
Baotou History: Hu Han Evil and Wang Zhaojun

author:Fall in love with Baotou is

In the history of each nation, there have been some heroes who have made outstanding contributions to social progress and national prosperity, and have been highly respected and praised by the people. In the history of the Xiongnu, in addition to Mao Dun, it is necessary to count the Evil of Hu Han. However, the activities of Hu Han evil in his lifetime have formed an indissoluble relationship with Han Wuyuan County, which governs Baotou City.

Five singles in contention

After successive blows by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the strength of the Xiongnu, which was once powerful, was greatly weakened, coupled with the invasion of natural disasters, the internal contradictions of the ruling group intensified day by day. By the time of Emperor Xuan of Han (73-49 BC), there was an incident of "five singles in contention".

Hu Han evil Shan Yu (音山), the son of the Xiongnu Mao Dun Shan in the sixth generation of sun Xu Lu Quan Qu Shan Yu. He died in 60 BC (the second year of the reign of The Divine Lord) and was supposed to be succeeded by Ji Houshan, but was stripped of his throne by the Right Sage King. Ji Houshan fled to the left, relied on the strength of the left nobles, defeated the right sage king, and established himself as Hu Han Evil Shan Yu.

After this turmoil, the xiongnu chiefs established themselves as shan yu. Bo Xutang, the king of the Day, established himself as Tuqi Shan Yu, the king of Hu Jie in the west established himself as Hu Jie Dan Yu, the right King of Yi Yi (Yin Yu Jian) in the east established himself as Che Li Shan Yu, and the Wu Yi Du Wei also established himself as Wu Yi Shan Yu. Between the five singles, they attacked and killed each other, some soldiers committed suicide in defeat, some were forced to flee, and the Xiongnu were in internal turmoil. By the time Hu Han returned to Shan Yu's court, the population of the Xiongnu had been greatly reduced, leaving only a few tens of thousands of people.

At this extremely difficult moment, King Xiu Xun again established himself as Yan Zhen Shan Yu on the right, and Hu Tu Wusi, the brother of Hu Han Evil, also established himself as Hou Shan Yu of Zhi Zhi In the east. Zhi Shan Yu sent troops to attack and kill Yan Zhen Shan Yu, and then attacked Hu Han Evil Shan Yu. Hu Han was caught off guard, defeated, and forced to leave Shan Yuting.

Stay behind

Whether to sit still or submit to the Han Dynasty were the two paths that could be chosen by The Evil Emperor of The Han Dynasty at that time. Within the tribe, there was a fierce debate among the nobles. One side resolutely disagreed with submission, believing that this was a disorder of the system of the first king, and that it would be ridiculed by the various ethnic minorities belonging to the Xiongnu, and that it would no longer be able to dominate the north. The other side believes that it is necessary to distinguish between strong and weak situations. Now that the Han Dynasty is strong and the Xiongnu are weakening day by day, if they do not submit to the Han Dynasty, they will inevitably be attacked by the Han army and Zhi Zhidanyu from the north and south, and will lead to extinction. Therefore, returning to the Han Dynasty is the only way to live. Hu Han xiandan yu adopted the opinion of the latter faction, led his troops, and went south to the south. Sai is the wuyuan sai, in the present-day Damao United Banner Xihe Township Shila Wenge ancient city (1). In the spring of 53 BC (the first year of Emperor Xuan's ganlu), Hu Han sent his son Ba Lou Qutang to Chang'an to serve the emperor. In the winter, he also sent his brother King Zuoxian to The Capital to celebrate (2). In the winter of the following year (52 BC), he personally went to Gohara Sai to express to the officials of Wuyuan County that he was willing to offer the treasures of the state and go to Kyoto to meet the Son of Heaven in the first month of the next year.

