
The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

author:Cosmic Encyclopedia

The largest flower king flower

The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

A collective term for 20 species of fleshy parasitic herbaceous plants in the genus Macrophyllum. Fleshy, parasitic herb that parasitizes the roots, stems or branches of plants without chlorophyll; organs that absorb nutrients degenerate into mycelium and invade the host's tissues. The leaves degenerate into scales or none. The flowers are usually solitary, radiatively symmetrical, unisexual, hermaphroditic, and the flowers are synygotic. The majority of the stamens is to 5, without filaments; the pistils are composed of several synthymous carpels; the ovules are extremely numerous, growing on the collateral placenta, and the beads are layered in 1-2 layers; the peduncle is 1 or none, and the stigma is discoid, cephalic or lobed. The fruit is a berry; the seeds are small, the seed coat is hard, and there is endosperm.

It is produced in tropical rainforests such as Malaysia and Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. The largest flowering plant in the world. The big king flower is called Bungapatma in the local area, which means "lotus leaf-like huge flower", known for its huge flowers and foul smell, and has the reputation of "the world's flower king", which is a saprophytic plant.

Corpse-scented konjac, the most smelly flower

The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

The troll has an underground tuber that blooms first, and then grows leaves after the flowers are gone. The huge inflorescence is born directly from the tubers, and on the short and thick inflorescence stem stretches a wide bract with an outer green and inner purple, similar to a petal, called the Buddha Flame Bud, which is flared on the side of the Buddha Flame Bud, and the color is gorgeous, more than 1 meter high, and the diameter of the upper mouth often reaches 1.5 meters; the huge Buddha Flame Bud stands in the center of the hollow fleshy inflorescence shaft, like a huge candle inserted on a candlestick. The inflorescence grows rapidly, growing about 10 cm a day, so that the rapid growth process will make some "clicking" sounds. The inflorescence is nearly 3 meters high. The male and female flowers grow on the same inflorescence, the female flowers will flower first, and after a day or two, the male flowers will not flower. Female and male flowers of the same plant do not bloom together at the same time to prevent self-pollination. The whole inflorescence gives off a carrion-like smell that attracts carrion-fed beetles and flies of the family Broodactydae to pollinate it.

Ephemeral flowers, the most beautiful flowers

The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

Epiphyllum oxypetalum (DC.) Haw: Epiphyllum (DC.) Haw: Epiphyllum shrub, 2–6 m tall, cylindrical with old stems, lignified. Most branches, leafy lateral flattening, lanceolate to oblong lanceolate, edge wavy or with deep round teeth, sharply pointed at the base, short tapering or tapering into a stalk, dark green, hairless, thick middle ribs, old branching to produce air roots. The flowers are solitary on the branches of the small, funnel-shaped, open at night, aromatic, 25–30 cm long and 10–12 cm in diameter; the flower tray is green, slightly angular, and triangular with short scales; the petals are indumental, inverted ovate lanceolate to inverted ovate, 7–10 cm long, 3–4.5 cm wide, fully margined or eroded. The berries are long and spherical, with longitudinal ridges, glabrous, and purple-red. The seeds are mostly ovate, kidney-shaped, glossy black, wrinkled, and hairless.

Ephemeral is known as the "Beauty Under the Moon". After the flowers gradually unfold, they slowly wither after 1-2 hours, and the whole process is only about 4 hours. Therefore, there is a saying of "short-lived". It is widely cultivated in all regions of the world; it is commonly cultivated in various provinces and regions of China.

Orchids, the most fragrant flowers

The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

Orchid (scientific name: Cymbidium ssp.): Epiphytic or ground-grown herb with up to several leaves, usually growing at the base or lower segment of the false bulb, in two columns, banded or rarely inverted lanceolate to narrow oval, the base generally has a broad sheath and surrounds the false bulb, related nodes. The inflorescence has several flowers or flowers, and the colors are white, pure white, white-green, yellow-green, light yellow, light yellowish brown, yellow, red, blue, and purple.

The orchid in the traditional Chinese flower refers only to a few species of land-growing orchids distributed in the Chinese orchid genus, such as Spring Orchid, Huilan, Jianlan, Molan and Hanlan, which is commonly referred to as "Chinese Orchid". This type of orchid is very different from the tropical orchid with large flowers, there is no eye-catching appearance, no huge flowers and leaves, but it has a simple and quiet, elegant and clean temperament, which is very in line with the aesthetic standards of orientals. It has been cultivated in China for more than 1,000 years.

Chinese has always regarded the orchid as a symbol of high purity and elegance, and is juxtaposed with "plum, bamboo and chrysanthemum", collectively known as the "Four Gentlemen". Usually,"Lan Zhang" is used as a metaphor for the beauty of poetry, and "Lan Jiao" is used as a metaphor for the truth of friendship. There are also borrowed orchids to express pure love, "qi is as long as Lan Xi does not change, the heart of Lan Xi will not change", "find Youlan to repay the confidant, a branch to give to the dream Xiaoxiang". In May 1985, the orchid was rated as one of the top ten famous flowers in China.

Snow lotus, the flower that is least afraid of cold

The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

Saussurea involucrata (Kar. et Kir.) Sch.-Bip.), because its top resembles a lotus, it is named Snow Lotus, referred to as Snow Lotus. It is a perennial herb growing 15–35 cm tall. The rhizomes are thick and the neck is mostly remnants of brown leaves. The stem is thick and hairless. The leaves are dense, basal and stem leaves are sessile, the leaves are oval or ovate; the uppermost leaf bracts are leafy, membranous, pale yellow, surround the total inflorescence, and have sharp teeth at the edges. There are 10-20 cephalic inflorescences, a total inflorescence densely packed into a spherical shape at the top of the stem. The total bracts are hemispherical, 1 cm in diameter; the total bracts are 3-4 layers, with edges or all purplish brown. Small flowers purple. The lean fruit is oblong. The crown hairs are stained white. The flowering period is from July to September.

