
Babies love to cry, 5 kinds of crying hide different "secret language", parents read and take the baby more easily ★ baby: I am hungry can't wait, my mother is going to give me a meal! ★ Baby: I was scared, mom and dad come and hug me! ★ Baby: So sleepy, I want to sleep! ★ Baby: I don't feel comfortable, my parents will give me a look! ★ Baby: I'm sick, maybe sick! Wan's mother's parenting message

author:Mother of the Guan family

Do parents remember the moment when your baby fell to the ground? His first loud cry, like a natural sound, made us feel extremely excited and excited. But what about since then? Is it that as soon as they hear the baby's crying, some parents are like "birds of fright", worried about whether the baby is uncomfortable, or what they have done wrong?

In short, the baby's crying sounded, the whole family "chicken flying dog jump", saying more are tears!

Babies love to cry, 5 kinds of crying hide different "secret language", parents read and take the baby more easily ★ baby: I am hungry can't wait, my mother is going to give me a meal! ★ Baby: I was scared, mom and dad come and hug me! ★ Baby: So sleepy, I want to sleep! ★ Baby: I don't feel comfortable, my parents will give me a look! ★ Baby: I'm sick, maybe sick! Wan's mother's parenting message

A colleague's baby is more than 5 months old, and he is late for work on this day. Looking at her with a look of anxiety and exhaustion, I said, must be the baby before going to work again, right? I saw her face full of distress:

No, no! My children are so noisy, crying during the day, crying at night, crying in bed, crying when they wake up, crying so much that I have to break down! Is it that other people's babies also love to cry so much? Is there any way to make him not cry?

The angel baby who said yes has turned into a grinding little goblin? Speaking of the baby's crying, all parents are a handful of bitter tears! In fact, the baby is not born to cry, he just uses crying to express his needs. It's just that we can't read the meaning of the baby's crying, and most of the time we misunderstand him!

For newborn babies, crying is not only an attitude, but also a sport. First of all, it can increase the baby's lung capacity, and the baby often makes vigorous, closed eyes and mouth, arm waving, two feet pedaling, etc., which can increase his exercise, help digestion and long body.

Babies love to cry, 5 kinds of crying hide different "secret language", parents read and take the baby more easily ★ baby: I am hungry can't wait, my mother is going to give me a meal! ★ Baby: I was scared, mom and dad come and hug me! ★ Baby: So sleepy, I want to sleep! ★ Baby: I don't feel comfortable, my parents will give me a look! ★ Baby: I'm sick, maybe sick! Wan's mother's parenting message

Therefore, for the baby's crying, parents do not have to be too nervous and anxious. But after all, it is not a thing that the baby always cries, so what is the reason that the baby is crying so much, and how should the parents deal with it? Let's interpret the "code words" hidden in the 5 different cries of the baby with Wan's mother!

The most common crying in daily life is that he is hungry and wants to feed. At this time, the baby's crying is manifested as: the cry is short and powerful, more regular, first from weak to strong, and then from strong to weak, the voice is loud, and the more you cry, the more urgent. At this time, if we put our fingers to the baby's mouth and touch it, he will immediately turn his head and make a gesture of opening his mouth to feed.

【Nursing Tips】

Newborn babies are generally fed on demand, usually every 2-3 hours. There are also some babies who may need to feed frequently because they don't have enough sucking power or too little appetite to eat much each time.

The most direct way to tell if your baby is crying because he is hungry is to try his foraging reaction. If the baby is hungry and the reaction is obvious, then no matter how long it takes to eat, the mother must pick up the baby and feed him while comforting.

Babies love to cry, 5 kinds of crying hide different "secret language", parents read and take the baby more easily ★ baby: I am hungry can't wait, my mother is going to give me a meal! ★ Baby: I was scared, mom and dad come and hug me! ★ Baby: So sleepy, I want to sleep! ★ Baby: I don't feel comfortable, my parents will give me a look! ★ Baby: I'm sick, maybe sick! Wan's mother's parenting message

When your baby is stimulated by external sounds or vibrations, it is easy to be frightened. At this time, his crying was expressed as: short and urgent, and his voice was sharper. Due to the immature development of the baby's central nervous system, it is easy to be frightened, there may be temporary crying, and in severe cases, there will be loss of appetite and sleep.

After the baby is frightened, the mother is best to hold the baby in her arms, gently soothe with her hands, or press her cheek against the baby's face and gently comfort him to let him slowly settle down.

If your baby is more frightened, it may last for several days, and it may be mostly at about the same time period of day. Parents should pay attention to observation, wait by the baby's side at the right time, and carefully and gently comfort him.

