
The character of public opinion is exactly the same as that of women - you must know the theory of "weak communication"

author:Lig Lee Bin

Original / Text / Li Bin

The character of public opinion is exactly the same as that of women - you must know the theory of "weak communication"

Why what's going on in the field of communication

Always "twist the twist reverse twist"


Recently, a private equity fund bigwig named Lin Yuan broke out some thunderous words that made investors feel uncomfortable.

"Like-minded you buy my products, do not buy I never force, if you lose, you deserve it, it is never possible for me to apologize, I am such a rich person, how can I apologize to the poor, the world has not seen a few more than I can." 」

"I hold 2% of the shares of Moutai and now account for 40% of my total assets, I pay dividends of several hundred million yuan a year, I take so many stocks, but I have to go to Moutai dealers like a beggar to buy wine, hoping that the company can consider the needs of shareholders to buy wine..."

Later, he told reporters: "I am a mental illness, that is, I eat by the image of talking nonsense." ”

It seems that this private equity tycoon who studied medicine is well versed in the way of weak communication. As soon as the thunder language came out, it became famous again. A person worth hundreds of billions of dollars says crazy things, which is particularly in line with the elements of network dissemination, but what the intention is, can only be seen.


Many doctors hope that their medical knowledge and technical strength can form a unique personal IP, but they can't understand the strange things that IP spreads, either they can't get in, or they are barely involved in it, but the second monk is confused. Even many big-name doctors can't understand this, let alone compare it with medical laymen (non-professional Internet celebrities) in the field of communication.

Therefore, doctors can only complain about the disharmony of the world and self-test the area of psychological shadow.

The character of public opinion is exactly the same as that of women - you must know the theory of "weak communication"

Professor Zou Zhendong of Xiamen University wrote a book: "Weak Propagation", which expounded the theory of weak propagation. He used this theory to successfully vindicate Trump's election.

Professor Zou's definition of public opinion is that public opinion is the expression and aggregation of the concerns of any group, individual or institution of human beings to any object. In short, public opinion is the expression and gathering of concerns.

This book explains the nature of public opinion very thoroughly.

We live in the real world, we also live in the world of communication, the two worlds are not the same; the real world is like a man, better than who is stronger; the world of public opinion, completely like a woman, is weaker than who.

The job of a beauty doctor is really two things, one is to treat, and the other is to spread.

Information is valuable only if it is disseminated; only when communication is concerned can it realize value.

Doctors have begun to pay attention to creating personal IP, to put it bluntly, is to spread their own personal brand; first, because in the fierce market competition, the cost of advertising marketing is getting higher and higher, and the second is that the medical industry will sooner or later enter the era of no advertising, and really at that time, how do we spread our own information?

When doing personal IP communication, you must not know the truth of weak communication. Professor Zou pointed out that all successful things in the world are inseparable from communication. Communication is the most important ability of human beings.

We live in two worlds: the real world is a strong world, and the world of public opinion is a weak world. The strong in the real world are weak in the world of public opinion, and the strong in the world of public opinion are often weak in the real world. The reverse is also true.

The four major theories of weak communication: strong flesh and weakness, emotional supremacy, avoidance of the heavy is light, and priority and secondary are reversed.

The character of public opinion is exactly the same as that of women - you must know the theory of "weak communication"

If the song "We are soldiers" is replaced by "Our officials", who would dare to sing it?

The strong in the real world, if they want to be spread in the world of public opinion, must be tied to the vulnerable groups. For example, Obama bent down and asked a child to touch his head, and the photo was widely circulated. Conversely, if the president touches a child's head, it's just a rare photograph.

Haruki Murakami said: Between the high wall and the egg, I will always stand on the side of the egg.

Unfortunately, doctors always dress themselves up as strong when they spread their word. In their area of expertise, it seems that he is omnipotent.

In addition to the peculiar nature of the medical profession, there is a more common reason why doctors are naturally strong in their field, and another perspective: the curse of knowledge. The more a person knows about a field, the more difficult it is for that person to explain or explain things in that field to the public.

The character of public opinion is exactly the same as that of women - you must know the theory of "weak communication"

Smart men know not to reason with women because women are intercessive.

I have been a witness to marriage many times, and when I spoke, I told a lot of big truths, and no one paid attention to it. Later, there was a passage that resonated with the audience. I instructed the bridegroom and his children not to reason with their daughter-in-law when they go home, because home is not a place of reason, but a place of intercession; even if you lose her argument, she is forced to apologize, but all day long with a black face, life is still not good. Later, this set of words became a cliché when witnessing marriage, which was very popular and tried and tried.

The temper of public opinion is the same as that of women. Therefore, public opinion is also the home of women. It's not that women don't understand reason, it's just that they don't want to reason with men, so public opinion is not very reasonable.

The world of public opinion is unreasonable, emotion is more important than reason, story is more important than theory, and emotional content is always easier to spread than theoretical content. Therefore, theoretical books can never sell novels, and reasoning often cannot beat storytelling.

The character of public opinion is exactly the same as that of women - you must know the theory of "weak communication"
The character of public opinion is exactly the same as that of women - you must know the theory of "weak communication"

Just as light things are easier to handle, light content is easier to spread.

Even if it is boring content, as long as it is light enough, there will be people who will enjoy it and enjoy it.

This may explain why non-medical internet celebrities may be more popular than experts who explain medical aesthetic knowledge to his fans. Influencers don't know much about expertise and don't use as many technical terms, but they know what their audience needs, and they are on the same level of knowledge as the audience, looking for empathy in a language that everyone can understand. The doctors' explanations unconsciously introduce too many professional terms, one is to appear very professional, convenient to establish their own authority; second, to explain the principle of treatment from a medical point of view, using the language of the medical circle, it is logical; on the contrary, it is far from the cognitive level of the audience.

