
Parrots' "ventriloquism" is indeed very superior among birds, so praised

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Parrots are many birds of the order Psittaciformes (scientific name: Psittaciformes). Typical climbing birds, with toe-shaped feet, two toes forward and two toes backwards, suitable for grasping, the beak is strong and powerful, and can eat hard shell fruit. The plumage is brightly colored and is often kept as a pet. They are more appreciated and loved by people for their beautiful feathers and good at learning human language skills. The largest of the parrots is the purple-blue macaw, which can reach a length of 100 cm, and the smallest is the blue-crowned short-tailed parrot, which is only 12 cm long. Most parrots feed on plant fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, young shoots, etc. on trees or on the ground, and also eat a small number of insects. Honey-sucking parrots feed on pollen , nectar and soft, juicy fruits. Parrots are mainly distributed in warm, sub-thermal and tropical areas. There are 2 families, 82 genera, and 358 species, making it one of the largest families of ornithischia. It is mainly distributed in tropical forests. Some species in the Southern Hemisphere extend to temperate regions, while others spread to distant islands. Parrots come in a wide variety of species, with different shapes and bright plumage. There are purple and blue macaws, sunflower cockatoos with yellow crowns on their white heads, Amazon parrots that can speak well, colorful rainbow honey-sucking parrots, small sunflower-like cockatoos, small tiger skin parrots and peony parrots, eclectic parrots with big red and green, and African grey parrots shaped like pigeons. The crimson-breasted parrot and the flower-headed parrot have wild populations in China.

<h3>Acting talent</h3>

Parrots' "ventriloquism" is indeed very superior among birds, so praised

Thailand issued a parrot stamp sheet in 2001

People love these beautiful birds, issue stamps for them, set up websites, organize conservation associations, and set up protected areas. Even use them as a symbol of wisdom.

In the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Sea, it is revered as the national bird, and the coat of arms of the country is a macaw named "Cerro", which is a symbol of independence and self-reliance of the Central American island nation. The parrot is clever, good at learning, trained to perform many new and interesting programs, and is a rare bird "performance artist" in various circuses, parks and zoos, and is loved by the public. They can learn various skills such as: flag tying, feeding, cycling, pulling, flipping and so on. Parrots are closely related to the development of human civilization, and they are also people's best companions and friends. In the long process of domestication, parrots bring a lot of joy to people, and even help people to cure diseases.  

<h3>Imitation skills</h3>

Parrots' "ventriloquism" is indeed very superior among birds, so praised

African Grey Parrot

The most beloved skill of parrots is to emulate human paragonism. In fact, their "ventriloquism" is indeed very superior among birds. It's a conditioned reflex, a mechanical imitation. This imitation behavior is also scientifically called imitation. Because birds do not have a well-developed cerebral cortex, they have no mind and consciousness, and it is impossible to understand the meaning of human language.

There was a unique parrot learning contest held in the United Kingdom, in which an inconspicuous african grey parrot won the championship, and when the bird with the parrot was unveiled, the grey parrot looked around and said, "Wow! Why are there so many parrots here! ", the whole audience roared. A few days later, the excited host invited many VIPs to the home to celebrate, and the shroud opened: "Wow! Why are there so many parrots here! There was an uproar. A parrot who thinks he's smart will say, "Wow! Why are there so many distinguished guests here! "And the owner who won everyone's applause was very embarrassed." It can be seen that parrot learning is nothing more than a conditioned reflex, and its vocabulary is also limited. The small story caused by "parrot learning tongue" in people's lives has added a lot of talk and jokes to people after tea and dinner.

People love these beautiful parrots and can go to bird markets and zoos to see birds that have been domesticated and artificially bred. It is everyone's responsibility to protect them and not to buy wild parrots that bird dealers have stolen. Newspapers have recorded that from wild birds caught, long-distance returns, into the market, to domestication, the survival rate is 17:1. If one day these beautiful birds were reduced to the end of the owl parrot and the tabu honey-sucking parrot, or simply disappeared from the earth, it would be the real sadness of mankind.

<h3>Poetry of the Ages</h3>

There are also many poems by the literati of the past generations:

Don Laihu: The color is white and snowsuit, and the mouth is red and green. Locked in a golden cage year after year, how longshan smells and flies.

Tang Li Yifu: Pulling the bow to the sea, touching the net to go to the layers. Wing carving cage, Yan Si Cai Xia duan.

Tang Huhao: Parrots are special, and the Luan Emperor has to be shoulder to shoulder. Always look for the golden temple, in front of the jade steps of each word.

Five Laws Of Parrots: Caged parrots sing, sing and anthropomorphic voices. The curved claw grasped the gold tightly, bent down and nodded. I don't know, he speaks ugly. Speaking for the Lord is troublesome, and playing with each other can also be hated.

Tang Feng Yanwei: The jade is double-hanging, but the golden cage parrot knows.

Tang Feng Yanwei: Jade hook bending column tune parrot, like turning to stay in spring language.

Don Wei Zhuang: Sad jade cage parrot, single-dwelling without a partner.

Tang Zhu Qingyu: Talking about palace affairs with lust, the parrot does not dare to speak in front of him.

Northern Song Dynasty Liu Yong: Oolong is not asleep, and the parrot can prevent leakage.

Qing Naran: Only the long accompaniment of Duan Xi Zi should be cut to the autumn tide. The parrot stole the teaching, and Fang Xiang saw the jade in front of him.

Tang Xuetao: Long Xi was alone and flew to Jinyin. It is not convenient to speak out of the capital, and it is not allowed to call people again in the cage.

Tang Dumu: The Huatang is getting taller and taller, and the carved sills are red ribbons. Homeland Longshan Tree, Beauty Gold Scissors. Avoid the cage and cross the green tail, and the mouth is quiet and new. Don't recite the three things, the world is all Ercao.

Don Bai Juyi:[1]

1. Annan is far away into the red parrot, and the color is like a peach blossom and a person. The article argues that the wisdom is like this, when did the cage sill come out?

2. Even the Japanese language is still silent, and the midnight resurfacing is shocking. The body is imprisoned, and the heart is clear. Twilight homecoming thoughts, spring reminiscences of the voice of the couple. Who can break the cage and fly from the fast?

3. The Longxi parrot goes to Jiangdong and raises its mouth to become red over the years. Often fearful of returning to the first to cut the wings, each time due to feeding temporarily open the cage. Although the words of human pity are heavy, the birds remember that they have different meanings of flying high. It should be like a Zhumen song and dance prostitute, hidden deep in the closed room.

<h3>Statistical inference ability</h3>

On March 4, 2020, parrots were able to learn to make choices based on probability, making them the first animals outside the great ape family to use statistical modeling methods in the decision-making process. [2]


1. Parrot [Cited on 2019-06-28]

2. French media: Studies found that parrots have the ability to make statistical inferences [Cited on 2020-03-05]

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