
How to play Marco Polo is the most stable score?

author:King glory gold boy professional Marco
How to play Marco Polo is the most stable score?

Hello everyone, I am a golden boy, I have played thousands of Games marco polo, I believe I come to share this topic is also a bit convincing, so how can Marco Polo achieve a stable score?

First of all, before the fourth level, Marco Polo was the weakest of all the shooters, so at this time we must learn to avoid its sharp edge, no matter which shooter on the line, if you do not get the advantage in the process of facing the line, then you remember, you must go back to the tower, do not think that you are very iron, I used not play Marco Polo, often go out to fight with others when I am weak, either the other party's wild to catch you, or the opponent's mage to catch you, or the other party's auxiliary to come first, but There is also a situation where our teammates come to support first, so at this time, you have to learn to cooperate with our teammates to catch the other team's shooter, on the contrary, if you feel that the opposite auxiliary and mage come down first, go back to what we just said, go back to the tower, remember.

The second point, Marco Polo before and after the end of the world, before the end of the world has not come out, we can first make a rapid strike gun to ensure that we have more attack speed, so that whether you fight monsters or fight creeps or fight with each other, you can lift your own damage, speed up your own development speed and damage, but at this most vulnerable time, you must remember a point, first develop, then support, slide three fingers, if you feel that you can support you to go, you feel that you can't, you don't want to go, The first time to learn to judge, because when you slide the field of vision to see the position of teammates and opponents, you can see their health and status, then your brain will have a direct judgment, no way to develop, the distance is too far to develop, in short, when the early development, you will feel very good when you reach the middle stage, no longer have to be so cowering under the tower.

After you have done the above two points, I believe that your Marco should be scored very easily, I am a golden boy, professional teaching Marco.

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