
16 departments jointly issued opinions to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of truck drivers

author:Bright Net

Beijing, 3 Nov (Xinhua) -- A few days ago, the Ministry of Transport, together with 16 departments, including the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, jointly issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Protecting the Rights and Interests of Truck Drivers" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions") to effectively improve the production and operation environment for truck drivers and protect the legitimate rights and interests of truck drivers.

According to reports, the "Opinions" adhere to the combination of far and near, both symptoms and root causes, coordinated linkage, comprehensive management, research put forward the study put forward the strict standardization of fair and civilized law enforcement, smooth truck driver complaint and report channels, simplify the truck driver handling procedures, optimize and adjust the truck ban and restriction policy, improve the truck driver parking and rest conditions, crack down on car bandits in accordance with the law, standardize the operation behavior of new online freight business formats, promote truck drivers to participate in social insurance, and reasonably guide the supply of freight markets. At the same time, the "Opinions" also put forward safeguard measures such as strengthening the guidance of party building work, establishing a coordinated linkage mechanism, consolidating the responsibilities of all parties, and creating a good public opinion atmosphere.

In terms of regulating the business behavior of new online freight formats, the "Opinions" pointed out that it is necessary to improve the management system of the Internet road freight platform, strengthen the monitoring and dynamic management of transportation capacity, seriously investigate and deal with acts that harm the legitimate rights and interests of truck drivers in accordance with the law, and standardize the operation order of the platform. Cai Tuanjie, director of the Department of Transport Services of the Ministry of Transport and spokesman of the press, said that the freight platform uses the advantages of resources to induce drivers to compete at a low price, which seriously damages the legitimate rights and interests of truck drivers and seriously disrupts the fair competition market order of the industry. In this regard, the Ministry of Transport attaches great importance to it, and together with relevant departments, interviews typical freight platform enterprises in the name of the inter-ministerial joint meeting on the coordinated supervision of new forms of transportation, and requires them not to induce cargo owners to unreasonablely reduce prices, and not to induce drivers to compete at low prices and overtime work.

Source: Rule of Law Daily