
Russian media: 3 submarines of the Russian Navy conduct a "torpedo duel" in the Barents Sea

Source: World Wide Web

The Russian Satellite News Agency reported on November 3 that the information office of russia's Northern Fleet said on the same day that three submarines of the Russian Northern Fleet conducted torpedo firing exercises in the Barents Sea, including an "underwater duel."

Russian media: 3 submarines of the Russian Navy conduct a "torpedo duel" in the Barents Sea

Russian sailors prepare to board nuclear submarines (data map)

According to the report, the crew of two nuclear submarines and one cruise submarine of each formation of the Russian Navy's Northern Fleet submarine force participated in the exercise, but the Northern Fleet Information Office did not disclose which formation they belonged to. Members of the Nuclear Submarine Force completed a single-handed duel in the form of actual torpedo fire at a depth of up to 150 meters.

During the days of the exercise, the submarines of the Northern Fleet practiced finding and spotting submarine opponents, tracking them, and avoiding being pursued by them, repelling attacks and carrying out torpedo attacks. Torpedo firing training is done by using practical ammunition without a warhead attached. All torpedoes used in the exercise were lifted out of the water by torpedo boats and returned to base for further use in the combat training of submarine crews at sea.

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