It is found in many alpine regions of China, as well as in Russia and Kazakhstan. It grows in rock crevices, stone walls and sullactic gravel beaches near alpine snowlines at altitudes of 2400-4000 m. The Tianshan Mountains produce the most, and the quality is also the best. It can be used for medicinal purposes and also has certain ornamental value. In 1996, China has listed the Tianshan Snow Lotus as a second-class protected plant, and the Tianshan Snow Lotus is the only snow lotus plant listed in the "Red Book of Chinese Plants" and is a national third-level endangered species in China. In 2000, The State Council Document No. 13 explicitly prohibited the mining of wild snow lotuses.

Ten li incense, the fragrance can drift the farthest flowers

The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack. is a small tree of the genus the family Rubiaceae, reaching a height of 12 meters. The trunk and twigs are white-gray or pale yellowish-grey, slightly glossy, and the branches are green, and their cross-sections are blunt triangular in shape, and the bottom edge is nearly circular. The fruit is orange-yellow to vermilion-red, narrowly oval, sparsely ovate, tapering at the top, with many dry and bulging but central pit-like sunken oil spots, and the seed coat has cotton hairs. The flowering period is from April to September, autumn and winter, and the fruit period is from September to December. It is produced in Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan and the southern part of Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces. It grows in low hills or high mountainous sparse forests or dense forests.

Lips flower, the sexiest flower

The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

The lip flowers are shrubs or small trees, straight. The leaves are opposite, the leaves are in the petiole, often combined, the apex is fully margined, and the dwelling is stored. The flowers are small, both sexes, and white in color. Composed of apical, umbels inflorescence polyumpter inflorescence, no total bracts, bracts; short calyx, calyx 4-6 fissures, sepal lobes falling off; corolla funnel-shaped, crown tube straight, elongated, glabrous larynx, corolla lobes 5, tweezed arrangement; stamens are the same number as corolla lobes, born in the corolla larynx or mouth, short filaments, anthers near the base of the back, linear, blunt, hidden; ovary 2 chambers, pedunculate hairless, short or elongated, stigma 2, 1 ovule per chamber, upright at the base. Stone fruits, small, sometimes twin, smooth or longitudinally edged; 2 seeds, homomorphic to the small nucleus, raised on the back, with longitudinal edges, thin seed coat, endosperm fleshy, embryonic, basal, cotyledon flat, oladic cylindrical, inferior.

The red part that resembles the lips is not a true petal, but a bract of the flower. This plant is bright red in color and has a peculiar shape. It seems to have been technically treated, however, it is safe to say that its seductive lips are innate, not technically treated. Flowering occurs from December to March.

Heather flower semen flavor of the flower

The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

Heather flower, scientific name Photinia serrulata Lindl., English name Photinia, alias millennium red, fan bone wood and so on. Heather in the rosaceae family is an evergreen shrub or small tree native to China. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is October. Round canopy, dense leaves, red young leaves, white flowers, dense flowers, bright and eye-catching in winter, is a common cultivated tree species; wood is dense, can make wheels and utensils stalks; leaves and roots are used medicinally as strong agents, diuretics, and have the effect of calming and relieving heat; they can also be used as soil pesticides to control aphids and inhibit the germination of potato disease bacteria; seed oil is used for paint, soap or lubricating oil; loquat can be used as loquat trees, loquat grafted with heather has a long lifespan, resistant to barren soil, and strong growth.

Lyre-leaf coral. The longest flower

The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

Jatropha pandurifolia alias variable leaf coral flower, lyre leaf cherry, South Sea cherry, day cherry, Euphorbia, genus of the genus Euphorbia, is an evergreen shrub, red flowers, plant body with milk, milk is poisonous. Native to the West Indies, it is cultivated in southern China.

Because of its leaf type like a qin, and there is a name for the qin leaf cherry; and it looks like a cherry blossom, so it is called a day cherry blossom, and the reason for the other name Nanyang cherry is that the flower is not large because it was introduced by Nanyang, but the flowering period is long, no matter when, you can see it blossoming, which is a common ornamental flower in the garden and is widely used in the landscape. Suitable for garden planting or large potted plants. It is called Nanyang Cherry.

The other side of the flower, the most "cultural temperament" of the flower

The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

Lycorisradiata, alias "Manjushahua" is also known as "Shezi Flower". Perennial herb. There are spherical bulbs underground, covered with dark brown membranous scales. The leaves are narrow, dark green in color, and emerge from the base, originating in early summer and falling in late autumn. Flowering occurs in late summer and early autumn, from about July to September. The stems are 30–60 cm long, usually 4–6 in an umbrella-shaped arrangement, borne at the tip of the stem, with inverted lanceolate petals, red flowers (also of white flower varieties), curled backwards, wrinkled edges, extremely short incumbent tubes; stamens and peduncles protruding, smaller flower shapes, with a circumference of more than 6 cm. When the flowers bloom, you can't see the leaves, when you have leaves, you can't see the flowers, the flowers and leaves don't see each other, and the births are wrong. This flower often grows in stone crevices and graves in the wild, so some people say that it is "a flower on Huangquan Road".

Wheat flower Wheat flower is the shortest-lived flower

The 11th largest in the world about flowers, the shortest life takes 5 minutes to thank you

It only takes 5 to 30 minutes to wither, and on April 9, it is the twentieth day of the "Twenty-Four Flower Trade Winds" that begins with the "Little Cold" festival, and the second day when the "Qingming" festival begins. The flower trade wind represented by this is the "shortest life" flower known as "lightening and fine" and "ten thousand acres of snow light" - wheat flower.

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