam content includes functions, geometry, sequences, permutations, and algebra. Ou Sai's problems are not limited to the level of knowledge points, but also pay more attention to the expansion of thinking ability, so it is not only the students' mastery of mathematical knowledge, but more importantly, the students' ability to solve problems.

Due to the authority of the University of Waterloo, the school where the Euclid Mathematics Competition is held, it has enhanced the competitiveness of high school applications to universities, and the number of students participating in the Euclid Mathematics Competition every year is also a faulty growth. The competition adopts a full English answer sheet, a total of 10 large questions, a total score of 100 points; divided into short answer questions and full solution of two types of questions, requiring students to fully express the problem solving process; the score is determined according to the correctness of the answer and the expression of the problem solving process; most of the questions are high school difficulty math problems, and the last few are advanced math difficulty questions.

In addition, the School of Mathematics and Engineering of the University of Waterloo clearly states on its official website that "applicants are strongly recommended to participate in the Euclid Mathematics Competition to improve admission opportunities", so what kind of university is the University of Waterloo?

Founded in 1957, the University of Waterloo is a prestigious comprehensive public university that has been voted Canada's most innovative university for 25 consecutive years and is also considered canada's best comprehensive research university. It has a world-renowned Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, the only mathematics school in North America, and the world's largest center for mathematics and computing education and research. The Department of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo enrolled 1,295 new students in 2018, with a high number of applicants of 17,000 and an acceptance ratio of only 1:13. Outstanding graduates are favored by well-known companies such as Google, Microsoft and financial actuarial companies every year, and get priority employment opportunities, and in 2018, Donna Strickland, a professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Waterloo, successfully won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Euclid Mathematics Competition at the University of Waterloo, Canada
Euclid Mathematics Competition at the University of Waterloo, Canada

Next, let's summarize why the Euclidean Mathematics Competition?

1. Cultivate students' interest in mathematics, and it is also a good opportunity to exercise mathematical problem-solving ability

2. The top 25% of students on the exam will receive an honorary certificate from the University of Waterloo, which is a "stepping stone" for applying for science and engineering majors at major schools, and has the opportunity to obtain an entrance scholarship.

3. The competition can directly reflect the academic level of mathematics of students, and international college students who want to apply to the University of Waterloo are strongly recommended to participate, and ordinary college students are mandatory to participate

4. The form of the European mathematics examination is the same as that of the university mathematics examination, and the students who participate in the European Competition are equivalent to learning the mathematics courses of North American universities in advance, understanding the forms of the North American teaching examinations, laying a solid foundation for studying in North America, and completing the road of studying abroad more smoothly

5. Get a good result in the competition, receive a certificate and bonus, and have a great improvement in their extracurricular activities

So how do you enroll in the Euclid Math Competition?

Candidates can register for the Euclidean Mathematics Competition through the official test centre;

If the test taker's school does not have a test center registered, the test taker can register for the test center in Beijing or Shanghai to participate in the competition

After the end of the competition, the school will send all the test papers back to the University of Waterloo, the European results are generally announced about 3 weeks after the end of the competition, and the students' results will be entered on the official website, and students can log in to the system with the school registration number and password, check the results and download the electronic version of the award certificate.

So how do you stand out in the competition and get a high score?

Analyze in detail the required knowledge points corresponding to each knowledge section to ensure that all formulas, theorems, and problem-solving ideas are clearly understood;

For each single knowledge point, master the corresponding basic question types;

On the basis of the guidance course, think independently about the real questions of the past years, and summarize your own mistakes;

Be sure to learn to see the complete steps of problem solving, after all, the difference between Chinese and English writing and logic is still very fatal.

Euclid Mathematics Competition at the University of Waterloo, Canada
Euclid Mathematics Competition at the University of Waterloo, Canada

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