
Cysticers have inhabited the brains of men for more than 20 years and experts have staged insect catches

author:Bright Net

50-year-old Old Tang (pseudonym) from Anhui, half a month ago due to sudden convulsions at night, mouth foam, more than 20 minutes to restore consciousness, the family hurriedly dialed 120 to send it to the local hospital, the doctor considered it a seizure, after performing cranial MRI and other examinations, the doctor told him that his bilateral cerebral hemispheres have multiple huge mass lesions, and the specific diagnosis can only be determined after craniotomy exploration. After the family inquired from many sources, they came to the Neurosurgery Department of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital for further diagnosis and treatment.

Lao Tang's wife told the doctor that before the seizure, the patient had a history of intermittent headaches for more than 20 years, and was given oral painkillers to relieve treatment after visiting the local hospital, which was not taken seriously. And the old soup likes to eat pork, for decades three meals a day without meat, prefer the local "brine meat", often in order to save trouble not to cook directly to eat. Ni Hongbin, director of the Department of Neurosurgery of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, first considered cerebrosystiasis through medical history inquiry, clinical manifestations and imaging examination.

On January 23, the patient's intracranial massectomy was carried out in close cooperation with the anesthesiology department and the nurses in the operating room, and Chief Physician Ni Hongbin and Deputy Chief Physician Wang Bin performed microsurgery for the patient, carefully separating the arachnoid membrane into the sulcus, protecting the brain tissue in the functional area, and reaching the brain to see the cysticercosis envelope. Experts intently drag the cysticercosis, along with the envelope, out of the brain. After the operation, the patient was awake without any neurological impairment, and the CT lesion completely disappeared upon re-examination. The success of this brain "insect catching" is the result of the close collaboration between the concept of micro-invasion surgery and multidisciplinary cooperation in the neurosurgery department of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital. After the operation, the pathology department performed a slice test on the insects to confirm that the type of insect was pork tapeworm.

It turned out that the tapeworm caused inflammation in Lao Tang's brain, producing a placeholder effect, causing him to have intermittent headaches, epilepsy and other symptoms all the time. At this point, the mystery is finally revealed! (Correspondent Wang Juan Reporter Yu Dandan)

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