
The recently pampered "little short-legged" corgi actually has such a side

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The Welsh Corgi (also known as the Corgi) is a dog native to Wales, England, and is thought to have originated from the Swedish Vallhund that the Vikings brought to Wales; corgi means dwarf dog in Welsh. There are two types of Welsh Corgis: cardigan Welsh Corgis and Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Compared to the two, the Pembroke Corgi is shorter in size, with straighter leg bones and lighter, while the Welsh Corgi has a better texture of back hair; but in temperament, the Pembroke Corgi appears restless, easily agitated, and not as tame as the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Its pointed ears have excellent hearing, and its black nose is very sensitive to smell, equivalent to dozens of times that of humans.

The recently pampered "little short-legged" corgi actually has such a side

Corgi full body diagram

Small in appearance and powerful, the Corgi gives the impression of a strong physique, full of vitality, good bones and excellent endurance, and is one of the most popular small watchdogs, friendly by nature, brave and bold, neither timid nor fierce. Be gentle, but don't force it to accept things you don't want to accept.

The breed is loyal, cute and honest in appearance. Both hearing and smell are extremely acute. [1]

Strong sense of responsibility, strong sense of protection, will be in the owner of the danger when the full rescue.

<h3>FCI Standard </h3>

FCI Number: 39

FCI Group: Group 1: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (excluding Swiss Alpine Cattle Dogs) group


Height: Male Corgi shoulder height 11.0-12.2 inches (28.0-31.0 cm) Female Corgi shoulder height 9.8-11.4 inches (25.0-29.0 cm)

Weight Range: Male Corgi Weighs 22.0-26.5 lbs (10.0-12.0 kg) Female Corgi Weighs 22.0-24.3 lbs (10.0-11.0 kg)


Includes head, face, eyes, ears, nose mirror, mouth, muzzle, jaw, teeth

Head: Fox-shaped, the expression appears intelligent, concerned about the surrounding environment, there will be no feeling of timidity. The skull is quite wide and the interauricular area is flat, the frontal nasal frame is moderate, the cheeks are slightly rounded, and the front face is clearly contoured, making the snout gradually sharper. The distance from the occipital bone to the center of the frontal nasal frame is greater than the distance from the frontal nasal frame to the tip of the nose, and the ratio is the total length of the skull of 5 parts to the total length of the front face of the 3 parts. Eyes: Oval eyes, medium in size, not round or prominent, slightly oblique. The eye is brown, which is in harmony with the color of the coat, and the eye margin is black, and black is the most suitable color. Black is full of expressions, and true black eyes are the least popular colors, as are yellow eyes and blue eyes. Ears: Hard, medium in size, gradually shrinking to the tip of the rounded ear. The ears are mobile and sensitive to sound. From the tip of the nose through the eye to the tip of the ear, the triangle is crossed, and the resulting triangle is close to the equilateral triangle. Bat ears, kitten ears, large, weak ears, drooping ears, ears that are too high or too low are all ears that we don't want. Buckled ears, rose ears, or drooping ears are severely punishable defects. The entire nose is black.


Includes neck, chest, ribs, waist and back, front of the body, skin

Neck: The neck is quite long, long enough to make the whole body balanced. Slightly arched, neat and well integrated with the shoulders. A neck that is too short can give a feeling of suffocation, and too long, too thin, or a ewe-like neck can affect the quality of the dog. Dorsal line: The back is hard, horizontal, and the hips are neither protruding nor concave. The slightly thicker neck coat junction with the slightly shorter body hair causes a slight depression behind the shoulders.

This is allowed. Body: The ribs are well elastic, slightly ovate, and the length is appropriate. Deep in the chest and hanging down between the forelimbs. The body that is too low can interfere with the freedom of movement and should be punished. When looking down, the body gradually thins towards the waist. Waist: Waist short. Barrel chest, flat chest, ribs lack elasticity, too long, too round are not up to standard.


Includes prodrome, shoulder, upper extremity, gum joint, gum bone, foot palm, hindquarter, thigh, fly joint, joint and fly joint nail.

Forehuspiration: the calves are short, as straight as possible, and the elbows are parallel to the body. Sufficient bone mass. Elbows are close to the sides of the body, neither loose nor tight. The shoulder position is natural, at a 90-degree angle to the upper arm. Posterior torso: Strong and flexible, the posterior knee joint is naturally angled. Short legs. Sufficient bone mass. Viewed from behind, the metatarsals are straight. Feet: Oval in shape, strong toes, naturally arched, tight, two middle toes slightly longer, strong foot pads. Naturally arched. Short toenails.


Tail: Short, natural. The tail is as short as possible, and occasionally there are puppies born with a broken tail, which is allowed. If the tail is not upturned too high to dry up the dorsal line outline of the dog, the upturned length below 5 cm is OK. The tail is shorter. The unbroken tail is in the same straight line as the dorsal line, sags naturally, and does not bend to the back. Lift and flat with the dorsal line during activity and hang low at rest. Too high or too low a tail is a defect.

Gait movement

The gait is smooth and smooth. The forelimbs stretch freely and are not too high to lift, in harmony with the driving movements of the posterior body. Proper shoulder position, combined with proper elbow movements, allows the dog to stride forward with ease. Viewed from the front, the limbs are not walked on a parallel plane, but are slightly adducted to compensate for the shortcomings of the short legs and wide chest. The hind limbs are freely extended and are in a straight line with the forelimbs, so that the movement runs continuously and vigorously, and the tarsal joints are neither adducted nor valgus. The movement of the paws is parallel to the movement route, and cannot be swayed, crossed, or interfered with from side to side. Incoherent short movements, body swings or walking with high legs, and walking back and forth with a gait that is too tight or too open are all incorrect gaits. This Shepherd must be agile, comfortable and endurance.

Disqualification conditions

Defects: Any deviation from the above points is considered a defect and any dog that is manifestly physically or behaviorally malfunctioning is disqualified. Body size is too large or too small; buckled ears, rose-shaped ears, drooping ears • protruding upper jaw or protruding lower jaw• fluffy clumps, white coat, with error marks or coat cyan.


1. Dog Family: Welsh Corgi - The Dog of the British Royal Family [Cited on 2015-04-10]

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