
Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

author:I finally have a dog
Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Golden Retriever: Golden Retriever, companion dog, working dog, also known as golden retriever. To trace the history of the Golden Retriever, it is about 1865, the Golden Retriever is a single hound, a more popular dog breed, swimming with excellent endurance. The Golden Retriever is one of the most common domestic dogs, it is easy to keep, patient and does not require much from its owner, as long as regular exercise, food and veterinary medical examinations are enough. It belongs to a well-proportioned, powerful, lively dog breed, characterized by stability, reasonable coordination of various parts of the body, legs are neither too long nor clumsy, friendly expression, warm personality, alert, confident and not afraid of life, personality is pleasing. The Golden Retriever was originally a retriever and is now mostly used as a guide dog and pet dog. Very child-friendly or baby-friendly. The Golden Retriever is ranked fourth in the world's breed IQ rankings. Kind and friendly personality, very loyal to the host. It is emotionally rich, cheerful, likes to play with children, based on genetic characteristics, likes sports, and is quite gluttonous. The Golden Retriever is very intelligent and has a great sense of humor. Under normal circumstances, there is no discrimination against other dogs or people.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Alaskan Sled Dog: Alaskan Malamute, the domestic dog, is one of the oldest polar sled dogs, and alaskan sled dogs can be found in the records of the original North American immigrants. Compared with other dog breeds, Alaskan sled dogs are relatively less disciplined and free and loose. This dog is stronger than the Siberian sled dog, and can not only carry heavy loads, but also carry heavy loads and walk extremely long distances. Adult Alaskan dogs have a quiet, elegant temperament and are very loyal to their owners.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Scottish Shepherd: Collie, domestic dog, aka Curly Shepherd, the ancestors of the Scottish Shepherd lived in the cold north of Scotland, where it was cold all year round, giving their ancestors very thick and thick long hair. Gentle temperament, easy to approach, energetic outdoors, rich in feelings for the owner, wary of strangers, this dog is good at socializing, usually does not show a weak or aggressive side at all. This dog is socially adept and usually shows no weakness or aggression at all. The hearing is sensitive, and sounds can be heard from half a kilometer away. He is very loyal to his master. Although the Scottish Shepherd is extremely rich in fur, it is not easy to lose hair except for the time spent moulting.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Tibetan Mastiff: Tibetan Mastiff, also known as Tibetan Mastiff, belongs to the mastiff class, is a large and fierce dog. Its coat color is mostly iron-clad gold, yellow, black (black is not pure black, but slightly white hair on the chest and limbs), etc., native to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It has a strong temperament, noble and arrogant, strong strength, quick movements, poor endurance, and the puppy has a poor memory before adulthood. The typical characteristics of this breed are high alertness, strong territorial awareness, extreme loyalty to the owner, strong hostility to strangers in the territory, and good at protecting the owner and his belongings. The Tibetan mastiff has a loyal guardian nature, not only the best protection dog for nomadic peoples, but also recognized as the best guard dog for kings and tribal chiefs. The Tibetan mastiff is tall, tough, brave, and wild. Protecting territory, protecting food, being good at attacking, and having a strong hostility toward strangers; although extremely affectionate to the owner, it poses a serious threat to the public in the human living area. The fiercest dog breed in the world.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Great Dane: Great Dane, domestic dog, also known as great Dane, German mastiff has been bred by european royal families and nobles, is a symbol of aristocratic status, noble and elegant appearance, large body, full muscle, strong and powerful. Among the large working dogs, it is the only dog with a well-proportioned posture that can easily travel long distances. People call it the dog of the sun god. The Great Dane first grew in the Southern Asia region of the Mediterranean, and then arrived in Germany with the early Persian merchants and Roman armies, and was friendly to familiar people and small animals, and even tolerated humility, but animals about the same size as it, it is best not to mess with it, after all, it is one of the tallest breeds of dogs. Whether it is looking at appearance or nature, the Great Dane is the most elegant, noble, and has the temperament of a king. However, its thin stature can cause ~ some diseases, often occur flatulence, bone cancer, hip development abnormalities and heart disease, life expectancy is only about 10 years

