
proud! The National Science and Technology Awards were announced, and Shanghai won them back

author:Beiqing Net

For the first time in Shanghai

The "three awards" of the National Science and Technology Award are blooming!

The National Science and Technology Awards Conference was held in Beijing today, and a total of 264 projects, 10 scientific and technological experts and 1 organization were selected for the 2020 National Science and Technology Awards, and the total number of awards was 33 fewer than in 2019. In the context of a significant decrease in the number of awards, the total number of awards in Shanghai and the number of "three awards" (National Natural Science Award, National Technological Invention Award, and National Science and Technology Progress Award) in the total number of awards in the country have increased compared with the previous year, and for the first time, they have taken the lead in winning the "three awards" high-level awards, reflecting the "hard power" of Shanghai's science and technology innovation source function and the "soft power" of the innovation ecological environment.

proud! The National Science and Technology Awards were announced, and Shanghai won them back

After a gap of 18 years, he won the first prize in natural science

According to the Municipal Science and Technology Awards Center, a total of 48 scientific and technological achievements led or cooperated in Shanghai have won the National Science and Technology Award, accounting for 17.45% of the total number of awards in the country (16.88% in 2019), and the proportion of awards has exceeded 15% for five consecutive years. Shanghai has led the completion of 25 scientific and technological achievements, accounting for 52% of the total number of awards.

Among the awards led, there are 4 first prizes, accounting for 17.39% of the country. This is the year since 2000, Shanghai has taken the lead in winning the largest number of national first prizes, and it is also the first time that Shanghai has achieved "golden blossoms" in the "three major awards" of the National Natural Science Award, the National Technological Invention Award, and the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

The National Natural Science Award is awarded for basic research achievements. From 2000 to 2019, the first prize of the National Natural Science Award was awarded to only 13 achievements, and there were vacancies for 9 years. This time, Zhao Dongyuan, a professor at Fudan University and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, presided over the completion of the project "Creation and Application of Orderly Mesoporous Polymers and Carbon Materials" won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award, which can be described as full of gold content. This is the second time that Shanghai has won this award after 18 years, reflecting the improvement of innovation and source capacity. This project originally put forward the new idea of "organic-organic self-assembled soft template synthesis", for the first time extended the functional mesoporous materials from inorganic skeletons to organic polymer materials, and created 5 new ordered mesoporous polymers and carbon materials named after Fudan University, which have important value in the development of the national economy.

proud! The National Science and Technology Awards were announced, and Shanghai won them back

Zhao Dongyuan (right) works in the laboratory.

The two national scientific and technological progress awards led by Shanghai are also the embodiment of the ability to innovate the source. Shanghai Lianying Medical Technology Co., Ltd. led the completion of the "high-field magnetic resonance medical imaging equipment independent development and industrialization" project, the development of the first domestic 3.0t magnetic resonance machine products, breaking the foreign monopoly, reconstructing the international industrial pattern of high-end medical equipment. Luo Lijun, a researcher at the Shanghai Agricultural Biogenetic Center, presided over the completion of the "Creation, Protection and Research and Utilization of Rice Genetic Resources" project, which lasted 21 years, established germplasm innovation and variety breeding technology based on expanding the genetic base, solved the problems of poor quality of indica hybrid rice in China, the contradiction between high quality and high yield, high yield and disease resistance, and led to farmers' income and living standards, and also had an important impact on the "Belt and Road" countries.

proud! The National Science and Technology Awards were announced, and Shanghai won them back

Raleigh army works in the rice paddies.

Outstanding performance in basic disciplines and health

From the perspective of the distribution of awards, Shanghai has shown a more comprehensive scientific and technological strength. According to the statistics of the Municipal Science and Technology Awards Center, the disciplines of Shanghai's award-winning achievements cover 44% of all discipline review groups, and "multi-point blossoming" in the fields of chemistry, mathematics, biology, material science, biomedicine, electronic information, light industry and textile, materials and metallurgy, computers and automatic control, engineering construction, agriculture and other fields, providing systematic scientific and technological support for national economic and social development.

In the field of basic disciplines and health, Shanghai's performance is particularly prominent. Among the 48 award-winning achievements, chemistry, materials science, biology 2 each, mathematics and basic medicine each 1. In the past two years, Shanghai has won 14 awards in the above basic disciplines. In the fields of pharmaceutical and biomedical engineering, internal medicine and preventive medicine, surgery and otolaryngology and jaw, agriculture, aquaculture and food safety related to people's life and health, Shanghai has won 2 first prizes and 11 second prizes, accounting for 27% of the total number of awards.

proud! The National Science and Technology Awards were announced, and Shanghai won them back

2020 Shanghai Winning Project Awards and Grade Distribution

Private enterprises have taken the lead in winning this award again after 14 years

From the perspective of the award-winning subjects, universities, research institutes and enterprises have shown their strengths and collaborative innovation, especially cross-regional leading organizations and radiation drives, which have become an important way for the city's scientific research team to accelerate innovation and breakthroughs.

Among the 48 award-winning achievements, Shanghai enterprises won a total of 4 first prizes (1 lead) and 12 second prizes (2 leading), accounting for one-third of the total number of awards in Shanghai. Of the 20 "three awards" general projects in Shanghai, the city's enterprises participated in 9, more than universities (6) and scientific research institutes (5), reflecting the ability of enterprises to integrate into and even lead high-level innovation networks. Moreover, compared with the previous two years, the number of private enterprises in the award-winning General Project in Shanghai in 2020 is more, with a total of 10 enterprises. In particular, Lianying Medical led the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, which is the second time that a Private Enterprise in Shanghai has taken the lead in winning this honor after 14 years.

proud! The National Science and Technology Awards were announced, and Shanghai won them back

Doctors read the film to the patient through a combined CT.

Among the 22 first completed units of general projects led by Shanghai, 16 universities accounted for 72.7%; 3 scientific research institutes, accounting for 13.6%; and 3 enterprises, accounting for 13.6%. Among the general projects led by 16 universities, there are 7 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 3 Fudan University, 2 Tongji University and 2 Donghua University, and 1 each from East China University of Science and Technology and Shanghai University.

Of the 27 general projects that won the National Science and Technology Progress Award, as many as 25 are inter-provincial cooperation units, and the cooperation units come from 26 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Among them, the cooperation between The Shanghai scientific research team in the Yangtze River Delta region is the most frequent, and 13 projects have jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui cooperation institutions, accounting for 52%. Shanghai's counterpart scientific and technological cooperation with Yunnan, Guizhou and other places has also spawned science and technology awards. For example, the first prize project of the National Science and Technology Progress Award led by the Shanghai Agricultural Biological Gene Center has important participants in scientific research units and enterprises in Yunnan.

proud! The National Science and Technology Awards were announced, and Shanghai won them back

Source: Shangguan News

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