
"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

author:Read good poetry
"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter
"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter
"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Time is fast, autumn is coming to an end, do not live up to this colorful autumn. While the autumn colors are still there, let us embark on a journey to live up to the good times of autumn, look forward to it together, and start a late autumn encounter!

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Autumn evening wild hope

Don-Liao Ning

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Leaning on the flute to chat, where is Qin Chuan.

The grass is clear at first, and the sound is twilight.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Nozomu Akihara

Don-Yang Ling

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

When the guests came in autumn, they frequently sent two or three letters.

The clouds outside the sunset are gone, and the countless peaks of the green mountains are chaotic.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter


Tang-Wang Ji

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Donggao looked at the twilight and leaned on what he wanted.

The trees are all autumn colors, and the mountains are only falling.

Shepherds drive calves back, and hunting horses bring birds back.

Looking at each other without acquaintance, long song Huai Tse-wei.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Song-Xue Jixuan

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

The crystal mound is cold and cold, and the green curtain is high and dyed green.

The birds and herons of the clouds are dotted, and a leaf of the Qing banner moves the river.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

High post no hope

Song-Yang Wanli

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Looking at the four wild palm boats flat, the distant trees are in a row and a cross.

The sky outside the tree is still pale, and the shadows of the trees are not clear.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Song-Ong roll

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

One day in autumn, the cold and clear bay, countless peaks and mountains between near and far.

Idle up the mountain to see the wild water, and suddenly see the green mountains at the bottom of the water.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Song-Wu Weixin

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Idle and reed flowers stand at the water's edge, and the heart is dazed.

The sunset exhausted the wind, and a tree of jackdaws fell into the field.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Song-Su Yan

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Yingying a water like an autumn snake, a chicken dog silent wild Hakka.

After the rain, the green grass is added along the path, and the wind returns to the red thanks to the partition wall flowers.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Nozomu Akihi

Song-Zhang Gang

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Autumn clouds are constantly coming, and the wild colors are endless.

Xingyi was annoyed outside, and the poem was drunk in his eyes.

Nostalgia to see the birds, turn things to understand the flying puff.

When the sun goes south, the new perch is red.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Nozomu Yabei

Song - Lu You

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Short scenes hinder travel, and long songs comfort work.

The leaves withered to the west, and the water fell to the north bridge high.

Illness is always dramatized, decay and worldliness.

Flag Pavilion is newly brewed and beautiful, and everything is in order.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Song-Zhao Ru-ho

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

One day in autumn, the color is far away, and the eyes of the disease are wide.

Wild cattle and sheep are small, and the wind and cold are high.

Sweeping sorrow is too thin to drink, less want to be at ease.

Xiyou passed in front of the door and left the fish for dinner.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Ming-Wang Gong

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Outside the Jipu Yao Mountain, the barren river miasma sea head.

The leaves of the pine are dark, and the birds of the lonely island are quiet.

Sedi wept bitterly, and his neighbors were worried.

The grass is colorful in autumn, and the days of return are leisurely.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Ming-Shi Bao

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Occasionally, I look at the original and continue to mean what is poor.

In the cold smoke of the distant trees, in the sunset of the deserted platform.

The sand birds are white, and the lonely wildflowers are red.

Shi Xing, who cleaned up, lingered in the evening wind.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Qing-Cui Hua

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

The light moon is bright and the forest is clear, and the cold clouds are hidden and dangerous.

The ruins are silent, and the yellow leaves are under Xiao Xiao.

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

Qing-Peng Sunyi

"Poetry Appreciation" fifteen poems of wild hope, together with wild hope, to open a late autumn encounter

The sky is high and the sea is full of waves.

The old country is green and green, and there are many white birds in the gate.

The rivers and lakes return to the old, and the years pass by.

Frost dew is everywhere, and the west wind folds the lotus.