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Great Pyrenees, alias Pyrenean Mountain Dog. Search and rescue dogs, companion dogs, the Great White Bear Dog dates back to the ancient Roman period, brought to Spain by the ancient Romans. Naturally, the Great White Bear dog is confident, gentle and friendly. Protecting their territory, flock or family when necessary, they usually appear calm, calm, patient and tolerant. Very strong-willed, independent and slightly reserved, with a strong sense of responsibility, and caring for the person or animal responsible for it. Loyal and brave.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Belgian Shepherd: The Belgian Shepherd Dog, a working dog, is a versatile and easy-to-train dog slightly smaller than the German Shepherd, with a beautiful appearance, strong, flexible and muscular, alert and energetic, brave and tireless characteristics that allow it to perform different jobs. Folk dog lovers also keep Groanda as a casual and sporty pet. There are four different types of Belgian Shepherds, namely shorthair breeds (Belgian Marinois), black longhair breeds (Belgian Groanders), variegated longhair breeds (Belgian Tambilian dogs) and bristle breeds (Belgian Lacanos Shepherds). Belgian Shepherds are nervous, sensitive and impulsive, and are particularly responsive to stimuli. Alert and focused, stubborn personality; loyal to the owner, occasionally aggressive toward strangers; energetic, intelligent, flexible and enthusiastic, requiring a lot of exercise. To sum up, the character of the Belgian Shepherd is: he loves its owner very much. Extremely sensitive, this trait is superior to any other breed, and it is also loving. Based on this characteristic of the Belgian Shepherd, captivity is not conducive to the personality development and training of the dog.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Bloodhound: St. huberthound, alias St. Huberthound, is one of the oldest, purest and largest olfactory hounds in the world. In the eighth century, it was bred as a hunting dog in Belgium and is known as the St. Huet dog. With its indomitable and magical sense of smell tracking ability, it has been proven that it can track even smells that are more than 14 days old. And set a record of 220 kilometers of continuous odor tracking. The evidence it found was once presented in court. The average lifespan of this dog is 10-12 years. Bloodhounds behave very gently and patiently, and they are friendly to small children and other small animals. The Bloodhound will let the little child lie on/ride on it, and no matter how the child Rua it is, it will accept it all - but this is not good, because sometimes the child may accidentally injure the dog. Carrying a small baby, the pressure on the dog's spine is very large, there is a safety hazard. In addition, good temper is also a situation - please remember that the bloodhound has a habit of protecting food, so no one should easily compete for its food or toys. Some bloodhounds are timid, shy, or alert, loyal to their owners and family members, but may sometimes be aggressive toward dogs of the same sex. The main diseases: valgus of the eyelids, gastric twist, otitis externa, wrinkled dermatitis of the skin, dysplasia of the elbow, dysplasia of the hip joint.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Bernese Mountain Dog: Bernese Mountain Dog, domestic dog, play dog, working dog, more than 2,000 years ago, the Roman army brought the ancestors of the Bernese Mountain Dog to Switzerland, and later crossbred with the native Swiss Shepherd Dog, resulting in four breeds of mountain dogs, the BernEse Mountain Dog is one of them. Generally speaking, the adult Bernese Mountain Dog is a very gentle, courteous, and well-behaved dog. Strong, obedient, confident, not afraid of difficulties and never wild. Puppies sometimes seem very curious and lively, but they are not always annoying. There are many grown-up Bernese mountain dogs, which will become very quiet and ignore strangers, but they will be very excited about people they know well, and they will often climb on the lap of others. He is also very gentle with children and other animals, making him a master of caring for children and other animals. They have a strong sense of human nature, so they are also a perfect family dog. Bourne Hill is loyal to its owner, stands firmly in the face of strangers, remains calm, and is the best working dog. The Bernese Mountain Dog differs from other dog breeds in that they have a strong desire to communicate with their owners. Although there are some similar dog breeds in other dog breeds, almost every Bernese Mountain Dog breed has a strong sense of this aspect. Therefore, the Bernese Mountain Dog is regarded as a dog breed with a very unique style and a high degree of intelligence. Bernese mountain dogs can never be trapped alone in a cage or in the back garden.

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Dobermann: Dobermann, a military dog police dog, at the end of the 19th century, a tax collector and dog catcher named Louis Doberman wanted to keep a fierce dog to protect himself while on a mission, so he bred a super dog with the advantages of Rottweiler, Manchester, Porteron and Greyhound. Bold, sensitive, resolute, decisive, and easy to bite. The Doberman is a natural guard dog, intelligent and powerful. This dog is heat-resistant and cold-resistant, and is suitable for urban life. The coat is short and does not need to be groomed frequently. Easy to train, but not easy to get along with other dogs. Predisposing to flatulence, abnormal hip development, heart problems, and a blood disorder known as WILLEBRAND'S

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

English Foxhound: Foxhound, Hound, it is recorded that the Earl of Fairfax first exported this hound from England to the United States in 1783, and the American Register of Fine Breeds of The Foxhound, published by the American Association of Foxhound Owners, traces the earliest imports to 1890, but there are earlier records, and people tend to think that imports may have begun at an earlier time. Of course, the ancestry of the Genesee Valley dates back at least 20 years before that period and is fairly accurately recorded. It is usually kept in a group in a kennel farm, but it is very lively, energetic, cheerful, approachable, friendly and smooth. If the owner knows how to train properly, he can accept him as the leader of the group, otherwise it is not suitable as a pet. Suitable for group breeding, the amount of exercise is very large, not suitable for urban life, do not like to be alone, need to regularly comb the coat.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Chinook: Chinook, working dog, historical breeder Arthur Walton bred, with sledding as the main task, bred by huskies, short-haired St. Bernards and Belgian Shepherds. Fewer than 200 are currently alive. As a traditional fluffy dog, Chinook seems to be more suitable for work, especially when pulling a sled in the snow. They have a determined and confident personality, and the dogs need to be strictly controlled and disciplined to prevent them from fighting with other dogs in the group. Its unique personality makes it only suitable for experienced dog owners, and irritable and boring it can damage furniture.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Saluki Hound: Saluki, companion dog, alias Arabian Hound, Hound, Persian Lingti, Salukie, ancient, dating back to 5,000 years ago, the walls of ancient Egyptian mausoleums, also painted with hunting dogs that closely resemble them. The Saluki is intelligent, loyal, stable and obedient, with an aristocratic demeanor, and is a precious breed. However, due to its origin as a hunting dog, the desire to hunt is extremely strong, so it is necessary to strictly manage training. In addition, home breeding must provide enough room for them to move, and must ensure sufficient exercise every day.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Anatolian Shepherd Dog: ANATOLIANSHEPHERD DOG, Livestock and Guard Dog, alias Kangba Kopiki, Karabas, Kannigao, Anatolian (Cara bus) dog, about 1,000 years ago, some Turkish-speaking people came to settle in some parts of Asia Minor, they brought with them the proud shepherds, the ancestors of the Anatolian Shepherd. Because the Anatolian Shepherd has a strict social organization, but it lacks dependence and is not good at obedience, it is not suitable as a companion animal for the family. Can adapt to various climates, robust and brave. Gentle to children, distrustful of strangers, good guard dog. It requires a lot of exercise every day, which is not suitable for city life and needs to be groomed regularly. Alert and intelligent, calm and discreet. Inherently protective, it is brave and adaptable. It is very loyal. Born with a strong sense of territorial protection. It will have reservations about strangers, and if strangers are outside their territory, it is not much of a problem. This breed does not usually react lively.

