
Game Talk: The restricted mythical beast in pokémon games, self-destructing 300 race points, falling from the altar

author:Wandering Diary

The Pokémon series has been in development for 24 years, and after the eighth generation of Pokémon Sword and Shield, the Pokémon Atlas reached 892. Trying to team up with 6 from a huge number of Pokémon is a challenge for many players with selection difficulties. Fortunately, Pokémon also have strengths and weaknesses, and depending on the race value, traits, skills, etc., you can roughly pick out which Pokémon can be used in the battle.

Game Talk: The restricted mythical beast in pokémon games, self-destructing 300 race points, falling from the altar

Regarding the classification of Pokémon, for the most part, the mythical beasts and quasi-gods of each era represent the strongest Pokémon of that era. In particular, the only one or two divine beasts in each game can be said to be the absolute combat power in the team. Of course, they are not only majestic in the game, but also in the anime. So are there some Pokémon that are weakened in the game because they are too powerful in the anime? The answer, of course, is yes, and today we are going to talk about the mythical beast "Diosis".

Game Talk: The restricted mythical beast in pokémon games, self-destructing 300 race points, falling from the altar

Diosis (officially translated as "Daiochisis") debuted in the anime as Pokémon's seventh theatrical version of The Ripper Deokis. This Pokémon is mutated from the cosmic virus DNA and looks like an alien. Diosis's best ability is that it has 4 different forms (Normal, Attack, Defense, Speed), and each form represents almost the ultimate of that branch.

Game Talk: The restricted mythical beast in pokémon games, self-destructing 300 race points, falling from the altar

How strong is Diosis in the theatrical version? Players who have played the third generation of the gem series know that the two ancient mythical beasts Gaioka and the flyless are engaged in a fateful battle, and see that the Pokémon world is about to be unbalanced by the war between land and sea, at which point the Green Caterpillar breaks through the air to prevent the end. As a first-level divine beast, the Green Caterpillar "Rift Seat" can be described as having the ability to reach the heavens. The green caterpillar with a race value of 680 versus Diosis with a race value of 600 is a crushing situation anyway. However, in fact, in the battle, Diosis had the upper hand.

Game Talk: The restricted mythical beast in pokémon games, self-destructing 300 race points, falling from the altar

Diosis was able to "leapfrog" the Green Caterpillar thanks to its invincible form-changing ability. In the general form, Diossis's physical attack/special attack and speed are both 150; the attack form is 180, the speed is 150; the defense form is 160; and the speed is 180 in the speed form. In the theatrical version, Diossis has no transformation restrictions, which means that it can easily switch back and forth in the high race value form, so that the real race value of Diossis fluctuates between 880-910, naturally pressing the green caterpillar the whole time.

Game Talk: The restricted mythical beast in pokémon games, self-destructing 300 race points, falling from the altar

However, such a terrifying cosmic god beast was directly weakened in the game due to its ability to affect the balance too much. The way to weaken is to limit diossis's morphological transformation. Each version of Diossis in the Third Generation has only one form. In the orthodox sequel Red/Sapphire, Diosis is a normal form, and in Emerald is a speed form. In the remake of Fire Red, it is an attack form, while in Chlorophyte it is a defense form.

Game Talk: The restricted mythical beast in pokémon games, self-destructing 300 race points, falling from the altar

The proud form could not be transformed, resulting in Diosis's race value being locked at 600. In this way, it had no chance to match the Divine Beast or surpass the Divine Beast. At best, it is comparable to the quasi-divine power. However, diosius lost the morphological transformation, and the shortcomings of each fixed form were magnified a hundredfold. For example, even though the speed form has the highest speed race value in the whole Pokémon, other abilities are common; the attack form output ability is not bad, but the durability is too low, so that the powerful Diosis in the anime is almost in the cold state in the game battle.

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