
Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

author:Animal world

From today onwards, Qinghan will bring you a new section - "Insect Whispers" In this section, Qinghan will bring you all kinds of interesting and interesting knowledge about insects.

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

Hope you enjoy it! O(∩_∩)O

So what do you want to bring today? Hey hey, today I want to introduce you to three kinds of "silly and indistinguishable" butterflies! Everybody get ready, let's play "Find Fault"!

Take a look at the image below:

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

Haha, the three butterflies in the picture are three different butterflies, they are: jade spotted butterfly, jade ribbon butterfly, and broadband butterfly. (The name is too easy to remember) Have you found their differences?

Okay, let's analyze it.

Jade spotted butterfly

Scientific name: Papilio helenus

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference
Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

Alias white-striped phoenix butterfly. The two white spots on its lower wings resemble two small monks meditating back to back, so it is also called "a butterfly" and "Buddha butterfly".

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

Jade with butterflies

Scientific name: Papilio polytes

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference
Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

The jade band butterfly, or jade ribbon butterfly, phoenix butterfly, and white-banded (phoenix) butterfly, is a widely distributed asian phoenix butterfly and is quite common. It is mostly active in urban areas, foothills, forest edges and flower beds. Fly fast and like to visit flowers.

It is all black, the head is larger, the compound eyes are dark brown, the antennae are rod-shaped, and there are 10 small white dots on the back of the chest, in 2 longitudinal columns.

Male butterflies have only one form. It is predominantly black with a caudal process, a row of white spots arranged from large to small to the apex on the outer edge of the forewing, and 7 transverse white spots in the middle of the hindwing, and the outer edge may be equipped with red crescent-shaped markings, and the front and back of the wings are similar.

Female butterflies have multiple patterns.

Broadband butterfly

Scientific name: Papilio nephelus

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

The body and wings are black. The male hindwing mask has 4 large white or yellowish white spots; the forewings have blue spots on the hip horns on the opposite side of the forewings; and there are small maculas behind the large white spots on the opposite side of the hindwings. Female butterfly wing spots are clearer and thicker than male wings.

Actually take a closer look

We're still pretty good at identifying them:

The white spots on the wings of the jade-spotted butterfly resemble a small monk meditating;

The white spots of the jade-banded butterfly form a longitudinal column;

The markings on the hind wings of the broad butterfly are golden yellow instead of red.

So what do their larvae look like? Hey, this is not easy to distinguish.

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

Larvae of the jade-spotted butterfly

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

Larvae of the jade-banded butterfly

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

Larvae of the broadband butterfly

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

How about eye-catching, right?


In fact, this phenomenon is still relatively common in the butterfly family.

For example, females are golden-spotted butterflies and golden-spotted butterflies

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

Another example is the tabby butterfly and the black-veined golden-spotted butterfly

Worm Whispers - Silly butterflies who can't tell the difference

What do you think? Isn't it time to marvel at the wonders of nature? (*^__^*)

Well, this issue of Bug Whispers is all there! Thank you all for watching!

For more exciting content, please pay attention to "Animal World"

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