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Greyhound: Greyhound, Hound, house dog, also known as greyhound, Gree dog, Greyhound, Greyhound, Greyhound. Lingti is one of the ancient dog breeds. The type of purebred dog has not changed from ancient times to the present. The first visual hunting dog trained to use vision to track prey is the fastest on foot in the world, reaching speeds of up to 64.5 kilometers per hour. However, this dog prototype is not very delicate, but it is also suitable for use as a family dog.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Otterhound: Otterhound, also known as OtterHound, Otter Hound may be a descendant of detective hounds, and they may be the result of a hybridization of large coarsely coated dogs, ancient foxhounds, and French long curly hounds. The Odah Hound is a tall, disheveled hound with a magnificent head that shows great strength and majesty, and its strong body and large stride allow him to work long hours. His sense of smell is extremely sensitive, he is curious about smells, and he can keep researching. The Odda Hound is capable of catching prey on land and water, combining the following typical characteristics: a large amount of rough double coat, and strong, webbed claws. They are able to get along well with children and with other animals, but this breed is often opinionated, especially when they see water.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Flanders Livestock Dog: Guard dog, working dog, domestic dog, in the natural environment, he is a gentle, calm dog. He is often used as a rescue dog or messenger dog. Modern people find him as a domestic companion as good as a guard dog or guard dog. His physical condition, intellectual characteristics, mannerisms, combined with his sense of smell, his intelligence and initiative, make him a good tracking dog and guide dog. The Flanders breed is a calm breed, determined, determined and brave.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Caucasian Sheepdog, sport dog, domestic dog, Caucasian Shepherd dog native to Russia, Caucasian Shepherd dog is strong and rugged, very adaptable. Quiet and active, more hostile to strangers. Continuous and appropriate training is required from an early age. Most Caucasian dogs get along well with their children, they understand and do not intentionally harm them. But from the very beginning, it is necessary to establish the concept of a relationship between long and young, so that the Caucasus understands that it cannot push children away from them, and at the same time let them not forget that they have a huge body. Like all pets, children's play with Caucasian dogs requires adult care. As older children with frequent social life, they need to know that Caucasian dogs are not compatible with every visitor

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Pyrenees Mastiff: Pyrenean Mastiff, companion dog, guard dog, native to Spain, like the Great White Bear, was brought to Spain by the Early Mediterranean crew. Not suitable for city life, need to groom the coat frequently, easy to train, is an excellent gatekeeper dog. Loyal and calm, friendly to children, dominant to other dogs, and wary of strangers. Being provoked is scary, so continuous training is required from an early age. These energetic dogs, with strong necks and symmetrical patterns on their faces, formed well-recognizable features in the late recent century due to their unique breeding. A partner that humans can rely on, docile, and have good defensive abilities. Need a lot of space and more exercise machines, it is necessary to pay attention to do not let it sleep on a hard surface, otherwise the joints will form an unsightly callosum, should often comb the coat, fur folds and drooping eyelids need special care.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Southern Russian Shepherd: The South Russian Sheepdog, guard dog, is a favorite of former Soviet soldiers, the Southern Russian Shepherd, which is still sometimes used by the Russian army to guard sheep. The ancestors of the Southern Russian Shepherd may have been the Tibetan Great Fierce Dog, which arrived in Eastern Europe about hundreds or even thousands of years ago in the process of migrating or invading Asian populations. Hardy, but not easy to train, and not suitable for city life. Strong and alert, brave and vigilant, possessive of other dogs and requires rigorous and proper training.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Flemish Cattle Dogs: belgian cattle dogs, cattle dogs, rescue dogs. The country of origin is Belgium, which originated in the 17th century. The dog is known for its bravery and loyalty. He fought in World War I and was used to relay information and find the wounded. Used as a cattle dog, guard dog, guard dog and drag dog. It is also commonly used as a rescue dog or messenger dog. Modern people find him as a domestic companion as good as as a guard dog or guard dog. His physical condition, intellectual characteristics, mannerisms, combined with his sense of smell, his intelligence and initiative, make him a good tracking dog and guide dog. And his personality is not as rude and fierce as his appearance, but very peaceful and stable. Very agile and heroic, but it shows calm, good behavior, and a stable character, a firm will and a brave character. Vigilant and talented eyes, showing intelligence, vitality and boldness. In its natural environment, it is a gentle, calm dog.

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Czech WolfHound: Czech Wolfdog / Czekoslovakia Wolfdog, working dog, Czech Wolfhound also known as Czechoslovak Wolfhound since 1955, this breed was bred from a mixture of Carpathian wolves and purebred German Shepherds. Looks like a dog and is very much like a wolf, with a lively, brave, and active personality. It is very loyal to the host and docile. Be able to survive strongly in a harsh environment. Czech wolfhounds are banned from many countries because they look too much like wolves!

