
There is also a dark universe on the back side of the metacosm

author:Purple Dragon Media

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There is also a dark universe on the back side of the metacosm

The concept of a metacosm is equivalent to two parallel worlds, one is the real world and the other is a virtual world, and the two worlds are connected by networks and asset swaps, to put it bluntly, to reshape another world outside the real world and be larger and more diverse.

In addition to copying and repricing real-world assets, the virtual world can also transfer payments through virtual currency, as long as it is converted at the exchange rate at the time of the transaction. Since the birth of the first blockchain asset, it is destined that the types of credit currency issued will be as uncountable as the stars, and the core problem in the future is only the speed of exchange rate conversion, and the type of credit currency is ignored.

Ever since Facebook tried to issue Libra, its efforts to connect the two worlds of the metacosm have begun. The pluralism of credit currencies will unify the settlement method under the pursuit of efficiency in the final future, so that a single credit currency will dominate the world. Imagine what would be the form of a unified currency that connects two worlds? It must be trustworthy, fast to pay, publicly traceable, and all of these advantages are the advantages of blockchain.

There is also a dark universe on the back side of the metacosm

But is blockchain really reliable? Various economic entities have different attitudes towards blockchain, but so far they have not been able to prevent the emergence of new blocks. The transfer and mining of block assets require more computing power, and the essence of computing power is the possession of resources, just like the occupation of minerals by capital. The share of minerals determines the pricing power of minerals, but first of all, it is necessary to create the public demand for minerals, and with demand there is pricing power.

The possession of computer computing power by the blockchain determines the right to speak of the blockchain, and the computing power of the computer is also the basis of the Internet of Everything. So it is very intuitive to see that whoever masters the blockchain technology will master the future.

Only owning blockchain assets is just owning virtual currency, money represents only the ability to purchase assets, and without assets there is obviously no currency. Blockchain credit is the endorsement of monetary credit, and the most important thing is to create assets. Money is a bridge connecting assets, whether it is a real asset or a virtual asset, but the currency itself is not an asset, if the value of the currency fluctuates too much, it does not have the standard to measure the asset.

There is also a dark universe on the back side of the metacosm

The mining stage of virtual currency will make the value fluctuate due to the instability of demand, at this time the virtual currency itself is more like a mineral, until the output of the virtual currency can meet most of the demand, then the virtual currency will shift from measuring its own value to measuring the value of other assets. When virtual currency truly becomes the measure of assets, it has entered the stage of asset trading medium, and the value is stable and efficient. If the virtual currency is only a medium of exchange, there is no difference from the essential role of other sovereign currencies in the transaction, only the exchange rate.

With a bridge between the real world and the virtual world, the two worlds can be integrated, you have me, I have you. The virtual world will be completely copied in the process of reconstruction, and then with the addition of geniuses in various fields, it will gradually become more dreamy.

The metaverse will take up 50% or even 80% of a person's life, and some people can spend all their time in the virtual world except for eating, sleeping and taking vacations. Building in the virtual world is no different from building in the real world, except that the tools are used differently. It is necessary to have a very complete construction knowledge to build a solid and reliable building in the virtual world, and the construction process also requires multi-tasking three-dimensional construction, but the time is faster.

Like the imagination in science fiction movies, the fantasy architecture of the virtual world will be separated from the physical rules of the real world and sensationalize at the beginning, but time will prove that the dream architecture and aircraft must also fully comply with the physical rules to exist in the instantaneous refresh world for a longer time, after all, the unattainable dreams are only fantasies after all, and the two worlds cannot be perfectly integrated.

There is also a dark universe on the back side of the metacosm

The total amount of resources for the whole earth is relatively constant, and the total price of resources is fixed in theory, but in fact it is not. When the first comer declares ownership of all of earth's resources, the asset is priced according to how much share the resource owner is willing to release. If the demanders for resources are increasing, and the resource owners guard the resources more firmly, the pricing of the resources will increase indefinitely, so the increase in currency issuance is inevitable.

The birth of the metaverse is equivalent to completely copying a real world, because the imagination is boundless, which means that the resources in the virtual world are infinite, and the infinity of resources makes the resource pricing constant. If the pricing of resources in two worlds goes to two extremes, it will make an incredible thing happen to a fully integrated world, and the real-world resource holder will lose the innate advantage of having resources. From the perspective of sensory experience, if the experience is similar, it will choose a lower cost experience. That is to say, in the metaverse world, the resource pricing of the real world and the virtual world will gradually converge, making the world more fair and orderly.

More importantly, if we create a metacosm with our imagination, we will inevitably passively create a dark universe.

There is also a dark universe on the back side of the metacosm

In our cognition, every account on the Internet is created by us, and behind each account is a real person. And in the dark universe, every account is an ai human that we create with our imagination. For example, if there is a group of people who are eager to have a full personality and describe the appearance or personality of this complete personality, it will really be randomly created by the virtual system a virtual AI human.

And have the same date of birth, hobbies, study tours, work history, pension insurance, medical records, etc. as real people, and even donate buildings or sculptures built in the real world. Strictly speaking, no one can tell whether it is a real person or a virtual person, and all the work is done in the virtual world. After all, you don't let people often look at your takeaway orders, and who knows how many times a year you eat?

In the dark universe, every idea you have will come true, and you don't even have to deliberately create it, just imagine it. In a virtual world with unlimited resources, there are always some geniuses with advanced imaginations who are bound to create uncontrollable saboteurs. But in the hands of players with a future, when has there ever been an undefeated boss?

There is also a dark universe on the back side of the metacosm

#Metacosm##Dark Universe##比特币[Super talk]##libra##虚拟 #