For the average netizen, they are faced with a complex world of online content, do not have time or energy to chew complex professional words, their attention is only a few seconds, they need to be relaxed and happy content presentation.

Just like those explosive content on the short video platform, the vulgar paragraphs, with those commonly used background music, plus some special effects that can't hold back and laugh at the fork, and then make up a little design for bearing and turning, just live together. Is it easy to do? Not really. It is easy to pretend to be light, but it is still difficult to lift a light weight, otherwise it is not a science to spread.

The character of public opinion is exactly the same as that of women - you must know the theory of "weak communication"

The content of the main theme is not easy to disseminate, it is not as fast and wide as the dissemination of social sub-mainstream content.

People's attention to the mainstream values of society is far less than the interest in celebrity gossip, especially in the era of self-media popularity, the Wu Yifan incident and the Lin Shengbin incident can squeeze into the top five of the popularity. In July 2021, the internet popularity ranking, the first place is Henan rainstorm, the second place is the Tokyo Olympic Games, the third place is the Wu Yifan Du Meizhu incident, the fourth place is the barbaric consumption caused by Hongxing Erke's donation to the disaster area, and the fifth place is Lin Shengbin's remarried daughter. The epidemic in Nanjing has not been able to squeeze the top five.

The so-called "good things do not go out, bad things spread far and wide."

Why do people care more about gossip with a "bad" nature? Among the many explanations, I believe in the most chemical statement: although people have evolved to modern times, facing super-socialization and rich media, the underlying logic of information processing is still tribal or village-like. People live in a tribe, and everyone is accustomed to the old king next door hunting three pheasants and two hares in the woods to the east, and they will not remember much; but one day the old king next door was bitten by a tiger in the woods to the west, and people will pass it on for several lifetimes. It also forms the cognition that there is prey in the east and hunting in the west. This is the underlying logic formed by the process of human evolution, perhaps written in genes, or solidified in cultural inheritance. Difficult to change, but also objective.

This is the reason why those Internet celebrities can go out of the circle to become popular, they have grasped these underlying laws of communication and done the right thing.

The character of public opinion is exactly the same as that of women - you must know the theory of "weak communication"

The biggest feature of women is sympathy for the weak, and they give emotion to the weak, which is also the most important attribute of public opinion.

Why is it that those who fail to do medical treatment or get unsatisfactory results, once they disclose their experiences on the Internet, get a lot of sympathy and solidarity, and people do not have time to delve into what really happened and what the truth of the matter is. At this time, whether it is a doctor or a medical aesthetic institution, it immediately becomes a weak person.

The reason why Hongxing Erke can trigger a wave of consumer crazy consumption is not only because it donated money to the Henan disaster area, the main reason is that it has been losing money, has always been a weak person in the sports consumer market, and people sympathize with this brand more than they are grateful for it.

Women also like to gossip, like to spread gossip, like to talk about the privacy of others, especially celebrities, and these are the character of public opinion.

What kind of people do women like in real life? Or rather, what kind of men do women like? There is a saying: men are not bad, women are not loved. This "bad" should not be really bad, but a man with a funny, humorous, and even some slippery tongue, as long as the mainstream is strong and responsible. This also explains a lot of Hollywood male protagonists to create a routine, the last hero of the big fan, when he appears, is always a problem, even a problem character, but they will stand up at the critical moment. There is also such a preference in Chinese culture, the absolute positive character in "Journey to the West" is the Tang monk, the second positive character is the sand monk, one is a good man, the other is an old good man, but these two are not as cute as the eccentric Sun Wukong and the lazy and lustful Pig Eight Precepts.

If you are not interested in communication theory when the doctor is spreading, then go and study women. On the operating table, doctors study women's bodies; when spreading, study women's character and heart. If this doctor happens to be a woman, then he can study himself and give full play to his strengths as a woman, and he can do a good job of dissemination.

The scariest thing about women is that they want to be men. This sentence is used in the female beauty doctor to do self-IP communication, especially appropriate, you and the audience to talk about medical aesthetic theory, it is better to talk about the topic between women.

Therefore, woman = public opinion.

To put it bluntly: there is absolutely no such thing as son preference.

Weak fan outside.

In business, the most emphasis is on "strong alliance". When we cooperate, we must give full play to our strengths, complement each other's weaknesses, and join hands to create a better future.

It seems quite reasonable to say this, but after understanding the general knowledge of weak transmission, the medical beauty should actually start from the weak and weak union. When we feel that we are very strong, we are likely to be killed by weak spreads. Only when we recognize the status of medical beauty in the weak communication ecosystem and put ourselves in a "weak position" can we be "strong".

As the Tao Te Ching says in chapter 28:

/ Know its male, guard its female, for the world's creek. For the world's creek, Changde is inseparable, returned to the baby. Know its white, keep its black, for the world style. For the world style, Changde is not inferior, and returns to Wuji. Know its glory, keep its humiliation, and be the valley of the world. For the valley of the world, Changde is foot, and returns to Park. Pu San is the instrument, and the saint uses it as the official. Therefore, the big system does not cut. /

Understanding the "weak" characteristics of communication can have the real growth of institutional IP and doctor personal IP. The simplest dialectic of nature, sometimes the truest truth.

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*This article is original content, the author Li Bin, reproduced please indicate the source, may not be distorted or modified to the original meaning of this content. If the content and pictures published in this article involve intellectual property rights and other issues, please contact the relevant rights holders and the platform account, and I will cooperate to take protective measures.