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Chow Chow, guard dog, companion dog, is an ancient dog breed native to Tibet, China, has a history of at least 2,000 years. Some cultural relics of the Han Dynasty can also be seen. The real name is the badger, and the pine lion is the name that entered the foreign country and passed back to China. Guard dogs, companion dogs, pine lion dogs combine beauty, nobility and nature, and a typical sad expression adds to the fun. Now the adorable appearance of the Chow Chow has been regarded as an ideal household pet, mainly as a companion dog. Weighing about 20 kg and about 50 cm tall, he has a gentle personality and can be used as a hunting dog, a towing dog, a guard dog, and a companion dog. The Pine Lion Dog is very quiet, elegant in character, and never engages in sabotage. They are the most receptive dog breed to learn to go to the toilet. But the pine lion dog has a unique personality, they are very similar to cats, very egotistical, independent and stubborn. Don't think its melting bear fur will be a good hug, they usually disappoint you because they don't like to tease people. Characters are intelligent but not easy to teach, because they are not by nature to please their masters, and their self-centered personalities cannot be tamed by ordinary dog taming techniques. They don't compromise on corporal punishment, and they don't do things they don't want to do. Their likes and dislikes are based on their own emotions, ignoring others or other animals, and are a breed of dogs with great arrogance and character. They are often mistaken for a very wild and aggressive animal. In fact, they don't like strangers and are very turfistic, as long as they are geographically, they will defend everything, and they will show great unfriendliness to strangers. So the Pine Lion Dog needs a strong and stubborn owner.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

German Shepherd Dog: German Shepherd dog, military dog, police dog, search and rescue dog, guide dog, shepherd dog, ornamental dog, alias German black-backed (shell), which is often said - German wolfhound, this dog breed is said to be native to Germany, the only thing that can be confirmed is that in 1880 this dog has been fixed throughout Germany and used as a sheepdog. German Shepherds are great for domestic use. Because the personality of the German Shepherd is very docile, and the figure is very tall and powerful, the facial expression is more serious and courageous, and the treatment of its owner is also very obedient, and the child will be very cared for.

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Akita Inu: Japanese Akita, hunting dog, companion dog, is the national dog of Japan, is a family pet dog in Japan. Lively and mischievous, curious, will chase when seeing small animals, Akita dogs are very docile and affectionate to their owners, but they have a certain aggression towards other animals. The larger the body, the more aggressive it is. If you put two Akita dog dogs together, there is a 99% chance that they will fight. A male and a female will be at peace.

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Cane Corso, an improved breed of the 2,000-year-old ancient Italian mastiff, is a standard large mastiff with a fierce temperament, extraordinary courage and toughness. This large, improved breeding dog did not survive on mainland Italy in the past, but was bred in Sicily. The Kaslo has a fierce temperament, extraordinary courage, and at the same time is full of toughness, because of its excellent endurance, so once it fights, it is often a bloody battle, until it is completely victorious or completely defeated (seriously injured or killed). Very loyal to the owner, very docile to the rest of the family, like to play with children, and tolerant of children's excesses. Kaslo is also smart and easy to train. However, the temper is more stubborn, so pay attention to the method and guide more. However, Kaslo's desire to dominate is quite strong, especially male dogs, obedience must be cultivated, obedience training must run through the dog's life, it is not difficult to cultivate Kaslo's obedience, but it must be done, otherwise the consequences may be very serious. Kaslo is wary of strangers and can also show moderation and friendliness, but is not enthusiastic and does not attack for no reason. But for those who may pose a threat or infringe on their owners, it will immediately launch a ruthless attack

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Rottweiler: rottweiler, livestock and guard dogs, guard dogs, military police dogs, Rottweiler dogs are intelligent and sensible, calm personality, absolute loyalty to the owner, it is good at distinguishing between good and evil, obeying the password, obeying the master's command. Rottweiler is tough and confident. It loves to see family all the time, so rottweilers follow their male and female owners around the room. Rottweiler dog training difficulty is general, to be strictly tuned when the puppy, otherwise it is difficult for the owner to control after adulthood, there have been records of Rottweiler injuries in foreign countries. With careful tuning, it can also be a quiet companion dog. Rottweilers get along well with children and enjoy playing with children. Of course, this is determined by the personality of the child and the temperament of the dog, because the Rottweiler is very fierce against malicious intruders, so it is particularly suitable as a guard dog

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Afghan Hound: Afghan Hound, a domestic companion dog, visual hound, and ornamental dog, is one of the oldest surviving hound dog breeds. In and around Afghanistan in the 19th century, Afghan hounds were discovered in Western countries. The Afghan Hound has a strong independence, is heat-resistant and cold-resistant, and has a strong ability to adapt to the environment. It is quiet indoors so I can adapt to urban life. The Afghan Hound is very intelligent, because of its lively and active personality, it requires a lot of exercise, so it has to do a certain amount of outdoor activities every day. When walking, be aware that it may be overexcited when it is far away from the owner. It loves water, jumps in when it sees it, is independent, gentle to people, and prefers to live in comfortable modern homes

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Saint Bernard: Saint Bernard, also known as (Saint Bernard) native to Switzerland, is known as the national treasure of Switzerland, and has a long history in Denmark, but in the middle of the 19th century, the number became smaller and smaller and almost to the point of extinction. One of the largest dog breeds in the world, it is one of the heaviest average dog breeds in the world. St. Bernard has a very docile personality, is easy to approach, and is very tolerant of children. It is loyal to its owner and easy to train. If you are given enough space, food, and exercise, you can become a good family dog. Overall, the St. Bernard is one of the most loved and appreciated dog breeds. It is large and has a very docile personality. St. Bernards are also very kind and friendly, very easy to get close to. It likes to live and play with people and children, and is very tolerant and patient with children. St. Bernards are very adaptable and have a lot of vitality.

