
Cases involving the President of Myanmar and the Senior Minister of State continue to be heard More prosecution witnesses appear

author:CCTV News
Cases involving the President of Myanmar and the Senior Minister of State continue to be heard More prosecution witnesses appear

△ On the right is Lawyer Min MinSuo

On June 28, local time, the case involving Myanmar President Win Myint and State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi continued to be heard at the Naypyidaw Zebudiri Court. On the same day, five lawyers from the defense team attended the hearing, and according to Lawyer Min Minsuo, they rushed to the court and had a brief meeting with the Senior Minister of State and the President.

Cases involving the President of Myanmar and the Senior Minister of State continue to be heard More prosecution witnesses appear

△ The scene of the trial The picture is from Myanmar's national television

On the morning of the 28th, the Myanmar Special Court successively held a hearing on the case of the State Counselor and the President suspected of violating the Myanmar Natural Disaster Management Law, and the prosecution submitted more witnesses to the court to testify in court after last week. In the afternoon of the same day, the Special Court heard two cases of violations by State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar's Telecommunications Law and the Myanmar Import and Export Law, in which multiple prosecution witnesses testified. At present, the prosecution witnesses who have testified in court are close to half of all the witnesses provided by the prosecution.

Lawyer Min Min So also said that State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi expressed concern about the people in the third wave of the new crown epidemic and hoped that people would pay attention to protection and take care of their bodies. (Reporter Wang Yuezhou)

(Editing by Wang Yao)

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