In the spring of 51 BC (the third year of Ganlu), Hu Han came to Wuyuan County and from here to Chang'an. Han dispatched han chang, a lieutenant on horseback, to greet him and send them through the seven counties he would pass through, ensuring that soldiers could travel unimpeded (3). The seven counties were: Wuyuan, Shuofang, Xihe, Shangjun, Beidi, and Feng yi, including Chang'an. This is exactly the county through which qin straight road passes, so Hu han evil Shan Yu undoubtedly went south from the straight road to Chang'an through Wuyuan County, and the seven counties along the way, each county issued "two thousand horses for Chen Daoshang", both for defense and to show favor. In the first month of the first month, Emperor Xuan of Han "Xingganquan Palace" (秦林光宫, han renamed Ganquan Palace, in present-day northern Chunhua County, Shaanxi), awaited the court of Hu Han's evil Shan Yu. After Hu Han evil arrived at Ganquan Palace, Emperor Yi of Han received him with special courtesy, positioning above the kings in waiting, and when he met him, he called him a vassal instead of registering Yu, and rewarded him with a large number of precious gifts, such as crown belts, clothes, swords, bows, carriages and horses, golden seals, splendid embroidery, miscellaneous draperies, and silks. After the ceremony was completed, the emissary guided Shan Yu first and went south to Chang'an. When passing the Weihe Bridge, tens of thousands of Han people and barbarian kings and princes greeted them. When Emperor Xuan ascended the Weihe Bridge, he shouted long live. Hu Han lived in Chang'an for more than a month, and before returning to China, he requested Emperor Xuan to "stay in the ancient city of Linchang in the southwest of the town of Bailingmiao in present-day Damao Banner), and if there is an emergency, Baohan will be surrendered to the city" (5). Han was surrendered to the city when in the area of present-day Urat Houqi Uliji Sumu Bayinuru (6). Emperor Xuan granted his request, and sent The Changle Guard Lieutenant Gaochang Marquis Dongzhong and the Cheqi Du Lieutenant Han Chang with 16,000 cavalry, and also sent Bianjun Shi to escort Hu Han out of Shuofang Chicken Deer Sai (present-day Wolf Mountain, Wolf Mountain, Houqi, Urat). Jing ordered Dong Zhong and others to be stationed on the border plugs of Shuofang County and Wuyuan County, defend Shan Yu, and rebuke disobedients. It also allows the border counties to transfer grain and dried rice (referring to foods such as fried rice). It amounted to 34,000 hu (about 30 kilograms equivalent to today) before and after to supply the evil tribes of Hu Han.

In 49 BC (the first year of the Yellow Dragon), emperor Yuan of Han succeeded to the throne, and Hu Han xiandan asked to re-enter the dynasty to meet the Heavenly Son. The courtesy of the Han Dynasty is still the same as the last time, and it is also given to rich and precious items. The route of this round trip may have taken a straight road, coming and going from Wuyuan County, because at that time, the tooth tent of Hu Han Evil Shan Yu was located in Guanglusai. Later, the grassland suffered a disaster, and the Han Dynasty asked Wuyuan County and Yunzhong County to allocate 20,000 grain hu (about 600,000 kilograms) to help the Xiongnu victims.

Hu Han Evil Shan Yu was supported by the Han Dynasty, defeated the natural disaster, and avoided the attack of Zhi Zhi Shan Yu, within a few years. Production developed, the population grew dramatically, and in the areas under his control, a scene of prosperity appeared. However, after all, the western plateau of Inner Mongolia is narrow and there are not many animals and animals for nomadic hunting, so Yu Zhidan has moved west to Jiankun (present-day Xinjiang and the Ili River Valley in Kazakhstan) to live, and Hu Han's evil Shan Yu is strong enough to protect himself, so he asked to return to Shan Yuting in the north.

Before returning to the north, on the eastern mountain of Nuozhenshui (present-day Aibugai River, Damao Banner), Hu Han Evil Shan Yu drank the blood of a white horse with Han Chang, the governor of Han Che, and Zhang Meng, the Grand Master of Guanglu, and others, saying: "From now on, Han and Xiongnu have become one family, and the world will not have to deceive each other. ...... Make all his descendants as if they were allies" (7).

Strictly abide by the covenant

After returning to the desert north, Hu Han strictly abided by the covenant, and the various ministries gradually attached themselves to him, internal stability, rapid population growth, rapid development of livestock, and great strides forward in society.

