
"Goddess of the Earth" - the origin of Meng Po

author:Tickets speak of humanities

According to ancient Chinese myths and legends, the human body does not always exist. Only the Dharma-body is eternal and does not die. In order to maintain balance, everything in the world will circulate in the six realms of god, immortal, underworld, man, demon, and demon. An important task after entering the underworld is to forget the past life, so we have to mention a legendary woman, that is, Meng Po.

"Goddess of the Earth" - the origin of Meng Po

Goddess of the Earth House - Meng Po

Meng Po is a figure in ancient myths and legends. She lives next to the River Nai Bridge. She provides Meng Po soup to all souls who come to be reincarnated to erase their memories. There are many legends about Meng Po. There is a saying that Meng Po was in this world when she left the Three Realms. She was originally a fairy in heaven. By chance, she saw countless gratitudes and resentments in the world. Even if a person dies, she refuses to let go of everything in her past life, so she comes to the forgotten river in the underground mansion. A large cauldron was erected at the head of the Nai River Bridge, making the seven passions and six desires that people in the world could not put down into Meng Po soup, and let the ghosts drink it to forget the love and hatred of the past life. Only after the burdens of the present world are removed can the world enter the next reincarnation. This statement first appeared in the Taoist classics of the Spring and Autumn Period. In traditional thought, people do not remember the gratitude and resentment before death after death. Another view is that the so-called Meng Po is Meng JiangNu. In the past, Meng Jiangnu cried down the Great Wall. She saw countless corpses under the Great Wall, but she could no longer find the bones of her husband. In order to forget these painful memories, she developed Meng Po Soup. Later, God remembered her and saved her from the pain of reincarnation, who missed her husband. Let her cook a pot of Meng Po soup by the Nai River Bridge, and let the reincarnated ghost drink it to forget everything in her past life. That is, the so-called past has passed. Good and evil in this life are nothing more than the intention of the heart. This view was widely spread from the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming and Qing dynasties. This view is commonly found in the notes of scholars. This is also the most widely disseminated view. Among the many legends about Meng Po, this statement is quite realistic. Another version is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. It is said that Meng Po is Yao's daughter. Yao married both daughters to Shun, including Meng Po. So Meng Po's husband is Shun. After the three people got married, life was very happy. Unfortunately, Shun died shortly after his marriage. After Shun's death, Meng Po could not bear the grief of losing Shun. She often cried by the river, and later she jumped into the Xiang River and committed suicide. After her death, she became the goddess of the Xiang River. As a result, she gained another ability, that is, she could call the wind and rain wherever she went. Later, she went to hell and became Meng Po, handing a bowl of tea to each dead ghost. This bowl of tea is Meng Po soup. From this story, it can be seen that Meng Po was the daughter of Emperor Yao and the wife of Emperor Shun, so her grandfather should be Emperor Shu. It can be seen that their family is very powerful. The legendary Three Emperors and Five Emperors account for three of their families. After listening to these stories, which one do you believe more? Is it the fairy at the beginning of heaven and earth, or the Meng Jiang woman? Or Yao's daughter, Shun's wife? In any case, it's really people's hope for another life, or the fear of death.

"Goddess of the Earth" - the origin of Meng Po

Meng Po soup

Give me a glass of water forgetting love, in exchange for my life without sorrow. Let's leave aside for the moment The Meng Po soup. If there really was loveless water in this world, would you drink it? Welcome to leave a comment!

"Goddess of the Earth" - the origin of Meng Po

Will you drink it?

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