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Newfoundland, working dog Companion Dog, native to the island of Newfoundland on the east coast of Canada, is said to have ancestry of the Great White Bear Dog or Sled Dog. The Newfoundland dog is a dog with a sweet temperament. Not clumsy, not bad tempered, and an affectionate partner. The Newfoundland is a versatile dog. At home, on land or in water, he was designed to work and had an innate ability to save lives. Newfoundland dogs have exaggerated, heavy coats, are very harmonious, have a deep body, heavy bones, are muscular and very strong. Docile and cute, gentle and gentle are characteristic of Newfoundland dogs, and they are very loyal dogs. The Newfoundland is one of the friendliest of all breeds.

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Irish Wolfhound: Irish Wolfhound. The domestic dog, native to Ireland, originated in 100 BC. It is a true giant dog, the tallest dog in the world. Because the dogs are gentle and loyal, they have become an excellent companion dog and a faithful watchdog. However, due to their large size and the need for larger space to raise, they are not ideal as companion dogs in the city. Generally suitable for wild life, not suitable for urban life, can adapt to cold climates, easy to get along with other dogs, is an excellent guard dog. The Irish Wolfhound has a smart and kind character, is a very trustworthy breed and is child-friendly. The body is strong and muscular, and likes to run around, which requires very empty space.

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Russian Wolfhound: BORZOI, The Russian Wolfhound is a common visual hound that is not very patient with children, cold or even unfriendly to strangers, aggressive to other dogs, and requires strict and gentle owner training. Do not want to be alone, must get enough exercise opportunities to vent their physical strength, and must be pulled when walking, otherwise they will chase other small animals.

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Boeingda (indicator dog) :P ointer, of British origin, originated in the 17th century. The calm temperament and alert, keen sense of the dog indicate that he is suitable both as a family companion and for activities in the wild. He should show majesty and show no shyness towards people or dogs. As a working dog, it can work for people other than its owner, is a true friend of humans, and is also particularly suitable for performing in public. Kind and calm, loyal, energetic, often with the desire to hunt.

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Rhodesian Ridgeback, also known as the LionHound because of its ability to hunt lions. Native to South Africa, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a strong, muscular, lively dog with a well-proportioned and stable appearance. A mature Rhodesian Ridgeback appears handsome, strong, athletic, endurance and fast. Peaceful and majestic, the Rhodesian Ridgeback loves his owner deeply, but has reservations about strangers. This breed is unique in that it has inverse hairs on its back. The reverse hair on the back of the ridge is a very important feature of this breed and should be paid sufficient attention.

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Irish Shedter: Irish Setter, domestic dog, companion dog, also known as Irish Setter, Irish Squat Hound, Red Squat Hound, RovillaK Sheda, the earliest ancestor in its place of origin Emden Island, energetic, outgoing, but late maturity, fun,naughty, suitable for people with hearts to breed, lively and active, docile personality, suitable for companionship with children

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Plot Hound: Plott Hound, native to the United States, originated in the 18th century. Loyal and intelligent, learns things quickly and loves to play with children. It is determined, active, fast, brave and proud, and has great endurance. The amount of food is also very large. Although the dog is suitable for home and is also a good companion, most of them are still mainly hunted as hounds, and are a comprehensive hunting dog that is all-weather and all-region.

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Irish Water Spaniel: The Irish Water Spaniel was bred in the 19th century from poodles, Irish squat retrievers and, possibly bearded hyenas. Energetic, active, enthusiastic, indomitable and endurance. Sensitive sense of smell, good at hunting wild birds, is a good expulsion dog, adapted to activities in the water.

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Norwegian Lunde Hound: Lundehund, companion dog, one of the rarest breeds in the world, alias: Norwegian Seahawk, as a lively and sensitive breed, this dog is now mainly bred as a companion dog. Lively, sensitive, energetic, and can also be a cute companion dog if you can train rigorously and gently from an early age.

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Great Swiss mountain dog, working dog, Great Swiss mountain dog, this native Swiss dog is one of the earliest descendants of the large bulldog, and the ancient Romans brought this large bulldog to the Alps. Brave, reliable, responsive working dogs, alert and alert.

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Belgian Marinois: The Belgian Malinois, working dog, also known as the "horse dog" or "Marinois", is the only short-haired of the four types of Belgian Shepherds and is a well-known ancient breed. It has outstanding police performances such as good obedience, long-lasting excitement, high alertness, sensitive sense of smell, boldness and ferocity, strong attack power, high desire to take, good bouncing power, and strong adaptability, and is favored by police and armies around the world. The dog has an active, lively, high alertness, in addition to having a strong ability to run and jump and has a high desire to work, and responds quickly to the orders of the owner.

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Weimar: Weimaraner, gun hound, companion, also known as Weimar, German Weimar, Weimar, Weimar, Weimar Hound. It originated in Germany in the 17th century, but it was not until the beginning of the 19th century that a separate breed of Weimar Hound appeared. The muscles of the Weimar Hound are striated, and although their role as companion dogs is superior to their role as chasing dogs and pickers, this monochromatic gun hound is popular as a working dog and a companion dog. Although there is still an element of timidity in this breed, and is even considered a feature of the strain, the Weimar Hound usually has a alert, obedient and fearless personality. Both short-haired and long-haired dogs are popular and are reliable working dogs. Hunting prey on the periphery of the wild, or hunting, or obedient training, is a master. Their innate personality and strength allow them to act as completely reliable watchdogs. The breed has the characteristics of beautiful size, speed, energy and physical longevity, all of which are perhaps the most important of the "star qualities". The Weimar Hound's amber, grey-to-blue eyes and shimmering coat give them a dazzling look. Its beautiful instruments are almost in the world's attention, which is one aspect of ensuring that they can be popularized worldwide. The dog is easy to obey and train both at home in towns and villages.

