
Liaoyang migratory bird - sparrowhawk

author:Liaoshen Evening News Liaoyang Moment

Sparrowhawk (scientific name: Accipiter nisus) is a small bird of prey with a body length of 30–41 cm, the female is slightly larger than the male, with broad and rounded wings and a long tail. The male has a dark grey upperpart, a greyish brown female, a slight white behind the head, a white or pale off-white underparts, a tail with 4-5 black-brown transverse spots, and several black-brown transverse bands under the wings. Its natural habitats are coniferous forests, mixed forests, broad-leaved forests and other montane forests and forest margins. Sunrise, often living alone, feeds on passeriformes, insects and rodents, but also preys on smaller chickaceous birds such as pigeons and hazelnuts, and sometimes hares, snakes, and insect larvae. Distributed in Eurasia and northwest Africa, partly migrating in The Liaoyang region, some of which are resident birds, common in the eastern mountains of our city and the suburbs of the city, and belong to the national second-level key protected wild animals.

Liaoyang migratory bird - sparrowhawk
Liaoyang migratory bird - sparrowhawk

Source: Liaoyang Forestry

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