
Do you want to wash your face after applying the mask? It's a lot of people who are doing it wrong, no wonder the skin is getting worse

author:Dream Angel A

Hello, welcome to watch the new issue of the video, in this era of looking at the face, girls will do a variety of skin care procedures every day to moisturize and care for their own faces, the most convenient and fastest effect is to apply the mask, apply a mask before going to bed, can be a good relief repair, ultraviolet rays and computer radiation on the skin damage during the day, and we all know that there are a lot of essences on the mask, these essences are not all absorbed, then the problem comes, after applying the mask, do you want to wash off the remaining essence on the face? Many people will feel that they can not wash off, can stay on the face to continue to absorb, but in fact, in general, after the mask is applied for 15 to 20 minutes, the absorbed essence of the skin has been basically absorbed,

Do you want to wash your face after applying the mask? It's a lot of people who are doing it wrong, no wonder the skin is getting worse

You can do a massage for a while, promote the remaining absorption of the essence after the massage or wash off, otherwise a night past, the skin not only can not absorb, but also easy to lead to excess nutrition, long fat particles, and smear mask, if it has been applied to the face

Then you will feel sticky uncomfortable, but also easy to suffocate, especially oily skin people should pay special attention, but there is also a mask is a sleeping mask, it is characterized by direct sleep, just like the cream of no-wash, the essence is absorbed when sleeping, but do not apply too thick, so as not to absorb.

Do you want to wash your face after applying the mask? It's a lot of people who are doing it wrong, no wonder the skin is getting worse

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