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Curly-Coated Retractor: Curly-Coated Retractor, one of the oldest retrievers, the formation of curly-haired retrievers can be traced back to the Irish long-haired water dog, in addition, some of the characteristics of the Labrador Retriever can also be traced on them. In 1860, the curly retriever was first shown to the public in England as one of the first dog breeds to be officially used for hunting. Confident, determined and proud, this positive, intelligent dog can be a charming and elegant domestic companion, as well as a determined, patient hound. Curly Retrievers are vigilant and obedient, reacting positively to family and friends, both at home and in the wild. Independent by nature, discerning, and intelligent, curly-haired retrievers sometimes appear withdrawn and stubborn, and likewise, indifferent to strangers compared to other retrievers. The independence and calmness of the curly retriever make him never appear shy and self-satisfied. At the dog show, the correct temperament of the curly hair retriever will stand firmly in its place, obedience is very good, the inspection work is very easy, in this process, may be very powerful to shake the tail, may not shake. In the wild, curly retrievers are very enthusiastic, stable, and brave by nature.

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Black and Brown Raccoon Hound: Blackand Tan Coonhound, a hunting dog of American origin, dating back to the 18th century, bred by foxhounds (and possibly bloodhounds). He has a peaceful temperament, likes to go out, and is friendly. As a hound that relies on the sense of smell, it should be able to work closely with other hounds, allowing for reservations, but never shy or fierce.

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Treeing Walker Coonhound, olfactory hound, originated in the 19th century, strong and agile, confident and tenacious, with a strong desire to hunt. The amount of exercise is very large and not very suitable for city life

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Newpolitan Mastiff: Neapolitan Mastiff, was bred from Greek times until Roman times. Ancestral dogs are mastiff dogs used in war and competition, and the Newpoliton has an innate sense of protection, which must be restrained and not tolerated. From the beginning of puppies, it is necessary to let them learn how to interact with humans. They are quiet, comforting companions who don't need a lot of running, but they need space to move. They are particularly fond of children and are very obedient when they are with "their owners". Such confident dogs rarely provoke trouble, and when there is a dispute, they will never back down, even if they have undergone systematic and literate training, they will not become a completely obedient dog. In view of this situation, The Newpolitan can only belong to rational and responsible dog owners, and they must have some understanding of dog behavior and be able to adjust. They drool frequently and require a lot of overhead when raising them.

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Gordon Setter: Gordon Setter, Gun Hound, Gordon Sheddar is a vigilant, cheerful, curious and confident dog. Brave and responsive, smart and talented. He is loyal and loving, has a very stable personality, and can undergo rigorous training.

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Flat-coated Retriever: Flat-Coated Retriever, a domestic companion dog and hound, this breed was produced in the 18th century and was cross-bred by the Labrador, Irish Seth and Curly Hound. Flat-haired retrievers have a unique temperament. This dog is full of positive, family-loving, multi-purpose hounds, this dog has a lot of skills, smart and cheerful, very easy to train. During the race, the flat-haired retriever shows a steady, confident and cheerful appearance, and is easily satisfied, and likes to go out. The wagging tail is characteristic of a flat-haired retriever.

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Canaan Dog: Canaan Dog, Shepherd dog and sheep guard dog, The Canaan is a native breed of Israel and originated around biblical times. The Kanan is a guard dog capable of herding sheep and caring for domestic animals, it is cold to strangers, curious, loyal and friendly to its owner, medium in size, square, but the outline is clear and not very obvious. The Canan has a strong gait, a quick and brisk walk, a wide head on the ground, and a low upright ear.

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Berry: Briard, alias: Briar, native to the Borrey region of France. Adapt to city life; can adapt to cold climates; need to groom frequently; not easy to get along with other dogs, will be troublesome, is an excellent guard dog

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English Shedter: English Setter, Gun Hound, Companion Dog, native to the United Kingdom. Originated in the 19th century. The ancient Spanish Squat Hound is the ancestor of this breed. Beautiful, elegant, quiet and a variety that can be considered for people. Very beautiful, loyal, gentle, and gets along well with children, living with their families or keeping them outdoors. When he finds his prey, he sits down on the spot. It is easy to train and is a good and responsive working dog in actual combat. However, it requires a lot of exercise opportunities, is not suitable for city life, and should be groomed twice a week, and the ears should be checked frequently.

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Anatolian Shepherd: Anatolian Shepherd, guard dog, originated in Turkey and has lived in Turkey since the Babylonia period (2800-1800 BC). An incomparable guard dog, it originated in Turkey and has lived in Turkey since the Babylonia period (2800-1800 BC). It is an unparalleled guard dog whose specialty is to protect livestock.

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Mastiff: Mastiff, one of the oldest dog breeds, in 3000 BC, there are portraits of mastiffs on ancient Egyptian paintings. Kind, faithful, and strictly trained by breeders. The dog is strongly aggressive, energetic, cheerful, and also has a calm, loyal, and emotional personality. The dog can be a very capable guard dog.

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Kuvasz: Kuvasz, companion dog, guard dog, indeed the ancestor of the ominous, according to the Origin of China Tibet, after the Turkish to Hungary, and eventually in Hungary developed into today's Kuvaz Dog. By nature, it is a family dog, loyal and gentle, patient, and not visibly emotional. Always ready to die to protect everything you love. There is a very strong instinct to protect small children. Generally polite to strangers, but suspicious and cautious towards new friends. Excellent guard dogs that, when necessary, can take the right action on their own at the right moment without being instructed. Be bold, brave and fearless. Has the ability to work tirelessly for long periods of time in rough terrain. It has a good sense of smell and loves hunting games.

