
Seawater encyclopedia - rose coral

author:Dragon Peak Seawater Fish
Seawater encyclopedia - rose coral

Feeding Difficulty: Medium

Lighting: Medium

Water Flow: Medium

Place: Any

Requirements: Salinity 1.020-1.025; PH 8.1-8.4

Color: Multiple colors

Temperament: Mild

Main origin: Indonesia

Species: Rosaceae

Seawater encyclopedia - rose coral

There are many varieties and colors. M. capricornis are pointed, like leaves; digitata is usually dendritic; M. Stellata is a rough, irregular plate shape. Other varieties are surface cladding. This variety is leaf disc-shaped.

It is gentle and can be placed very close to mild corals in an aquarium. Relatively easy to raise, requiring moderate light, medium water flow. In order to maintain its healthy growth, calcium, strontium, and trace elements need to be added.

Can be adapted to a variety of lighting conditions, from fluorescent lamps to halogen lamps. Place according to light, but at least 3 watts per 5 liters of light conditions.

It is recommended to add some plankton and foods specially designed for invertebrates every week.


Seawater encyclopedia - rose coral

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Seawater encyclopedia - rose coral

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