
Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

author:La Small Beauty

You learn about Peru, not only Machu Picchu and the Inca civilization.

Xiaomei takes you to explore the colorful ecological mysteries of this South American country.

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

Map of important protected areas and national parks in Peru

Peru, from the western coast to the southern plateau to the Amazon, has about 1,850 species of birds breeding, and a large group of migratory birds stay here during the migration season, which is definitely a birdwatcher's paradise.

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

Multi-colored reed bulbul

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

White-pink Amazon parrot

Known as the "Little Galapagos", Islas Ballestas, more than 200 kilometers south of the capital Lima, is Peru's only maritime ecological reserve.

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

Map of "Bird Island" Bellestas Islands

The bird kingdom has more than six million inhabitants, more than 200 species of migratory and resident birds combined, and the strange-looking Inca terns, Peruvian and Peruvian pelicans crowd the reef, the most famous of which is the endangered Humboldt penguin (also known as the Peruvian penguin).

Plankton from the cold currents of the oceans along the coast provide abundant food for seabirds and marine mammals, while flocks leave 50 metres of guano on the cliffs – a high-quality natural fertilizer.

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

Inca terns

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

Peruvian booby

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

Chestnut-breasted crown hummingbird

On the southern highland city of Puno on the shores of Lake Titicaca. This area is rich in aquatic grass and abundant food, not only a paradise for all kinds of water birds, but also an Andean fox, which will add a bit of wild fun to your trip to the plateau.

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

South American hard-tailed duck

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

American Kestrel

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

Andean bone top

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

Andean fox

The climax of exploring the mysteries of nature is naturally the Amazon Rainforest, starting from the snow-capped mountains of Peru and joining the Atlantic Ocean.

It is the largest river in the world with the largest flow and the widest basin (40% of the entire South American area), and the vegetation coverage rate is amazing, and the title of "lungs of the world" is well-deserved. Inhabited by many exotic beasts, it has become one of the most mysterious "kingdoms of life" on earth.

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

Fantastic Amazon River at dusk

In this most biodiverse place on earth, more than 60,000 species of plants, more than 1,000 species of birds and more than 300 species of mammals, as well as more than 2,000 species of freshwater fish and aquatic mammals have been born. Piranhas, jaguars, rainforests, primitive tribes, you can't sum up the Amazon in one word, but any word that describes the Amazon is fascinating.

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

Amazon piranhas

The Amazon rainforests of Iquitos and Tambopata have their own highlights.

In Iquisto Amazonas, you can take a flat leaf boat to see the world's only pink dolphin, the Amazon freshwater dolphin, and the experience of fishing for piranhas and jungle trekking with wild South American tapirs is also unforgettable.

In Tambopata, you can go deep into the macaw research base and see the unique "parrot licking mud" spectacle, saying that the soil can be used to detoxify food, and saying that the soil contains sodium and other minerals, in short, not only parrots, but also some mammals such as monkeys will also come to lick the mud.

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

South American tapir

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

Crimson Macaw

Amazonian "resident residents" such as prickly guinea pigs, capybara rats, squirrel monkeys, spider monkeys, red howler monkeys, black howler monkeys, two-toed, three-toed sloths, and jaguars.

It is said that one-fifth of the world's birds live in the Amazon rainforest, if the Amazon is regarded as a natural classroom, maybe these are the kindergarten level I introduced...

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about

White-bellied black spider monkey

Natural selection, survival of the fittest! It has always been nature's law of survival!

Peru, and the "Kingdom of Life" you didn't know about


About the ecology of Peru

Peru is located in the west of South America, bordering Ecuador and Colombia to the north, Brazil to the east, Chile to the south, Bolivia to the southeast, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. It has an area of 1.28 million square kilometers, which is similar to the area of Tibet in China and has a population of 30 million.

【Forest Resources】The forest area is 73 million hectares, of which 94% is in the Amazon region. With a forest cover of 58%, it ranks 10th in the world after Brazil in South America.

【Animal and plant resources】Because of its rich geography and climatic form, Peru's biodiversity is extremely high, ranking among the world's 17 biodiversity powers, with 84 of the 117 known biota in the world. It is now known to own 1831 species of wildlife, 507 species of mammals, 415 species of amphibians, and 400 species of reptiles. It also has 855 species of freshwater fish and 19,000 species of plants.

【Hydraulic resources】Hydraulic resources are abundant, but the distribution is uneven. Most of the many rivers in the Amazon river system in the eastern region originate from the eastern foothills of the Andes Mountains, with large drops and abundant water resources, but the area is sparsely populated and has a low degree of development. There are many rivers in the west that originate on the western slopes of the Andes Mountains and flow to the Pacific Ocean, providing a water source for the development of industry and agriculture in coastal areas, and due to the large drop and rapid flow, it is more suitable for cascade small hydropower development. The national hydropower reserves are 69.445 million kilowatts。

【Fishery resources】Peru has a long coastline, the coastal water temperature is suitable for fish breeding, and the fishery resources are very rich, which is one of the world's major fishery powers. According to the survey, there are nearly 800 species of marine life in peruvian waters, including 737 species of fish, and only 19% of fish are currently exploited.