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Komondor, working dog, also known as Clendog, commonly known as "mop dog". Originated in Hungary, it originated in the 9th century. The Komon is an ancient breed that has been breeding and developing in Hungary for centuries. Have reservations about strangers, love and focus on the master's family or the flock he cares for, be selfless and selfless, and will rebel when the family or flock encounters an attack. Combined with the virtues of love and dedication to the family and flock, the Khomon dog becomes the best guardian of the family or flock, vigilant, brave and very loyal.

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The bearded Collie, an ancient long-bearded shepherd, is said to have been handed down centuries ago after sailors brought the Polish Lowland Shepherd to Scotland and was mixed with the native Scottish breed, especially the Old English Shepherd. The ancient long-bearded shepherd was a true working dog that was brave and vigilant, both powerful and agile. Having been a companion and servant of humans for hundreds of years, the ancient long-bearded shepherd was a wise and affectionate member of the family. He was firm and confident, without the slightest tendency to be shy or aggressive. It is a natural, unmodified variety.

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Bulldog Mastiff: Bullmastiff, domestic dog, Bulldog Mastiff is a hybrid descendant of bulldogs and Mastiff dogs, belonging to a large and powerful dog breed. Brave, confident and obedient, this dog combines reliability, intelligence and positivity. Being a reliable domestic companion and guardian couldn't be better.

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Central Asian Shepherd: Centralasian Sheepdog, an ancient breed with a history of more than 4,000 years. The Central Asian Shepherd may be a descendant of the Asian mastiff. This brave and fearless shepherd has been used as a guard dog for sheep for hundreds or thousands of years. Local herders consider it to be one of the oldest mastiff dogs. The Central Asian Shepherd is a calm, fearless shepherd of the flock. They can get along with every family member and even care for children. Outside the family, they try to dominate other dogs and be wary of strangers, they are guardians and happy to play this role. At the same time, its personality is not for everyone, they need a person who understands their personality and cares for them, they are not suitable for the faint of heart to feed.

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Pharaoh Hound: Pharaoh Hound, companion dog, hunting dog, Pharaoh Hound is one of the oldest dog breeds and is generally believed to have originated in Egypt. As early as four thousand years ago, very similar dog breeds appeared in ancient Egyptian portraits, and they can be found in ancient Egyptian literature and even hieroglyphs. Not suitable for city life, suitable for hot weather, do not need to comb the coat frequently, not easy to train, need a lot of physical training. The elegant appearance and endless power are evident in this breed. They are intelligent, friendly and affectionate, affectionate, playful and alert and active, very loyal and sharp, good visual and smelly, and are a very good hunting dog. Especially loved children. They like to roam and play, eager to get human attention.

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Bordeaux: Dogue de Bordeaux, companion dog, guard dog, the Bordeaux region of France was once ruled by the British, and the local hounds were crossed with the English Mastiff, as well as the Spanish counterpart to produce this powerful, ferocious mastiff. After years of cultivation, it is no longer as fierce as its original ancestors. Quiet and gentle. He is loyal to his family and courageous in his dedication. He is a resolute, determined guard, a first-class guard and guard dog. Don't be timid about strangers. But male dogs cannot tolerate the existence of other same genders (in fact, this is only based on the owner's tuning, after all, dogs live in groups, and owners must establish leadership positions in the dog group). Scary appearance is actually very gentle for the family, especially for the children. But snoring and drooling, and because of its potential aggressiveness, should be cautious about people with no dog experience.

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French WolfHound: Beauceron, native to France, originated in the 16th century, one of France's most famous shepherds, fearless, bold and vigilant, very brave. It can live peacefully with other animals such as dogs and cats it knows. With a balanced and stable personality that does not change throughout his life, once he adapts to the master and his family, he is absolutely loyal, always ready to listen to the master's orders, and has a close connection with the family as close as that of a member of the family. Very brave and with the responsibility of protecting the family and belongings, dare to challenge any intruder. Executes commands quickly and agilely, and is very sensitive to the emotions of the master. The work assigned is very serious. It doesn't like to stay in the kennel. Controlling itself in front of children, the French wolfhound is calm and peaceful, very docile. With a high IQ and a strong memory, the French Wolfhound is so sensitive to its owner's commands that many people think it communicates with its owner's mind. Due to the nature of the French wolfhound, the social demands of training its obedience should begin as early as possible. In the energetic dog, in the wild environment because it can have more time to play exercise, the French wolfhound will do better. No barking without a reason. Unjust punishment cannot be tolerated. Affection is considered the best reward.

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Black Russian Terrier: Black Russian Terrier is a peaceful, confident, brave dog that is sometimes very confident and even a little distant from strangers. They are very smart and very reliable. This variety was bred for guard and protection. The character and temperament of the Black Russian Terrier are extremely important. Behavior in the competition should show ease of control, voluntariness, adaptability, and training to obey the assessment.

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Scottish Deerhound: Scottish Deerhound, companion dog, praised as "the most perfect creature created by God", has an excellent personality, excellent body size, athletic ability, keen sense of smell, can take down deer over 100kg, and is very loyal to the owner, is a good friend of humans. Not aggressive, not too neurotic, and is a very good breed. Graceful in stature, noble and gentle, not suitable for city life.

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Spinone Italiano, Hound, alias Italian hard-haired indicator hound, the ancestors of the Spino can be traced back many centuries and may have originated from griffins. It is a muscular and skeletal dog. Energetic and energetic, he is a gun hound who can work hard. Naturally sociable, obedient and patient, the Spino is hard-working and an experienced hound in any terrain.

