
K-MEDIA Hanshe Media Warm as Meng - Meng Rui thanked fans for accompanying them all the way

author:KMEDIA brand new entertainment

Meng Rui - fans call him Teacher Meng, young master, old artist; this kind of funny title, between the lines are the fans' love for him, this time Hanshe Group k-media personally went to Nanjing, conducted an exclusive interview with him.

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K-media: What was the idea for this book?

Meng Rui: Actually, I have always wanted to say such a plan for a book, I have always wanted to have such a plan, but this year I originally wanted to say that it would be done slowly because I had been accumulating some diaries and essays before, that is, I would have a book to remember what I thought, and after talking to the publisher this year, they thought that otherwise our book would come out quickly, so in the case of high expectations, then I said that I would finish it during that time.

K-media: Is there some of your own mental journey in it?

Meng Rui: I will introduce some, because in fact, this book I don't want to turn it into a kind of chicken soup, or a form of preaching, because I myself feel that I am not a person, and I don't want to teach others how, because the big truth is there and everyone understands, I just share it and talk about it with everyone; so some of my own things are of course my own real experience, so I will write a part of it. So in fact, I also have plans to say that after the second or third book, there will be a slow succession, and that book may not be able to stop like this, so in addition to some of my own stories, there will be some stories that I have borrowed from other people's perspectives to completely fabricate, and I want to share some of the content of the story with you; and then there are some stories that happened around my friends and then I wrote some story collections after I came under a pseudonym, so I personally think it is still quite interesting.

K-MEDIA Hanshe Media Warm as Meng - Meng Rui thanked fans for accompanying them all the way

Meng Rui was exclusively interviewed by K-Media

k-media: The recent itinerary is very full, every place is full of popularity, what are the most impressive things that fans have done to impress you?

Meng Rui: Oh they did what I did, I said honestly this is not official, I am particularly touched by many things they do, this is the truth; it is because there were a lot of people on the scene yesterday, and then a lot of people came from north to south, so I told them yesterday, I said you don't want to grab this pre-sale, what do you have to look for scalpers to buy is not neurotic, this book will come out sooner or later and the book this thing, how to buy how you have the possibility that you can say that there is no I will stamp it, they said you told me that the pre-sale card has a few stops I said one stop, and one sentence scared me back.

So I also think about the work arrangement back; because I don't want them to work so hard, because after I share something, I hope that everyone can easily enjoy or share this feeling with me. I don't want everyone to squeeze their heads to grab something, because it is true that some of the rules of the game are set by others, my own rights are not so big, although they think I am omnipotent; but if I hold up, it will be very tiring, then they will often help me to do something for example, they know that I like to do public welfare, and then help me to go to see the elderly, and then there are to adopt rare animals abroad, and then help me plant trees, so these things are things that make me particularly moved.

K-MEDIA Hanshe Media Warm as Meng - Meng Rui thanked fans for accompanying them all the way

Meng Rui was interviewed by k-media at the Nanjing Book Signing Conference

The above is the original manuscript of K.S.g Hansha Group

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