Newborn babies spend most of their time sleeping, but as they get older, their sleep time shortens and they begin to "sleep together", so falling asleep is not so easy. The baby will cry when he is sleepy but has not yet fallen asleep, when his crying is not loud, more lingering, some uneasiness, and will be accompanied by rubbing his eyes and other actions. This all shows that the baby is sleepy and needs to be coaxed to sleep by his parents.

Babies love to cry, 5 kinds of crying hide different "secret language", parents read and take the baby more easily ★ baby: I am hungry can't wait, my mother is going to give me a meal! ★ Baby: I was scared, mom and dad come and hug me! ★ Baby: So sleepy, I want to sleep! ★ Baby: I don't feel comfortable, my parents will give me a look! ★ Baby: I'm sick, maybe sick! Wan's mother's parenting message

The baby is too sleepy and too tired but it is not easy to fall asleep, so when the baby has a sleep signal (yawning, rubbing his eyes and looking sleepy, etc.), parents will enter the sleep mode in time. Otherwise, the baby may not be able to sleep or sleep unrealistically after the restlessness.

Some parents will feel that the baby is not very good to sleep, you can hold the baby into a quiet environment, dim the lights, and then try to tap, hum lullabies, put some soft music, etc., but it is best not to let the baby sleep, it will be difficult to correct the habit after developing a habit.

Some babies with sensitive physiques have higher requirements for the environment. For example, if he pulls the rice, pees, heat, cold, and the lights are dazzling, it will make him feel uncomfortable and cry. At this time, the baby's cry is manifested as: the rhythm is slower, the tone is different in length, and there is no regularity accompanied by body writhing. At this time, parents should check it out and rule out one by one to see where he is uncomfortable.

Baby's diapers should be changed frequently to avoid covering up red farts. When cleaning after the baby is pulled, it is best not to wipe it with a wet wipe, because it contains irritating ingredients such as alcohol, which will hurt the baby's tender skin. Rinse with warm water or use a baby cotton towel instead of a wet wipe.

Babies love to cry, 5 kinds of crying hide different "secret language", parents read and take the baby more easily ★ baby: I am hungry can't wait, my mother is going to give me a meal! ★ Baby: I was scared, mom and dad come and hug me! ★ Baby: So sleepy, I want to sleep! ★ Baby: I don't feel comfortable, my parents will give me a look! ★ Baby: I'm sick, maybe sick! Wan's mother's parenting message

Tips for judging the baby's cold and hot: touch the back of the baby's neck with your hand, if you feel cold, it means that the baby is cold; the feel has temperature, but the humidity indicates that the baby is hot; only the feel has a temperature and dryness, the baby's cold and heat is just right.

The most common bloating, abdominal pain and intestinal colic in newborn babies are also the main causes of crying. Secondly, when the baby is sick, crying is inevitable. If it is the cause of gastrointestinal pain, then the baby may suddenly cry, the sound is long and loud, followed by a period of breath holding, followed by a loud cry, and so on.

If the baby's crying is low, short and weak, sometimes moaning, accompanied by a weak physical response, no milk, no energy, and even fever, these are reminding parents: the baby may be sick.

Newborn babies recommend burping him every time they finish feeding. Generally more commonly used is the vertical hug hiccup: let the baby lie on the adult's chest, the center of gravity falls on the adult, one hand supports the baby's waist and hips, and the other hand holds an empty fist on the baby's back. From bottom to top, shoot rhythmically until your baby burps out.

If the baby is sick, parents do not panic, they can not judge the cause of the baby's illness, it is best to take the baby to the doctor as soon as possible for examination and treatment. After all, the baby is too small, and it is difficult for parents to accept the "consequences" of a slight miss!

Babies love to cry, 5 kinds of crying hide different "secret language", parents read and take the baby more easily ★ baby: I am hungry can't wait, my mother is going to give me a meal! ★ Baby: I was scared, mom and dad come and hug me! ★ Baby: So sleepy, I want to sleep! ★ Baby: I don't feel comfortable, my parents will give me a look! ★ Baby: I'm sick, maybe sick! Wan's mother's parenting message

Crying is your baby's language and the only way he communicates with the outside world. Although the baby's crying is very common, but the parents should not let the baby cry too much, if you cry too long, you will cry dumb throat, and it is easy to get a hernia, and let the baby lack of security!

If your baby often cries, then parents must carefully observe and listen to the baby's crying to distinguish different causes, so as to more "accurately" soothe the baby and care for the healthy growth of the baby.

This article is the original of the Wanjia mother, thank you for reading the full text, like the article please leave a thumbs up.

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