
Second Place Counterattack: This is when we are closest to the truth

author:Eight times mirror chase meow

Xu Zhiyuan said that cp is very similar to futures, and cp is a kind of unrelenting love. But he probably couldn't understand the happiness that cp could bring, which was beyond the reach of buying futures.

"I can be single, but my CP has to be together." Almost become the ultimate appeal of CP fans, how simple and selfish, at first glance it seems to be a causal relationship, but in fact, the two have nothing to do with each other.

However, CP is really happy, single, but also really happy.

People project ideal love on CP, reject deep bonds in reality, but occasionally desire deep bonds, and the degree of this desire decreases with age.

I can't remember when the last time I had the desire to "fall in love with someone who may be good" appeared, and the cp of the cp was also updated in the form of "monthly throwing" or "seasonal throwing", "business cp, limited time flowering, bumping is earning", "love" is the best goodbye.

The latest cp new favorite is Gao Shide x Zhou Shuyi in the Taiwan drama wbl series, the series is divided into one or two seasons, the first season is about a long crush in the student era, a frontrunner in the eyes of everyone, it took almost a decade to run to the second place.

Second Place Counterattack: This is when we are closest to the truth

The beauty of the crush story lies in the bystander's desperate bets again and again, your world has been shaken, and his calm afterglow just happened to sweep you. Heartache romance.

The direction of the story is basically from the secret love to the bright love, the bright love to the two-way rush, and then a shameless happy ending, a bitter willing to keep the moon open to see the moon, a surprise look back to find that true love is around.

At the end of the first season, Gao Shide ended a decade of long-distance running, promoted from Zhou Shuyi's crush to boyfriend, and then went to the United States when he fascinated Zhou Shuyi, with a secret for five years.

The second season begins with a slap in the face after an unexpected reunion, separated by a gap of five years of disconnection, one with an unspeakable mouth and one with love and hate.

When I was a teenager, the love and hate were very pure, like is like, love is to be happy together. But adults are different, and the love and hate of adults are always shrouded by huge and complex interest entanglements, secular public opinion, and family blood.

The loss of purity is the fate of maturity.

Lead actor Lin Zihong said, "In the second season, we are all five years older, but the way we deal with love has become childish. ”

He was right.

The first two episodes of the current update can be summed up in terms of "What to get back to you, my lover" and "How to properly retaliate against the negative man", obviously looking forward to the crematorium of a month's wife chase, and unexpectedly hurt me.

Obviously, it is the most serious drunken and strong kiss, but after reading it, there is no excitement of soaring blood pressure, only the desire to cry without tears and silent suffocation and heartbreak.

How did it come to this, how did it become like this? If time could be turned back, if everything could be repeated...

Like Zhou Shuyi, we still don't know what the "agreement" that Was swallowed by Gao Shide mixed with wine and tears is, but no matter what it is, the time and expectations that have passed are irretrievable.

The audience also knows that sooner or later the misunderstanding will be solved, no matter how painful it is at this moment, their ending must be good.

However, the pain of the moment is really painful.

There are very few scenes where the emotional intensity can kick me back into the character from the road of no return of rps, and the second episode of the second season does. Fans who have watched the test screening before have shared on the Internet that this high-energy scene cannot see kisses, only tears.

They're right.

Alcohol made emotions run out of control, tears and the force in his hands exploded wildly, and only the delicate kisses fell softly, painfully and intoxicatedly. In the past, such descriptions could only be made up by the brain, and since then they have all had a specific appearance, that is, the way Gao Shide looked when he kissed Zhou Shuyi.

This highlight of this play is that Lin Zihong did not rehearse directly after pouring three cups of whiskey, and he said in the club house, "Lao Tzu is not acting, Lao Tzu is real." ”

The director and team also gave the actors full trust, and with the help of everyone, the scene exploded, and it deserved it.

After a day and a night, the momentum of this scene is still very strong.

Second Place Counterattack: This is when we are closest to the truth

Whether you are post-80s or post-00s, so what? What remains unchanged throughout the ages is the purest heartbeat and the true heart of love in the world. Probably, there will be more young people in the audience? But on the contrary, true feelings may be more difficult to obtain the younger you are.

Because this era is like Las Vegas in the hungry desert, like a dream, materialistic. Men and women are becoming more and more equal, their minds are becoming more and more open, and their desires are becoming more and more eager to satisfy. So, if you want to love someone, you can kiss him the next day and sleep with him on the third day, and then you find that sensual satisfaction doesn't fill the paleness of feelings. You can "go on" many people, but it's hard to "fall in love" with one person. You may not touch that "Zhou Shuyi" or "Gao Shide" all the way.

Love is a very mysterious thing, not a person's efforts are useful, you may be good enough to complete your studies through your own subjective efforts? undertaking? Or something else. However, you want to meet a person you love and love you very much in the vast sea of people, so mysterious, so dare not think.

You may have been thrilled a few times, or you may have been disappointed more times.

So, Lin Zihong said, like a person for 10 years, such a feeling, most people may not have experienced.

And that person also likes you, how small is the probability of happiness!

People who love each other have to endure the "delayed gratification" imposed by the screenwriter, and then love and kill each other after 5 years of separation.

How precious such feelings are, how unimportant the way they are expressed: "It doesn't matter if the bed is not bed", this is the truth.

What is important is how to let the audience experience this kind of true feeling in the drama, this kind of feeling that is the most precious and difficult to figure out, even if you take money, you can't buy it.

Such a core, full of spraying the feelings of these two people, this is the origin of the "cp sense", we may not actually care whether they are real or not, but we hope that this dream, do not wake up, because this is the time we are closest to the truth.