
Top 10 women for drama! Additions are welcome

author:Literary and Art Film Museum

Number one

Top 10 women for drama! Additions are welcome

Isabelle Huppel

Isabelle Huppel was born in 1953 in Paris, France, and his masterpieces are "The Piano Teacher" and "Cold Festival". Every character she plays has a vigorous vitality, and her own mark is the mark of the character.

Second place

Top 10 women for drama! Additions are welcome

Juliet Binoche

Juliet Binoche was born in 1964 in Paris, France, and her representative works are "Lovers of the New Bridge" and "Love in Prague". Calmly and firmly, this woman laughs like a drama movie.

Third place

Top 10 women for drama! Additions are welcome

Monica Bellucci

Monica Bellucci was born in Italy in 1964 and works "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily". She herself is a beautiful legend, and she herself is a special object. Every move, a variety of styles.

Fourth place

Top 10 women for drama! Additions are welcome

Julie Delpe

Julie Delpe was born in 1969 in Paris, France, and her representative works are "Love Before the Dawn Breaks" and "The White of the Red, White and Blue Trilogy". At first glance, the beauty may not be her, but she is like a quiet oil painting, always dazzling in the sun.

Fifth place

Top 10 women for drama! Additions are welcome

Kristen Scott Thomas

Christine Scott Thomas was born in 1960 in england, and his representative works are "The English Patient" and "Bitter Moon". She is quiet and elegant, her eyes are deep, and her sculptural face is like a handsome mountain in the years, expressing her story between heaven and earth.

Sixth place

Top 10 women for drama! Additions are welcome

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet was born in the United Kingdom in 1975, and her representative works are "Titanic" and "Warm and Warm with Light". The core of charm comes from being loyal to herself, her face is full of tenacity and rationality, she interprets every role she plays with her heart, and she tells others with actions that she can.

Seventh place

Top 10 women for drama! Additions are welcome

Winona Red

Winona Red was born in the United States in 1971, and her representative works are "Earth Night" and "The Age of Passion". Moving as she was, as good as she was, the best jade girl in Hollywood at the time, the tattoo of Depp's eternal drunkard.

Eighth place

Top 10 women for drama! Additions are welcome

Nomi Melant

Nomi Melante was born in 1988 in Paris, France, and his masterpiece is Portrait of a Burning Woman. Shy and enthusiastic, her every move is carried with lust, this desire is not carnal desire, it is clean and direct to make you indescribable.

Ninth place

Top 10 women for drama! Additions are welcome

Elena Jacob

Elena Jacob was born in France in 1966 and works best in Two Flowers. Model-like face, she is the representative of red, she has an innocent breath, this innocent kindness and shining.

Tenth place

Top 10 women for drama! Additions are welcome

Meryl streep

Meryl Streep was born in the United States in 1949 and works best in The Dream of the Covered Bridge. Time painted her face with makeup, and she was still so moved in the shot. She is not ostentatious, she is not silent, she has been blooming quietly.

Everyone is welcome to add