
My mom wouldn't let me study abroad because... Scene 1 Scene 2 Timeline: Details:

author:DIY Leap Program
My mom wouldn't let me study abroad because... Scene 1 Scene 2 Timeline: Details:

(This article is purely fictional)

My name is Wang Zixin, female, college undergraduate double non-one is reading, excellent grades in school, deeply liked by teachers and classmates. The family is solid, has not suffered any hardships since childhood, and has been going to school step by step until now.

My mother, just call her Ms. Guo, after 60, 30 years old, I was born, and my way of thinking is between feudalism and openness, which makes people love and hate.

Character: Wang Zixin, Wang Zixin University undergraduate tutor - Teacher Zhang

Location: Mr. Zhang's office

Zhang: Zi Xin, your undergraduate results are good, you are also very interested in scientific research, do you want to consider going abroad for further study, although our school does not say more top-notch, but there are also joint training projects with some foreign institutions, colleges and schools will fund a part, after you go, graduate students can get their school and our school's double degree, with your grades, as long as IELTS goes up, it is very easy to go abroad.

Xin: Thank you Teacher Zhang, I personally want to go abroad for further study, so I will go back and discuss with my family and give you an answer.

Characters: Wang Zixin, Ms. Guo, Wang Zixin, her father, Ms. Guo's husband, Lao Wang

Where: At the dinner table at home

Hin: Mommy and Daddy, I'll tell you something.

Lao Wang: Daughter, you said, we listened.

Shin: You see, I am about to graduate from college, my Academic Affairs Office checked my grades, it is very good, our teacher gave me a chance to study abroad... @#¥%... &*(Detailed situation) I would rather want to go, you see?

Lao Wang: This opportunity still sounds good, calculate how much you need to go abroad during this time? Dad pays you, you just have to study hard and do what you want to do.

Guo: What to pay for? It's so messy abroad, don't you watch the news? That girl Zhang Yingying, isn't it a matter of studying abroad, when the heartache of her parents is dead.

Wang Zixin: My mother didn't let me study abroad, the reason is actually! I went abroad and I will die!

As for whether it is safe to study abroad, it is divided into two factions: the Prince Xin faction (square) and the Ms. Guo faction (the opposite).

Zhengfang: Zhang Yingying is just a case, do not think, nothing, the probability is not high, China goes out hundreds of thousands of people every year, there is a certain accident rate is very normal. Domestic students will also have accidents, the essence of domestic and foreign is the same, why worry about the sky.

The opposite: explosions, stabbings, kidnappings... The group of international students is different from the citizens of the country, alone in the outside world, helpless, more likely to have accidents, one careless may not be able to empty people and money, or obediently study in China, don't go out.

Let me now enter the space of the master of reasoning and pay attention to the details of Zhang Yingying's case:

In April 2017, Yingying Zhang went to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States for exchange studies.

On June 9, Zhang Yingying disappeared.

On June 30, the FBI announced that it had arrested a 27-year-old man suspected of kidnapping Chinese visiting scholar Zhang Yingying. The FBI said it believed Zhang Yingying had died.

On August 28, the U.S. federal judge finally set the case on February 27, 2018, and the pretrial hearing was held on February 12, 2018.

On October 3, a federal grand jury indicted the suspect on additional charges and formally decided to prosecute the suspect Christensen for "kidnapping to death."

On October 11, Zhang Yingying's case was reopened, and the suspect refused to admit guilt and was scheduled to be tried in February 2018.

On April 16, 2019, U.S. Federal Judge Shady ruled that Christensen's case, which is suspected of kidnapping and killing Yingying Zhang, will be heard on June 3, 2019, in the federal court in Peoria, Illinois.

On July 8, Zhang Yingying's case officially entered the sentencing stage. Defendant Christensen has previously been convicted by a federal jury for hijacking to death, and the jury will decide whether to sentence him to death.

On July 18, U.S. Attorney James Shadid of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of Illinois announced that Brent Christensen, who kidnapped and murdered Yingying Zhang, had been sentenced to life in prison without parole.

On August 2, 2019, The case of Yingying Zhang received a major clue: the lawyer representing the Zhang family said that Yingying Zhang's body may be in a landfill in central Illinois.

(Suspect arrested in 17 years, finally confessed two years later)

On June 9, 2017, Yingying Zhang, an international visiting scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a graduate student at Peking University, signed a rental contract at 2 p.m. for the provincial rent and wanted to change the rent to a four-person shared house. But she went in the opposite direction and failed to catch the bus. Then, a Saturn brand black car passed by, and the two talked for more than 20 seconds, she sat in the co-pilot, and then disappeared.

(General international students will have the mentality to live abroad with a domestic lifestyle, save money, believe or good people)

On June 30, the US FBI announced the arrest of Christensen, the suspect in the kidnapping. The suspect was a 28-year-old white male who was a PhD teaching assistant in physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and belonged to the same university as Yingying Zhang.

