
4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

In the winter, the temperature began to drop sharply, the grass and trees withered in the winter, and many plants entered a dormant state, and a depressed scene was seen outside. Most of the flowers and grasses raised outdoors are also frozen to death, but they are affected by the environment, and some flowers that like the cold season are still thriving, and the colder they grow, the faster they grow.

4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots

Many people think that raising flowers in winter, they do not grow fast, and watering should be properly controlled. In fact, some plants grow very well indoors, do not lack water, lack of water is easy to die warp, winter can not be short of water plants what?

First, cyclamen come

4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots

Cyclamen is a flower that likes the cold season, in the summer the temperature is high and directly dormant, the ground part is all yellow, and in the autumn it begins to slowly awaken, grow, and flower. It can bloom dozens of flowers in a pot, and the flowering period can continue from autumn to the late spring and early summer of the next year, and it can bloom for more than half a year.

4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots

Want cyclamen to grow well, do not lack water, its suitable growth temperature is about ten degrees to 25 degrees, at this time its flowers bloom a lot, the leaves are luxuriant, lack of water, its leaves and flowers are all wilted and fallen, after absorbing water can stand up again. Therefore, it is said that the cyclamen come to wait until the surface of the pot soil is dry, water, try not to water the middle of the leaves, its leaves are too dense, if there is no well-ventilated environment, it is easy to rot the roots, it is best to use the method of soaking the pot to water, squat in a tray with water, let it slowly absorb water, so that it is not easy to rot roots, and the flowering will be particularly luxuriant.

4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots

Second, Milan flowers should not be short of water

4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots

Milan flowers are also very afraid of cold, but if they are taken indoors to maintain, they can also bloom in winter. Milanese flowers prefer a warm and humid environment, dense leaves, large flowers, each Milan tree can bloom hundreds of flowers, so it consumes a lot of water every day. If it grows normally, flowering and watering do not lack, potting soil dry down two or three centimeters, quickly watered through, otherwise it is easy to fall leaves, easy to drop flower buds. Raise Milan as much as possible to pay attention to the pot soil is not too silted, to use loose and breathable nutrient soil can be, otherwise it is easy to silt up leaves.

4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots

Third, azaleas must not be short of water

4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots

Rhododendrons are also very popular flowers in autumn and winter. Rhododendron likes a warm and humid environment, to maintain a humid environment do not lack water, because its leaf volume is very large, the amount of flowers is very large, so it consumes a lot of water. But its root system is very fine capillary roots, so it can neither be too dry nor too wet when watering, which requires its soil to be very breathable.

4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots

We buy azaleas, the soil in the pots are very light kind of pine needle soil maintenance, the surface of the pot soil is dry to water, you can also put it in a tray with water, let it slowly absorb water, while increasing the light, so that the rhododendron can be raised vigorously, many people will spray water on the leaves of the rhododendron to maintain humidity. In fact, this is not right, the leaves of the rhododendron have a thin layer of white hair, after spraying water, its water is stuck to the white hair, it is not easy to evaporate, it is easy to appear bacterial infection, the problem of leaf spots, so watering is the top priority of raising rhododendrons.

4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots

Fourth, calla lilies are also afraid of water shortages

4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots

Calla lily is high and elegant, tall and beautiful, graceful, and very fresh and elegant, which is one of the cut flowers that people love. Of course, it is also very good to plant in a pot, it is a perennial herb, it has a very thick underground tuber to support its upright posture. The amount of water it needs is also particularly large, because it has a lot of leaves, and the flower buds are also very many, very tender, and after the lack of water, its leaves are also prone to lodging, which is simply made of water. Therefore, when the surface of the pot soil is dry when watering, it should be quickly watered, and it can also be used to absorb water on its own, so that the leaves of the calla lily will be green and straight, and the buds will bloom vigorously.

4 kinds of flowers are born "tender and tender", do not lack water in winter, in order to be green and lush, flowers bloom in large pots