
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?

author:KANE says healthy

Do you know the Ship of Theseus? In ancient Greece, people came up with the idea that a ship sailing on the sea, over time, the wood of the hull was replaced little by little into a new one; when the time was long enough, all the wood on the ship was changed once, was the ship still the original one?

Our bodies are also a Ship of Theseus. The cells in your body have different lifespans, and when the cells age, there will be new cells to make up. This can't help but make us wonder, when the cells of the body are changed once, am I still the same me?

After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?
After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?

In the middle of the 17th century, british scientist Robert Hooke discovered cells, and since then, humans have found the root of health and begun centuries of cell research.

Until the 20th century, stem cells were discovered, like a magical force, which can continuously regenerate, activate, and regulate cells, which also makes human beings achieve a qualitative leap in anti-aging and health preservation.

Health should be all cells

All are in the state of the body that is running at its best

Every living body is made up of cells, every cell is alive, and when most of the cells in the body are aging, this life must also reach its twilight years.

Science has found that the cause of all diseases that people suffer from can be attributed to cell problems: cells have problems - tissues have problems - organs have problems - systems have problems - people will get sick!

After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?

For example:

If the liver cells are infected with the virus and are not normal, then the liver will get sick;

If the lung cells are infected with bacteria and are not normal, then the lungs will be sick, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.;

If the cells of the stomach are not normal, then the stomach will have a variety of gastrointestinal diseases.


Therefore, which organ's cells are not normal, which organ will get sick.

Disease rehabilitation is to repair damaged cells and replace dead cells. The way to delay aging and promote rehabilitation is to restore the function of cells and improve the regenerative ability of cells. Only by mastering the laws of life and activity of cells can we defeat disease and delay aging.

How to "nourish cells"?

Life science tells us that cells cannot survive without nutrition, just as fish cannot survive without water. Therefore, to ensure the health of cells, it is inseparable from three elements, namely cell regeneration, cell activation and cell regulation.

Three Elements of Cellular Health:

Regeneration, activation, regulation

Cell regeneration

The body is like a house, if it is old enough to die, then it is like this house has many wall tiles broken, if there is no new wall tile to update and repair, it will be a tattered look, becoming a dangerous house.

On the body, there will be various aging phenomena and degenerative diseases.

For example, the common anemia in the elderly is less red blood cells, arthritis is insufficient regeneration of chondrocytes, muscle atrophy is skeletal muscle cell apoptosis, heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney function decline, and disease resistance decline, are also related to insufficient cell regeneration ability.

After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?

When more than 70% of the body's cells die and don't regenerate, our lives end.

The cellular damage caused by the disease must promote the recovery of the disease through cell repair and regeneration. And if we want to defeat disease, we need the building material of the cell - nutrition.

If we want to get the body rid of disease, we must actively supplement cell nutrition, repair the damaged cells, and let the cells regenerate.

Cell regeneration is the most important self-repair and self-treatment mechanism of the human body, and this role of nutrition cannot be replaced by any drug.

Cell activation

All the normal activities in our life, study and work require the "hard" work of the cells to achieve, and if the cells are lazy or even negative slack or strike, our bodies will have all kinds of problems. Like what:

If the heart's cardiomyocytes don't work hard, we will have a slow heart rate and a weak pulse;

The cells of the gastrointestinal tract do not work hard, the gastrointestinal peristalsis is weak, and the secretion of digestive juice is insufficient, and we will be constipated, bloated, and lose appetite;

Endocrine gland cells do not work hard, which will lead to blood sugar and blood lipids that should have been consumed, but remain in the blood, resulting in high blood sugar and high blood lipids;

If muscles and joint cells don't work hard, we feel weak, sore, and chronic arthritis.

In addition, our dry skin, cold hands and feet, sparse hair, memory loss, mental decline and other problems are also caused by the cells in the relevant parts of the human body do not work hard.

At this time, the most important thing is to supplement the cells with specific system nutrients, so that the cells can eat and eat well. Only in this way can the metabolism of the cell be normal, just as the car can run with oil.

Only the cells work hard, the blood supply to the myocardium improves, the gastrointestinal function is normal, the blood lipids and blood sugar that should be metabolized are metabolized, and the human body is healthy.

In short, providing systematic nutrition to cells is the basis for activating and accelerating the metabolism of cells and enhancing the ability of cells to work, resist and fight.

After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?

Cell regulation

Everyone will always encounter such a thing, some people can't sleep well, always want to find a doctor to adjust? Some women have night sweats, irregular menstrual holidays, but also to find a home remedy. There are also people who have always had a cold and no energy recently, and they also want to adjust.

They are all talking about the tune, what exactly is to be adjusted?

In fact, the human body has a "nerve-endocrine" network, which is the command center of our physiological metabolism. The work of controlling endocrine in our body is mainly hormones, including sex hormones, thyroxine, epinephrine, growth hormone, prolactin hormone and so on.

Our common insomnia, memory loss, increased melasma, abnormal blood pressure, dyslipidemia, abnormal blood sugar, premature aging, etc., are all manifestations of cellular dysfunction in the "nerve-endocrine" network.

Therefore, if we want to improve these problems, we need to adjust the metabolic rate of cells by supplementing specific nutrients, so that cells that work too fast slow down and cells that work too slowly accelerate. When the cells are all back to their normal state, these symptoms are naturally resolved.

After all kinds of cells in the body have been changed once, are you still you?


Life will not go according to the script, and so will human aging. Although the underlying code of our bodies has long been written, at least we have the opportunity to customize part of our lives.

Exogenous supplementation with stem cells can allow you to restart healthy youth.

I' or the same me.



Some of the pictures are from the Internet invasion and deletion