A few months before he met Zhang Yingying, Christensen had frequently browsed the dark web and planned to kidnap and kill others. In court, prosecutors released recordings of Christensen's phone calls with his girlfriend. Christensen did not want to reveal where Zhang Yingying's body was on the phone, saying that 12 people had been killed before killing Zhang Yingying, comparing himself to serial killer Ted Bundy.

(Superficial gentleman, but actually beast, invincible)

At the beginning of the disappearance of Zhang Yingying, the US media did not pay much attention to Zhang Yingying's case, and there were fewer reports on Zhang Yingying's missing case. In the month from June 20 to July 20, 2017, the mainstream news media in the United States published a total of 37 reports on Zhang Yingying's case, of which 90% were news and 10% were speeches. In the same period, the mainstream Media in China reported more than 200 reports on Zhang Yingying's disappearance.

"Most of the US media reports on Zhang Yingying's missing case are mainly case story statements. In the NARRATION OF THE US MEDIA, the details of the investigation are more important than the traceability of responsibility, making Zhang Yingying's disappearance more like a 'Sherlock Holmes-style' case-telling story. ”

In the story of solving the case told by the US media, Zhang Yingying's identity as a Chinese citizen has not been intentionally highlighted, and the status of Zhang Yingying's family's rights protection is rarely mentioned. In the vision of the US media, Zhang Yingying is portrayed as a weak victim image, highlighting the cruelty of the suspect and the wisdom of the "detective".

Christensen is married but often patronizes dating sites and brings her female companion to prayer meetings for Zhang Yingying. This kind of reporting, which takes the suspect's first perspective, portrays Zhang Yingying as a "poaching object" and reinforces Zhang Yingying's stereotype as a helpless victim with the violence of dominant American men against disadvantaged women in Asia. ”

(Asian women, Chinese women and even Chinese are constantly being "stigmatized" in the minds of Americans, and foreign media opinion is biased)

On October 3, 2017, a U.S. federal grand jury voted to pass the prosecution's evidence and formally decided to prosecute suspect Christensen for "kidnapping to death." In response, Christensen has always refused to plead guilty. Christensen's defense counsel added a number of reasons to postpone the trial date, which was originally scheduled for February 27, 2018, to October 2018 and then to April 2019.

On January 11, 2019, defense lawyers for the kidnapping and killing of Chinese visiting scholar Zhang Yingying, the defense attorney of Brendt Christensen, filed a new motion with the U.S. Federal Government. The document pointed out that the prosecution agency, who simply used the victim as a Chinese national, classified the case as a federal crime, violating the "equal protection clause".

(As an Aboriginal American, Christensen is more likely to hire well-known local lawyers, such as Tom Bruno in this case, which is relatively difficult for international students to defend their rights abroad.)

In summary, in fact, Ms. Guo's concern is not unreasonable, to sum up, Xiaobian here to many screens in front of Ms. Guo and Wang Zixin some suggestions:

1. The model of social governance in North America or continental Europe is very different from that in China. No one can guarantee that your neighborhood will be free of ethnic elements, extremists, drug addicts, or all kinds of villains waiting for an opportunity to rob your children. No one can fully guarantee that your neighbor or co-tenant will be fine. Therefore, finding a safe living environment and finding a safe cohabitant is very important and cannot be ignored at all.

2. The local social support system for international students is weak, if parents or children do not take the initiative to look for it, safe and reliable social resources will not take the initiative to find the door. In case of trouble, you can take the initiative to seek help from various organizations, even churches.

3. If the various difficulties in life, learning difficulties, and mental problems encountered by international students cannot be solved in a timely and effective manner, it is bound to bring many unpredictable consequences, mental illness leads to suicide, accidental dating leads to drug abuse, homosexuality, and learning pressure cannot bear to cause... If various problems cannot be solved in a timely and effective manner, they will cause great trouble to international students and the consequences will be unimaginable. Therefore, we must pay attention to the child's psychological problems. (At this point, I give us an advertisement for Li Muqing, the consultant of No. 045, who has experience in this area)

4. Indifference to safety awareness. Many parents or international students think that foreign education is good, and they take it for granted that the social security environment abroad is better than that in China. They are often confused by the scenery of foreign countries, the big houses where foreigners live, and the good living conditions, thinking that everything abroad is good and cannot be worse than China. But in fact, you really have to get rid of the bad habit of grinning in the country, pay attention to everything around you, lock the door when you get home, needless to say, and keep an eye on various occasions.

5. Some international students have no defensive psychology at all, and they have no defensive heart. Do not know low-key, some even intentionally or unintentionally like to show off wealth, coupled with no security countermeasures, once targeted by criminals, by the scheming villains, international students are not at all the opponents of cunning criminals. Therefore, do not show wealth and live a low-key life.