
8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

author:Flower cultivation exchange

Most of the plants that bloom in autumn prefer a cool environment, and some flowering plants can remain perennial and have good hardiness. Some of them wither in the winter and can grow again after a warm spring (root plants), and they are all herbaceous flowers that bloom brilliantly in the autumn.

1. Chrysanthemums

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

Chrysanthemums are extremely rich in varieties, it is one of the most gorgeous autumn flowering plants in the garden, it can bloom a large number of flowers, and the flower color is particularly bright, there are pink, red, yellow, white, purple and orange, and even many varieties of mixed colors. Chrysanthemums are also divided into several different types, they can also be cultivated outdoors as perennials, they have good hardiness.

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

After the chrysanthemum flowers gradually wither, the temperature is low in winter, even if the branches and leaves wither, as long as the rhizomes under the soil surface are still alive, they wither in winter, and can be re-grown after the spring is warm. If the temperature is too low in winter, you can cover it in time and wait until the spring is warm and then cut it off in time.

If it is a potted chrysanthemum, it can be moved to a warm place in winter, and it can also be maintained for many years. In the process of chrysanthemum maintenance, pay attention to giving as much light as possible, and the drainage of the soil should be good, so that they can remain perennial and flower every autumn.

2. Echinacea magnus

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

Echinacea is a very cute perennial flowering plant, which continues to bloom from the end of summer to late autumn every year, and some tall varieties of plants can grow to more than one meter, while the short varieties of plants are more suitable for potted maintenance.

Ground-planted echinacea is suitable for planting a clump, and the flowers can bloom into a cluster, which can form a better observation effect when flowering. Echinacea is very suitable for pairing with other herbal flowers, it has more light needs, and the environment for maintenance should be ventilated.

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

Growing echinacea in the yard can easily attract bees and other beneficial insects. The maintenance of echinacea should ensure that the soil is well drained, and it is best to have more than 6 to 8 hours of direct light per day.

Echinacea is a very hardy perennial plant that generally lives for 5 to 6 years. If you want to plant echinacea, you can choose to sow it after the spring is warm. In the autumn, you can directly buy flowering pots, for the echinacea that you just bought home, do not expose yourself to the sun a week before, gradually increase the light, keep the soil slightly moist during the growing season, and when the plants are mature, you can wait for the soil to dry and water thoroughly.

3. Golden Light Chrysanthemum (rudbeckia)

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

Chrysanthemum is a plant that grows particularly densely, they have many varieties, the flowers are colorful, its small flowers look a bit like daisies, and the center of the flowers is black, the petals are generally golden yellow, there are also some red flowers, it is also a perennial plant, but it is generally replanted every year. However, chrysanthemums bloom less each year, so they are generally replanted after the spring is warm.

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

The seeds of golden chrysanthemum are generally sown in March and April, its seeds germinate particularly quickly, the seedlings grow to 10 cm high can be transplanted to the outdoors, you can also buy flowering pots directly in the autumn, or very robust potted seedlings, as long as there is enough light, it can bloom brilliantly. In the growing season, it is necessary to pay attention to the application of thin fertilizer and diligent application to ensure adequate nutrients.

4. Pansies

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

Pansy is a gorgeous flower, but their flower color is relatively small, this plant is popular because it can be used to arrange any style of garden, it is a versatile herbaceous flower, very suitable for planting at the edge of the flower bed, can also be planted on the edge of the flower, their plants are short, generally grow to more than 10 cm high, the average height is more than 20 cm.

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

Pansys are particularly beautiful in color, some are mixed color varieties, the most common color is yellow, burgundy and bicolor varieties. Pansies bloom not only in autumn, but also in spring and summer. Raising pansys is suitable for sowing and propagation, and it is also suitable for buying potted seedlings, if you buy some robust seedlings, you can flower normally after two or three weeks of maintenance.

The maintenance of pansy should pay attention to the prevention of fungal diseases, the soil drainage of planting this plant must be good, and the leaves should be avoided as much as possible when watering, and do not let the leaves often retain water.

5. Asters

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

Aster flower is a very beautiful perennial flowering plant, in the autumn can bloom star-like small flowers, the flower color is generally blue-purple, purple, pink or white, etc., its flowers have a lot of nectar, it is easy to attract pink insects. It generally blooms from the end of July to November.

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

Cultivation of aster flowers is generally carried out by the sowing method, generally after the spring is warm, they like a semi-shaded environment, there are about 6 hours of light a day can grow and flower.

In the process of planting, we should pay attention to frequent watering to avoid excessive drought in the soil, and if you want to propagate aster flowers in the later stage, you can choose to propagate cuttings in the spring.

6. Dianthus

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

Caryophyllum is a very cute perennial, their flower color is generally pink, red or white, caryophyllus flower color is more vivid and charming. It flowers from late spring to autumn, and the amount of flowers decreases when the summer heat is excessive. The height of the caryophyllus plant generally grows to more than 30 cm, and the plant will grow more compactly, which is very suitable for growing potted ornamental plants.

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

Maintenance of caryophyllus flowers must be given as much light as possible, the difficulty of maintenance is not too high, in the growing season should pay attention to give enough fertilizer water, in addition to the summer appropriate reduction of fertilization, in the spring and autumn two seasons should pay attention to thin fertilizer diligent application, they can ensure continuous flowering.

7. Violas

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

The horn viola will look more like a pansy in morphology, the horn viola plant is smaller, the flowers are much smaller than the pansy, and the horn viola is equivalent to a miniature version of the pansy. Hornwall is suitable for sowing in June to August, and you can also buy potted seedlings for maintenance in autumn.

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

viola like a cool environment, slightly hardy, in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai areas can be in the outdoor winter, can be from autumn to the end of the spring, they like loose and well-drained soil, can also be maintained in a semi-shady environment, viola is particularly suitable for potted maintenance of plants, the later plants grow more vigorously, you can reproduce in the spring after the plant is warm.

8. Dahlias

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

Dahlia likes to give as much sunlight as possible, and to maintain this plant is to give more direct light, preferably in a full-day environment.

Dahlia has a lot of bright flower colors, including the common pink, pink, yellow, blue, purple, red and orange, etc., there are many varieties of mixed colors, dahlia flowers are relatively large, plants can grow to more than one meter tall, some plants can grow to 30 to 60 cm tall, you can grow into pots. Dahlia is also very suitable for the middle yard, when planting a small piece, the blossom is the most beautiful.

8 kinds of flowers with splendid autumn flowers, suitable for potting on the balcony, you can also plant a piece in the yard

They generally bloom from summer until the end of October (flowers stop when the summer is too hot, it is not very heat-tolerant), in the warm regions of the year, in November, and even in the southern regions you can buy potted dahlias that are in bloom during the Spring Festival.

Dahlia is suitable for buying tubers for planting in late spring and early summer, and it is more suitable for buying potted plants that are blooming in autumn.

Dahlias like loose and well-drained soil, in the growing season to keep the soil slightly moist, but the potting soil should not be excessively wet or waterlogged, the conservation environment to give sufficient direct light, in the semi-shade can also grow normally, but the flowering will be reduced.

Dahlia is a slightly hardy tuber plant, but with frost the stems and leaves will wilt, and ground-grown dahlias can dig up the tubers or cover them. In places where the temperature is too low in winter, it is recommended to dig up its tubers before the frost comes, store them in a dry and cool place, and replant them after the spring is warm.