After leading his army to the west, Zhi Zhidan defeated the Wusun, Wujie, Jiankun, Dingzhi and other ethnic groups. Later, King Kangju (in present-day Kazakhstan along the Syr Darya River) and Zhi Zhidanyu joined forces to attack Wusun (west of present-day Urumqi, Xinjiang, along Lake Issyk-Kul in Kazakhstan) (8). Zhi Zhi led his troops to the west, and on the way, the weather was suddenly cold, and many people froze to death, leaving only 3,000 people, who were killed by Gan Yanshou, the han dynasty's governor of the Western Regions, and Chen Tang, the deputy lieutenant.

Zhi Zhi was both cursed, and he was both happy and afraid of Han Evil, and he wrote to him: "I always wish to see the Son of Heaven." In the spring of 33 BC (the first year of Emperor Yuan's reign), he entered the court and expressed his willingness to become a son-in-law of the Han Dynasty and become closer to the Han Dynasty. Emperor Yuan then gave him a wife, a palace woman named Wang Yan (Zi Zhaojun).

Hu Evil Han Shan Yu wrote a letter expressing his willingness to guard the border for the Han Dynasty and pass it on from generation to generation. In the spirit of "not forgetting danger", the Han Dynasty politely declined his request.

After two years, Hu Han evil Shan Yu died. On his deathbed, he also admonished his descendants to keep his covenant with Han in order to repay the favor of the Son of Heaven.

Hu Han saved the Xiongnu nation, set a precedent for the minority regime in northern China to accept the leadership of the central government in the Central Plains, ensured the survival and safety of the Xiongnu nation, and was deeply respected by its descendants. The first cornerstone was laid for the unification of the northern part of the country with the Central Plains.

Zhaojun is out of the jam

"Zhaojun and pro" and "Zhaojun out of the plug" have been widely circulated in the history of our country. Zhaojun tomb appears in many places, there are thousands of poems and chants, there are many folk legends, many novels, dramas, music and art, etc., all with this theme, constantly composing new chapters, TV dramas have also been put on the fluorescent screen. The legendary Wang Zhaojun is beautiful and touching, and the Wang Zhaojun in real life is even more singable and weeping.

Wang Zhaojun (王昭君), courtesy name Yan (嫱), was a palace maid during the reign of Emperor Yuan, a native of Nan Commandery (南郡秭桂, in present-day Zigui County, Hubei Province), and was elected to the palace as a "good family son". Zhaojun out of the plug, which one is out? Which route was taken? The historical records are not clearly documented. Judging from the road taken by the Han-Hungarian envoys and Shan Yu recorded in the Book of Han, it was necessary to take Taiyuan and then turn north to the Middle Road. This is the avenue of communication between Han and Hungary. Because when Zhaojun went out of the jam, there were many subordinates, heavy weights, and vehicles, only by taking the middle road, the supply was convenient and guaranteed along the way, and the Han tombs near the ancient city of Machi in the suburb of Baotou had been excavated many times such as "Shan Yu Heqin", "Shan Yu Tian", "Changle Weiyang", "Siyi Exhaustion", "Long Live the Thousand Autumns" and so on. Archaeologists have broken it into the middle and late Western Han Dynasty, and the era coincides with the time of Zhaojun's departure (9).

Zhaojun's departure was requested by her "request to the Ye Ting Order (the place where the emperor's concubines live is called the Ye Ting, and the Order is the chief of the Ye Ting)", that is to say, it was voluntary. It is said that it was because "after entering the palace for several years, he was not allowed to see the emperor and accumulated grievances." She was originally a woman of a good family, forced to enter the harem, did not get the emperor's grace, and naturally had her own sorrows and pains. But on the other hand, even if you get the emperor's favor, it is just a plaything in the hands of the emperor. Having the above ideas is very natural for a palace girl. According to reports, at the ceremony held at the imperial court to bid farewell to Han evil, Zhaojun behaved calmly, had a generous attitude, a rich appearance, and beautiful costumes, which made the Han Palace shine and color, and she lingered in the shadows, making the left and right solemnly respected it. When the emperor saw her, he was moved by her and wanted to keep her, but he had already promised to call Han Evil, and it was difficult to lose his trust, so he had to let her go out with Han Evil (10). Hu Han was very happy and named Zhaojun "Ning Hu Fu Clan" (meaning Zhaojun as the Fu Clan, the Xiongnu tribe anning). Zhaojun also had the foresight to promote Sino-Hungarian friendship. After she got married, she actively assisted Hu Han evil Shan Yu in making every effort to reconcile Han and Hungary, influencing her own children and grandchildren, and making bian Sai anning reach for several years. Her great achievements are admired by future generations. The title of "Ning Hu Fu Clan", she is well-deserved.

