
He: China's first gold medal in olympic diving, named the youngest men's best athlete

author:The meaning of the road

Foreign media once commented that there are only three diving geniuses in the world - the American Gregory Evsimius Loganis, and the Russian Dmitry Ivanovich Sauddin, and the other is Chinese Sun Shuwei.

This man is so inconspicuous. 1 meter 60 tall, 45 kilograms of weight, slender eyebrows under the eyes, very uncoordinated - open thick and wide mouth, laughing can not hide a touch of humility. If he had a red collar tied around his neck and stuck it in a pile of people in a school playground, it would have been too easy to overlook.

Often, an inconspicuous person often practices a very sharp mouth, and when the eyebrows fly and dance, the look will become very vivid. However, this person is extremely bad at words, and he can't say a word for half a day. When you ask about his parents' work unit, he replies "I don't know," and he doesn't know either. If you want to develop your patience, it's best to talk to him.

No one expected that just like this, an ordinary, wordless 16-year-old teenager, would one day sing his name in the world - Sun Shuwei.

He: China's first gold medal in olympic diving, named the youngest men's best athlete

First, on the eve of the final, Sun Shuwei could not sleep, and he formed an alliance with Xiong Ni.

It was the early morning of September 4, 1992. It's past midnight. The heart of Barcelona, a carnival and bustling city, is silent– only the lights of the Mediterranean Sea in the distance are still flickering.

Two people in an ordinary room in the Olympic Village have not yet fallen asleep — Sun Shuwei and Xiong Ni ÷. In another 10 hours, they will walk up the high ten-meter platform and compete for a gold medal.

The lights were long gone out, which was a rule that the coach was not allowed to violate. But the excitement and nervousness are hard to calm. Two people tossing and turning.

"Today we must be better than good, don't think too much about the referee. Both people have jumped well, and it is not so easy for the referee to press the points of two people. You look at the three-meter board, talking about Shu Ping and Lan Weiyi's mistakes, Gao Min and Tan Liangde's pressure is mostly. ”

"It is said that this time only two gold medals are ready to give the Chinese diving team, and the US group, the CIS, and Germany also have to give one!" Now that Fu Mingxia and Gao Min have taken it, do we still have a play? ”

"Don't think about it, just jump every action."

Xiong Ni is 18 years old this year, two years older than Sun Shuwei. Treating this little big brother, Sun Shuwei has always been obedient and likes to play with Xiong Ni. When Sun Shuwei was pushed to the front line, the team considered that after Li Kongzheng and Tong Hui retired, there was a bear ni on the men's jumping platform, and "one arm" was not balanced. This made Sun Shuwei a competitor to Xiong Ni, but the fierce competition never affected the harmonious relationship between the two. Tonight, on the eve of the decisive battle, the "Gemini constellations" on the ten-meter jumping platform have formed a united alliance with the outside world.

He: China's first gold medal in olympic diving, named the youngest men's best athlete

His last move, 307c, scored 99.96 points, the highest score in this Olympic diving competition. But he said: "I scored 102 points in Canada this year. ”

At 2 p.m. on August 4, the men's 10-meter jumping platform gold medal battle began.

After the 4 prescribed actions, Sun Shuwei chased to the first place. The 6 rounds of self-selected actions begin, which is the key moment to perform each stunt and decide the winner or loser.

In the 7th round, Hempel made a mistake.

In the 8th round, Xiong Ni was also overly nervous and planted! Downgraded from 3rd to 7th.

The rankings have fluctuated several times, the famous players have been out of order, and now only Scott Dorney of the United States has a deadly fight with Sun Shuwei. Can 16-year-old Sun Shuwei withstand it?

At this time, coach Wu Guocun at the stand was quite calm, and he knew that the apprentice was like a teacher! Wu Guocun did not forget that on October 4, 1990, at the Asian Games, Sun Shuwei had a wonderful finale in the 9th and 10th rounds, and finally narrowly defeated Xiong Ni with a 2-point advantage. He was only 14 years old.

Coach Wu Guocun also did not forget that on January 13, 1991, At the World Championships in Australia, Sun Shuwei won 86 on the 307c. The highest score of 68 points in the game won the championship. He knew that this seemingly inconspicuous child had a sophisticated and calm psychological quality.

Sure enough. Sun Shuwei stepped up to the jumping platform step by step, as if all the hustle and bustle around him had gone away, and he was immersed in a realm of "things I forget twice". Jump, flip your knees repeatedly, week, week, week, week, three weeks, unfold, and then like a stick straight into the water. There is almost no splash.

This 307c move with a difficulty factor of 3.4 was brilliantly completed and finally conquered the hearts of the audience and the referees - seven referees: four 10 points, two 9.5 points. A 9 point, scored 99. The high score of 96, which is the highest score in the diving competition of this Olympic Games. Coincidentally, he also scored 99.96 points in the preliminary round of the Asian Games the previous year.