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Bristle Indication Griffin: Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, native to France, originated in the 19th century. Bristles indicate that griffins are very sensitive, have very clever, clever minds, and it is very simple to train them. It is very fond of outdoor activities, and also likes to make the owner happy, is a trustworthy pet. It is very good as a family dog, and as a search partner it is also very qualified, always very cautious in doing things.

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Norwegian Elkhound: Norwegian Elkhound, guard dog, native to Norway, originated in the 11th century. The Norwegian Elk Retriever has a bold and active temperament, an opinionated guard dog, but usually friendly, with very noble and independent qualities.

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Ibiza Hound: Ibizan Hound, Hunting Dog, alias: Ibiza Hound, Ibizan Hound. The history dates back to 3400 BC. In glorious ancient Egypt, this imperial hound could only be owned by the pharaoh and participated in his hunting activities. Personality is characterized by a peaceful disposition, affection and loyalty. Smart and easy to train, it is a good family pet. It is suitable for off-road, tracking training. In the wild, it exhibits an eager hunting instinct.

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Welsh Springer Spaniel, a water spaniel and guard dog, was popular in the United States in the early 19th century and was keen and hardworking, loyal and willing to work in any environmental condition. It has an excellent sense of smell and can be used for any form of hunting. Well trained, it can be compared to any gun hound. As a companion dog, it is a good-sized companion, larger and stronger than the Cocker Spaniel, but smaller than the English Springer Spaniel. It is a good guard dog, but is generally gentle for children and other animals.

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Chesapeake Bay Retriever, a hunting dog, originated in England, but there is no complete and reliable record of its development. The temperament is intelligent, happy, and has an expression of wisdom. Brave, willing to work, alert, loves water. Temperament is the main consideration in breeding and breeding.

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American Staffordshire Terrier, as early as 1870, this dog appeared in the United States. The American Steffler Terrier is likely to be a more closely related blood relationship to the Staffordshire bullfighting in the United Kingdom, extremely gentle and affectionate towards adults and children, but potentially fatal to other dogs. With the exception of special-purpose male dogs, social training is required as early as possible and learning to get along with other animals to ensure that they do not engage in instinctive aggression. Dogs with unobtrusive ears are generally considered to be loyal and obedient to their owners. Whether it is the descendants of the bull terrier or the descendants of the fighting dog, they still have strong biting ability and tenacious fighting spirit, and are easy to bite other animals.

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American Pit Bull Terrier, a fighting dog and guard dog, originated in the 19th century and was mainly bred by the American Staff and the American Bulldog. The pit bull's attitude towards humans is very friendly and loyal, no dog breed can replace its position, the pit bull's absolutely delicate feelings for humans and docile personality are never willing to pull their dogs to the four corners of the game, even if there is absolute victory and generous prize money. A good pit bull should have intimidating muscles, a stoic will, long endurance, extremely high bite force, sensitivity, and a thinking brain.

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German Bristle Indicator Dog: German Wirehaired Pointer, alias German Hard-Haired Guide Hound, German Hard-Haired Boeingda Hound, originated in the 18th century and originated in Germany. Healthy, reliable temperament, is a very affectionate dog, for the family, especially children are very protective. A loyal and loving partner, eager to please you and passionate about learning. It likes to be around its owner often and is happy to work for its owner. They are friendly to acquaintances, sometimes avoiding strangers, but not unkind; so they must be trained to social life at an early age. Sometimes they are willful and like to roam. Because of their strength and energy, they can be easily provoked and difficult to control without adequate training.

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Argentine Dogo: Dogo, the domestic dog, originated in the province of Corvado in the central region of Argentina. It is a lively, honest, humble, friendly, not excessively barking dog that can be aware of its own power. Its sense of dominance makes it constantly fight with other dogs of the same gender for territory, especially the male Dogo. As a hunter, it is intelligent, quiet, brave and fearless


Finally, I would like to introduce two varieties that Mu Mu is very interested in

Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending
Pet Dog Encyclopedia (Part 2) What breeds of large dogs are there? What are the personality traits? Ending

Chinese crested dog: Chinese Crested, also known as Chinese hairless dog, half-haired dog, Chinese naked dog, Chinese royal naked dog, Chinese boat dog, etc., is one of the only few hairless dog breeds in the world. Because the dog has crown hair on the top of the head, much like the hat of the Qing Dynasty officials, it is named the Chinese crowned dog. In 1975, the United States began to introduce, it belongs to the toy dog, small size, generally body height does not exceed 33 cm. Its skin tone is a flower color, a variety of colors, common black background with blue patches and pink background with coffee patches. The Chinese crowned fur dog loves to clean, does not lose hair, has a docile personality, likes to be close to people, and is a very suitable family breeding play dog. The Chinese crowned dog has a cheerful, lively, witty, brave and vigilant personality, neither biting nor noisy. Gentle and love neat, kind and cute, can perform, strong ornamentality.

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American Bully Dog: American Bully Pitbull was founded in the mid-1990s with the ultimate goal of breeding as a domestic companion dog. Through the combination of years of selective breeding, the characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier are integrated. The American Bully Dog has a loyal and stable personality, while retaining the easy-to-get-along, kind and friendly temperament of the American Staffordshire Terrier. The American Bully Dog is bred with special attention to extreme tolerance and friendliness towards children and a desire to please their families. Confident but not overactive, this breed has a patient, friendly and tolerant personality. In terms of its body structure, the American Bully Dog gives an impressive amount of exaggeration and muscular strength, as well as explosive power and agility. This breed is a highly trainable dog breed with the ability to complete a variety of tasks.

Well, so far, basically all dog breeds have been introduced to the same, I don't know if you have found your favorite dog that suits you?

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