Two years after Zhaojun was married, he gave birth to a son (named Yi Tu Zhiyashi, later the King of the Right Day), and Hu Han died. Before dying, she consulted with her people and believed that the Xiongnu civil strife had been going on for more than ten years, and thanks to the strong support of the Han Dynasty, they were able to turn the crisis into safety. The seat of Shan Yu shall be passed to the sons in turn (11). After succeeding to the throne, Emperor Hancheng ordered Zhaojun to follow xiongnu customs, and Zhaojun then gave birth to two daughters for the sake of Fuzhuo. Long name Yun, later married to the right bone capital Marquis Xu Budang, so called Xu Bu Ju Ci (Ju Ci is the Xiongnu meaning of princess), the younger daughter married to Dang Yu clan, so called Dang Ju Ci.

Since the compound strain is tired of The Single Order, all the Xiongnu Xindan succeed to the throne, send their sons to serve, send the famous king to dedicate, or even personally enter the Dynasty, and successively enter the Dynasty. When Wuzhu stayed alone, Wusun entered the western border of the Xiongnu to steal people and livestock, killed more than a thousand people, and also sent protons. After Wuzhu Liudan reported the matter to the imperial court, Emperor Wu asked him to return the proton, and Shan Yu immediately obeyed. The kings and people of the Cheshi State and the Hulai Kingdom in the Western Regions surrendered to the Xiongnu, and Shan Yu reported in the letter, and the Han emissaries ordered Shan Yu to return. Obey the edict alone. ⑿

Later, when Wang Mang came to power, he acted arbitrarily, such as calling the title of "Xiongnu Shan Yu" "Surrendering slaves to submission", and replacing it with a new "Xiongnu Shan Yu Zhang" when he returned to Emperor Xuan, replacing it with a new "Xiongnu Shan Yu Zhang", and unreasonably interfering in the internal affairs of the Xiongnu.

Wang Mang also sent twelve generals and recruited 300,000 troops in an attempt to pursue the Xiongnu by force, dividing the Xiongnu into fifteen parts, and forcibly establishing fifteen descendants of Han Evil Shan Yu as Shan Yu. He also sent people to lure Han Evil Zi into the plug, and threatened to seal it as Shan Yu.

At this time, Wang Zhaojun's son-in-law, Marquis Xubu of Right Bone, was the ruling minister of the Xiongnu, and his wife Yundu wanted to make peace with China, trying to try to save this situation that was on the verge of rupture, but after the death of Wuzhu Liu, he supported the left plough King Xian as WuLeiDan Yu and persuaded him to make peace with Wang Mang. At that time, most of the negotiations between The Han and the Hungarians were carried out through the family relationship of Zhaojun. For example, he was appointed as an envoy to the Xiongnu on several occasions. The Xiongnu Shan Yu also sent Zhao junzi yun, Dang Zihao, and others to contact the Han Dynasty. However, Wang Mangfu deceived Shan Yu, demeaning the "Xiongnu" as "Gong Nu" and "Shan Yu" as "good"; he also lured Xu Budang and Yun into the jam and forcibly escorted him to Chang'an, where he worshiped Shan Yu (who later died in Chang'an). Do whatever stupid things are done that undermine the relationship between the two sides.

The year of Zhaojun's death is unknown, but from the above series of historical facts, it can be seen that Zhaojun and her relatives, not only herself, but also her descendants' daughters, sons-in-law, and grandsons all insisted on the reconciliation of the Han and Xiongnu and made many efforts. This is undoubtedly invaluable.

Source: History of Baotou (Baotou Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, editor-in-chief: Li Shaoqin), July 1994. Huang Xiang finished in November 2021

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