
From the "cover fish go" to see the details of the lesson introduction vibrato beautiful points

author:Talk about cultural education
From the "cover fish go" to see the details of the lesson introduction vibrato beautiful points

People call it "novelty" when they have never seen a beautiful thing, but in an unexpected place, when they suddenly see a familiar old thing, people will also call it "novel".

"Innovation" is defined as "discovering new connections between knowledge and knowledge". Obviously, the discovery of the connection between knowledge is limited by thinking, and once people's thinking is open, innovation is initiated, then the emergence of new things is just around the corner.

Replay: TikTok video "Cover Fish Go"

On the second day of school, a Douyin video appeared on the school's public account, and there were only three promotional texts, namely "Cover the fish to go".

What is "cover fish", is it "stove fish"? Recently, the streets are full of "earthen stove fish". With a full stomach of doubts, several "small networms" have opened some videos. "It's a 'cover fish,' yes, you see." They cried.

Sure enough, with the cheerful music, three words flew out from the background painting of the smiling teacher Zhang carrying the mask: Cover fish go. Then, in a shallow rice stubble field, dozens of junior high school students raised their covers one after another, ran in the water in a row, and splashed everywhere, startling the fish in the water to jump up... For a moment, laughter and shouting came and went, and suddenly, the picture was frozen on a female student, only to see her holding a mask in her left hand, grabbing a happy head fish in her right hand, holding her head sideways, and I don't know whether it was sweat or water under the unkempt hair, but full of happiness and full of joy, overflowing on her smiling face that was still stained with a few messy hairs.

Voiceover: Do you know why there are fish in the rice paddies? Do you know when there are many fish in the rice paddies? Do you know what it's like to catch a fish? If you want to experience it, please come to "Jiangxia Nostalgia"!

It turned out that "Jiangxia Nostalgia" was a newly opened school-based course in the school, and this "Hood Fish Go" was a lesson introduced by Teacher Zhang for it. Two days later, several posts appeared in the "Campus Public Opinion" column, discussing the topic of fish in the rice paddies. A female student named "Liu Yan" said that her grandfather was a master of the cover, and whenever the fish was in the water season, she could cover dozens of pounds of "big happy head" every day.

Among the dozens of posts, there was not only admiration and envy, but also several students told the story of the cover fish they knew...

Teacher Zhang has a bumper harvest, a "cover fish go" vibrato video, launched the curriculum guidance of nostalgia education, and the newly opened school-based course on campus is heating up; And it is not only the teachers who teach the curriculum, but also the relatives and friends of the students, because these relatives and friends are the "old Jiangxia" who lived a mixed life among fishermen and farmers.

Principal He said: "This Douyin video is very novel, the reason is that it combines the use of a cover fish with "Jiangxia Nostalgia", and integrates information technology with the school curriculum, there are points to watch, there are points of thought, there are points of questioning, and these three 'points' are exactly the most needed beautiful points for lesson introduction. ”

Commentary: Miniature beauty

From the "cover fish go" to see the details of the lesson introduction vibrato beautiful points

The TikTok video is only 1 minute long, and its capacity is limited. Carrying the story with the capacity of the lesson-inducing vibrato, of course, it can only be a micro-story, and the beautiful point of its display is even smaller.

However, no matter how "micro", it must be novel. Because only novel details can receive the desired lesson effect.

A friend asked the editor, what kind of lesson details do you like the most? I replied without thinking, there is no "most".

Like the playful dialogue in TikTok, even if it is not commensurate with our age; I like the beautiful scenery in TikTok, even if there is only one dragonfly standing lotus; Like bizarre historical fragments in TikTok, even if you have never heard of it; Like the beautiful melody in the vibrato, even if you don't know what emotion it expresses; I like the daily life related to the course in TikTok, even if there is no reasonable scientific explanation...

Xiaobian found that in all of this, there seems to be a hidden clue, that is, to use rare or unseen Vibrato video expression to pay attention to "how to stimulate the audience's potential interest". Although the levels of these interests vary in altitude, they all point to one focal point – the new curriculum, like the drops of the tide in the Qiantang River on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, despite the different energies contained, without exception, they all pounce excitedly on the levee. Although there seems to be some traces of teacher-dominated that cannot be erased, I am still so obsessed.

However, novelty is limited by "lesson introduction" and limited by course content. What is called "lesson introduction", to put it bluntly, is to introduce students to the upcoming "teaching story", can not do this, its cost performance is questionable.

Although the vibrato of "Hood Fish Go" only plays for 59 seconds, it has a relatively high cost performance. What factors determine the cost performance of TikTok stories?

Xiaobian believes that first of all, it must be related to the students' immediate ideas. The more relevant it is, the greater the price/performance ratio. What are the "instant thoughts" of the students who "go with the fish"? It is a fervent hope that when you walk into the rice field, you will immediately experience the fish covered by the cage and feel the pleasure of catching the fish in your hand.

In traditional education, there are also new curriculum introductions, but when teachers introduce new courses, they will always firmly tie the "introduction" to the chariot of a complete knowledge system, otherwise it will be said that it is out of style. Obviously, this kind of bondage will inevitably curb the germination of students' interest, and it will be difficult to form a cost-effective lesson introduction story.

Secondly, the decision on the cost performance of the story must also be curriculum.

From the "cover fish go" to see the details of the lesson introduction vibrato beautiful points

What is curriculum? That is, knowledge and presupposition.

How many stories should a student hear from elementary school to middle school? How can you not understand that only when you fall in love with the new course in your heart can you learn this course well? If we repeat it with traditional preaching at this time, will students be able to listen to new lessons in the future with joy?

We found that whether from the perspective of moral education or sports, the miniature stories presented by the TikTok video "Cover fish go" are rare. It is precisely because it is "rare", so it highlights an advantage, that is, it can quickly seize the psychological high ground of students by virtue of its "first information" identity. This is what psychologists often call "preconceptions", which is also the curriculum of this story related to the "mixed nostalgia of fishermen and farmers".

Seventh-grade students have never been exposed to this story before, so once the "hood" and "hood fish" are implanted into the brain, as long as they encounter "nostalgia", the brain may form a conditioned reflex and produce control over the "Jiangnan water town culture". The presupposition of this vibrato story lies in the fact that it also belongs to the content of the nostalgia course, and belongs to the "second-level knowledge" that can be expanded, which not only makes students feel kind, but also gives birth to the need to rush to participate in the experience. This kind of guided knowledge education, even if there is a little moral preaching, students will not be afraid. Besides, why do we have to carry the traces of moral preaching?

What is "sex" in the story? Is the educational effect obtained, what is the "price"? It is the "teaching time and space" paid when telling stories.

The educational effect of the story is positively correlated with the student's memory. Memory is the process of student brain system activity, which has three stages: remembering, maintaining and reproducing. As the narrator of the TikTok story, it is possible to actively change the conditions and intervene. This kind of intervention is often manifested in how to highlight the theme and how to enhance the "aura" through artistic selection and expression.

You see, the "fish" in "Hood Fish Go" is one of the favorites of Jiangnan people, but the "hood" in front of it is unfamiliar to today's junior high school students. Immediately after that "go", is there a call, or even a little provocative?

It can be seen that without novelty, it is impossible to form a beautiful point; Without a beautiful point, it is difficult to play the function of lesson introduction.

Therefore, a good lesson can make students jump up in shock, jump and laugh, laugh and walk into the new course with a smile, and shape a new self. (Quoted from: Peng Dunyun's article)

From the "cover fish go" to see the details of the lesson introduction vibrato beautiful points