
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - Rose Coral

author:Dragon Peak Seawater Fish
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - Rose Coral

Rosacea (surface covering) belongs to the axial hole coral family, mainly distributed in the Solomon Islands and other places.

Characteristics: Rose coral (surface covering) varieties are diverse, including similar cabbage, lettuce, and smooth stony coral varieties, it and the leaf disc shape of rose coral appearance is a lot different, but the color is also diverse, this variety of hard shells, color by orange, red, purple and so on, this variety of rose coral polyps are very small, like velvet.

"Seawater Encyclopedia" - Rose Coral

Feeding conditions: rose coral (surface covering) is moderately difficult, it is mild, usually suitable for medium light water flow, in the aquarium can be put together with mild coral, in the feeding process still need to add some trace elements, such as calcium, strontium and so on.

"Seawater Encyclopedia" - Rose Coral

Feeding: In terms of feeding, it is best to feed some plankton on a regular basis as well as some foods specifically fed to invertebrates.

It should be noted that for many novices who have just entered the sea, rose corals are medium in the difficulty of breeding, so you can try to breed them on the basis of understanding their characteristics and feeding conditions, so that rose corals (surface covering) can be raised better!

"Seawater Encyclopedia" - Rose Coral

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"Seawater Encyclopedia" - Rose Coral
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - Rose Coral
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - Rose Coral
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - Rose Coral
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - Rose Coral
"Seawater Encyclopedia" - Rose Coral

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