
The China Fire Protection Association elected a new team

author:Anqing Fire Fighting

The 7th National Member Congress of The China Fire Protection Association was successfully held on November 2, 2021. Zhou Tian, chief engineer of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management, Chen Weiming, president of the China Fire Protection Association, Li Engine, vice president of the China Fire Protection Association, Niu Yueguang and Ma Weiguang, former deputy directors of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security, and Cao Qiangen, secretary general of the China Fire Protection Association, attended the meeting at the main venue, and the remaining more than 170 representatives attended the meeting by video due to the epidemic situation. The meeting was presided over by Comrade Niu Yueguang.

The China Fire Protection Association elected a new team

At the meeting, Zhou Tian, chief engineer of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management, delivered a speech, Chen Weiming, president of the China Fire Protection Association, made a report on the work of the sixth council on behalf of the association, Comrade Ma Weiguang made a financial report of the sixth council, Vice President Li Jiji made an explanation of the amendments to the "Articles of Association", and Secretary General Cao Huongen made an explanation of the association's "Membership Fee Standards and Payment Methods" and read out the "Notice on the Candidate for the Responsible Person of the Seventh Council of the China Fire Protection Association" of the Working Committee of the Central and State Organs.

The meeting elected the seventh board of directors and the first board of supervisors of the China Fire Protection Association, Chen Weiming was elected as the president of the seventh board of directors, Li Jiji, Niu Yueguang, Ma Weiguang and Cao Huonggen were elected as vice presidents, Cao Huonggen concurrently served as secretary general, and Wu Lilong was the chairman of the first board of supervisors. It has passed three resolutions: "Work Report of the Sixth Council of China Fire Protection Association", "Constitution of China Fire Protection Association" and "Membership Fee Standards and Payment Methods of China Fire Protection Association".

The China Fire Protection Association elected a new team

On behalf of the Party Committee of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management, chief engineer Zhou Tian fully affirmed the outstanding contributions made by the sixth council of the China Fire Protection Association around the work of the fire center, and put forward requirements for the new council of the China Fire Protection Association: First, grasp the policy well and ensure the correct direction of the meeting. The Fire Protection Association is a people's organization, industry association and academic organization under the leadership of the Party, and must take adhering to the correct political direction as the primary task, no matter what risks and tests are encountered, it must stand firm in its political position, hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on emergency management and fire rescue, adhere to the direction of socialization and market-oriented meetings, and build the association into a social organization established according to law, self-sponsored, service-oriented, standardized governance, and self-discipline in behavior The second is to give full play to advantages and improve the service level of the industry. As a non-governmental organization, the Fire Protection Association should give full play to the advantages of extensive contact with all sectors of society, focus on the overall situation of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief work, around the actual struggle of fire protection and the work of the fire rescue center, take the initiative, innovate ideas and ideas, innovate institutional mechanisms, innovate means and methods, and help the new development of fire control work, on the other hand, make full use of the advantages of the platform that has joined the International Federation of Fire Protection Associations, and further strengthen scientific and technological cooperation with key countries in the field of fire protection. Expand the influence of China's fire protection in the international civil fire protection field, actively integrate into the national "Belt and Road" construction, promote China's fire science and technology new products and new technologies to the world, and explore new paths for the introduction and exchange of high-level fire science and technology talents; the third is to cultivate internal strength and strengthen the construction of the association itself. Under the leadership of the Working Committee of the Central Government Organs, the association should conscientiously implement the spirit of the central authorities' instructions on deepening the reform of mass organizations, strengthen system building, strive to reform the management structure and governance methods of the association, enhance the awareness of running meetings in accordance with laws and regulations and in accordance with the charter, optimize the management mode, innovate the operation mechanism, strengthen the building of the contingent of qualified personnel and the building of discipline and work style, strictly implement the requirements for the building of a sound party style and a clean and honest government, and set an example of honesty and self-discipline.

Zhou Tian chief engineer stressed that the fire control work is social and systematic, inseparable from the extensive participation and strong support of all sectors of society, the new China Fire Protection Association Council shoulders the heavy responsibility of inheriting the past and opening up the future, and the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management will continue to care about and support the development of the Fire Protection Association in accordance with the requirements of its duties.

The China Fire Protection Association elected a new team

The Chairman of the Seventh Council, Chen Weiming, first thanked the members and directors for their trust and support, and said that he would serve everyone wholeheartedly during his performance of his duties. He also expressed his sincere thanks to the representatives, fire protection colleagues and veteran comrades who no longer held the position of the association after the change of term for their strong support and important contributions to the association. In his speech, he pointed out that the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Working Committee of the Central Committee and State Organs, the China Association for Science and Technology, the Ministry of Emergency Management, and the Ministry's Fire and Rescue Bureau gave specific guidance to the meeting, and the chief engineer of the ministry and bureau Zhou Tian attended the meeting on behalf of the party committee of the ministry and bureau and made an important speech. The convening of this conference will definitely promote the work of the association to create new glory and reach a new level. On behalf of the Seventh Council, President Chen Weiming put forward three work opinions: First, consciously obey the party's overall leadership and strengthen the construction of the party organization of the association. Continue to profoundly comprehend the core essence of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, firmly seize the key opportunity of the historical convergence of the "two hundred years", compare the party building work standards of the central and state organs, in accordance with the requirements of the deployment of the higher levels, take party building as the command, comprehensively grasp the correct direction of the construction and development of the association, ensure that the party organization and party work of the association are fully covered, build a national brand association that reassures the party and trusts the people, adheres to the public welfare service, and always maintains the political essence and professional characteristics of the association's "surname and surname" The second is to consciously obey the overall situation of fire control work and promote the deep integration of "government, industry, education and research". Always adhere to the service concept of "serving the country with science and technology, innovation for the people", conscientiously implement the national policy deployment, take the initiative to report major matters and principle issues to the competent departments and comprehensive regulatory departments for approval and filing, and actively strive for the care, understanding and support of functional departments. Give full play to the role of the association as a bridge, closely focus on the work of fire rescue and social fire safety governance center, contact and coordinate innovative subjects, scientific research institutes, end users and relevant departments, smooth the industrialization, standardization, engineering and practical application channels of innovative achievements, and build the association into a socialized and professional service platform trusted by government departments, trusted by all sectors of society, and convinced by professionals; the third is to consciously serve the majority of members and improve the comprehensive strength level of professional services. Earnestly practice the purpose of the association, strengthen the introduction and cultivation of talents and the construction of professional teams of the association itself, enhance the service awareness and service ability of the staff, unite the majority of members, enthusiastic people in the cause of fire protection and various innovative elements, carry out business activities according to law, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members, and strive to promote the progress of fire science and technology and the development of the fire industry in Our country, better serve social fire safety, and serve economic and social development; fourth, consciously abide by the provisions of party style and clean government, and constantly build a solid ideological defense line. It is necessary to strengthen the building of discipline and work style, strictly implement the requirements for the building of a sound party style and a clean and honest administration, continuously enhance the awareness of honesty and self-discipline, and keep the alarm bells of honest administration education ringing for a long time; the new council of the association must strictly abide by the regulations on party style and clean administration and the relevant management requirements of the central authorities on retired leading cadres holding part-time posts in the association, operate according to the system, handle affairs according to the rules, collectively study and make decisions on major matters, strictly manage finances and personnel, all work must be legal and compliant, all matters should not seek private interests, persistently uphold the correct style and discipline, and ensure good results with a good style. Effectively build the association into a clean and healthy scientific and technological community.

The China Fire Protection Association elected a new team

The conference closed triumphantly in warm applause.