
Sengoku 5 Rare Weapon Sledgehammer Acquisition Method Introduction Rare Weapon Sledgehammer Acquisition Method Introduction

author:3DM Game Network

"Warring States Matchless 5" in the rare secret weapons of each weapon, sledgehammer secret weapon is called the Sky Breaking Black Sky Hammer, want to get a lot of conditions, in fact, the approximate condition to get is the mission full clear + 1w company + 2k people chop + s evaluation, the task is the second chapter of the Three Rivers Rebellion, more as follows.

Sengoku 5 Rare Weapon Sledgehammer Acquisition Method Introduction Rare Weapon Sledgehammer Acquisition Method Introduction

There is no fixed level for the secret weapon acquisition of this game, and the approximate condition is that the mission is fully clear +1w company +2k people chop +s evaluation

Sengoku 5 Rare Weapon Sledgehammer Acquisition Method Introduction Rare Weapon Sledgehammer Acquisition Method Introduction
Sengoku 5 Rare Weapon Sledgehammer Acquisition Method Introduction Rare Weapon Sledgehammer Acquisition Method Introduction

Fight the second chapter of the Three Rivers Rebellion

There is a special note

Difficult, 2000 people chop, 7000 combo, time has s is good, the role of the word I use the whole game, only need ieyasu to put the peerless there to change home health