
Pretty baby medaka, ornamental fish often seen in aquarium markets, have you ever kept it? "Fish Farming Says" Today's Headline Column: Medaka Population Series 164 Pretty Baby Medaka

author:Fish farming said

<h1>"Fish Farming Says" Today's Headline Column: Medaka Population Series 164 Pretty Baby Medaka</h1>

Original author: Crazy Man [Insist on sharing the most down-to-earth fish farming experience in the most understandable language]

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Pretty baby medaka, ornamental fish often seen in aquarium markets, have you ever kept it? "Fish Farming Says" Today's Headline Column: Medaka Population Series 164 Pretty Baby Medaka

Dear aquarists in today's headlines, good evening and Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! In this article, we bring you an African medaka that is very common in the aquarium market, a beautiful baby medaka.


Its name is very easy to remember! And it is also familiar to most friends, so let's talk about some things about it in this article. The origin is Mozambia and South Africa in Africa. The body length is also about 5 cm, which is the standard size of the African medaka. One of the biggest characteristics of the African medaka is that they are oviparous. And in Africa there is a distinction between dry and rainy seasons. So the eggs of these African medaka are acceptable to dry environments for up to months. The same is true for beautiful babies, usually what we buy at the aquarium market may be the larger fish that have hatched and raised. Their life expectancy is actually not very long, and if you directly buy fish to hatch, you can feel the fun of this beautiful baby growing up and raising yourself.


The reason why the beautiful baby is liked by everyone is that the lines on its body are very obvious, and the color matching is also very beautiful. The main head is red-tailed, then the pectoral fin, dorsal fin and part of the tail are all blue bottoms. Then add black lines, these black lines are also more obvious. In addition, their scales are separated by a blue background color, and the red scales make people look very impressive. Finally, its tail has an extra circle of red that echoes the red of its head.


In terms of market share, the beautiful baby medaka is the most seen African medaka on the market today. First, because they are cheaper, everyone has a higher degree of acceptance. Later, their hatching, including breeding, is not particularly difficult, so many people prefer it. Basically, it can be purchased online or in some aquarium studios.

Pretty baby medaka, ornamental fish often seen in aquarium markets, have you ever kept it? "Fish Farming Says" Today's Headline Column: Medaka Population Series 164 Pretty Baby Medaka

Well, this article about a beautiful African medaka common in the aquarium market, beautiful baby medaka is introduced here for everyone. I hope you have a deeper understanding of the beautiful baby medaka. Thank you for your support, if you feel that the article is helpful to these few, welcome to collect or forward, welcome to continue to pay attention!