Sun Shuwei stood on the high championship podium and led the second-place American Doni with a 43.68 point advantage.

He: China's first gold medal in olympic diving, named the youngest men's best athlete

At the age of 11, Sun Shuwei, who was still a child, was called "Little Old Man" by his companions.

Sun Shuwei showed an extraordinary psychological quality in the competition, and people with such psychological qualities must have strong and bearable nerves. People began to doubt his age, was he only 16 years old?

In fact, as early as 5 years ago, 11-year-old Sun Shuwei was called "little old man" by his teammates, and at that time, he was still in the Guangdong Provincial Team. The nickname was first derived from his laughter, and when Sun Shuwei smiled, several deep wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes that were extremely inappropriate for his age. Later, because of this little brother's great demeanor, this nickname became louder and louder, from the provincial team to the national team. Now, the small characters have also been removed, and everyone affectionately calls him "old man" ——— "old man" who is only 16 years old.

At the Second Youth Congress that year, Xu Yiming's wisdom and wisdom were brilliant, and among a large number of twelve- and thirteen-year-old children, he chose Sun Shuwei, and according to his words: "This child is thin and thin, and he is inconspicuous among the group of people." But those clear, calm eyes still attracted me. ”

He: China's first gold medal in olympic diving, named the youngest men's best athlete

Fourth, the coaches were surprised to find that many of the precious things in this child were given by poor families.

No one expected that Sun Chonghuai's family would have an Olympic champion. Because only his parents graduated from high school, when they sent their 8-year-old son to the county amateur sports school, they had never even heard of the term "Olympics".

In this family list on the west lake of Rongcheng, Jieyang County, Guangdong Province, there are three children, two girls, the youngest is a boy. In the early 1980s, Sun Shuwei's father, a foundry worker, and his mother, a weaver, earned less than 100 yuan, a family of five, and lived in poverty. With no money to buy toys, Sun Shuwei can only plant a fierce son in the main canal by the pool, which is the only pleasure of his childhood.

When he was 8 years old, he wanted to leave home to go to the provincial team to practice diving, and his grandparents couldn't bear it, and the old man scolded his son in a huff: "You are poor and dizzy, so you let your children go to eat national meals." ”

Because of malnutrition when he was a child, Sun Shuwei was anemic and often had headaches. But in the provincial team, the team sent everyone milk powder and other nutritional products, Sun Shuwei was reluctant to eat, secretly accumulated, and went home to honor the elderly. Later, he won some medals and bonuses, which he gave to the coach Hu Siyong for safekeeping, and sometimes he and his partners went to the street without even the money to buy snacks.

Since he was a child, he did not have any sense of superiority, and it can even be said that he had a sense of inferiority. This made him excited - he was bound to jump out of the hall of fame and not be eliminated to go home to face his hard-working parents. It is this poor family that has created a simple and sensible child.

Sun Shuwei is recognized as one of the most active members of the team.

Look at this example: During the training camp in Sanya, he trained 54 hours a week. Sometimes—up to 10 hours a day. Since 1989, I have not returned to the national team for three years - the second home.

Sanya diving base, the ladder of the jumping platform has not yet been built, the workers use bamboo to build a simple bamboo ladder, Sun Shuwei from the bamboo ladder step by step to the ten-meter jump platform.

He: China's first gold medal in olympic diving, named the youngest men's best athlete

Someone has calculated that the wrists of diving team members have to withstand 350 kilograms of pressure when they enter the water pressure splash. Sun Shuwei was injured, and Coach Wu Guocun asked, "Does it hurt?" ”

"Sort of."

"Can you still hold on?"

"It was ok."

Without too many words, he was never very active or difficult to speak. He knew that he did not have any innate advantage in practicing diving, and the only way to achieve superhuman results was to pay the price of superman.

5. Youngest Male Best Athlete.

In January 1999, he participated in the 11th World Cup Diving Competition in Wellington, cooperated with teammate Yu Zhuocheng, and won the two world championships of double platform and double three-meter board with 341.25 points and 313.02 points respectively, and cooperated with teammate Yu Zhuocheng to win the mixed team world championship.

In 1990, he was elected the best diver in the country.

In 1991, he was named the world's best male platform diver, becoming the youngest male best athlete selected by Swimming World magazine in the past years.

In 1993, he was named one of the top ten athletes in China.

After the 2001 Nine Games, Sun Shuwei officially retired. After retiring, the national team leader Zhou Jihong "broke the rules" to recall him to the national team, this time he was not a student, but became a coach, to the new people from the provinces to train as coaches.

He: China's first gold medal in olympic diving, named the youngest men's best athlete

Now Sun Shuwei, who is the diving team coach of the Guangdong Provincial Sports And Sports Technical College, has brought several small apprentices and lived a happy life with his little sister and former national diving team main force Cai Yuyan.